Annual Report 2023/24

Joint Message

from our Chairman and Principal & CEO

from our Chairman and Principal & CEO

Temasek Polytechnic (TP) has made significant strides in the education landscape and beyond this reporting year. Discover key highlights, new developments and noteworthy achievements from our Chairman, Mr Loke Wai San, and Principal & CEO, Mr Peter Lam, which underscore TP's unwavering efforts to propel our students, staff, and community forward in TP's transformative journey of Creating Tomorrow.


TP's inspiring vision of Creating Tomorrow has resonated with many who aspire to achieve personal and professional success.

- Wai San

  Wai San

TP's inspiring vision of Creating Tomorrow has resonated with many who aspire to achieve personal and professional success. This vision has led TP to hit a significant milestone of being the top polytechnic among first-choice applicants in both the 2023 Early Admissions Exercise and the 2024 Joint Admissions Exercise, for the first time in our history!


We are deeply humbled and grateful for this accomplishment. It represents the trust and confidence that the Pre-employment Training (PET) student community and their families have in TP, and is certainly a testament to the excellent learning experience, opportunities, and vibrant culture that we provide.

  Wai San

Absolutely. TP is dedicated to empowering all our PET and Continuing Education & Training (CET) students to create their tomorrow and shape the future. This commitment includes placing greater emphasis on sustainability and the growing importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Generative AI (GenAI) tools. With these sought-after skills, TP graduates will flourish in the evolving 21st-century global workforce.


Sustainability is a core value that shapes TP’s educational approach and institutional practices.

- Peter


Sustainability is not just a buzzword in TP. It is a core value that shapes our educational approach and institutional practices to nurture tomorrow’s environmental stewards.

This year, we introduced a mandatory subject, Sustainability & Climate Action, for our PET students. It delves into the consequences and potential solutions of climate change and examines the future of the Green Economy from global and local perspectives. TP's academic schools have also developed and integrated sustainability-related subjects relevant to their PET curricula. These subjects include Sustainable FinanceSustainable Practices in Design, Renewable Energy Technologies, and Sustainable Gastro-Tourism.

  Wai San

On the CET front, our new offerings for career upgraders include short courses such as Future Foods and Sustainable Nutrition and A Systems Thinking Approach to Sustainability. We also launched new part-time and post-diploma courses, such as the Specialist Diploma in Sustainable Built Environment and the Specialist Diploma in Sustainable Fashion, in collaboration with the Building and Construction Authority and the Singapore Fashion Council, respectively. 


TP’s new PET and CET initiatives demonstrate our commitment to empowering current and new generations of eco-practitioners to tackle tomorrow’s environmental challenges and drive sustainable practices in the various industries of the future economy.

  Wai San

Speaking of new initiatives, one of TP’s top highlights took place in November of this reporting year. Our inaugural TP-ECOllab Symposium 2023: Enabling Green Resilience debuted to a roaring success, welcoming 500 students, educators, industry professionals and workplace eco-champions who were satiated with insights, practical applications, and industry best practices.


TP is committed to Singapore’s vision of achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and has set our own targets to mitigate climate change and reduce our ecological footprint. We strive to reach optimal carbon emissions by 2025 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2045. Additionally, we are aiming for a minimum 10% reduction in energy utilisation and water consumption by 2030 and a 30% reduction in general incinerated waste by the same year.

  Wai San

We are delighted to share that TP has also produced our first-ever Sustainability Report. This initiative builds on our steadfast commitment to transparency and accountability.

We invite you to visit our website,, to access the report and learn more about our sustainability journey, progress, and goals. You will also discover how TP embraces the living laboratory concept, offering students hands-on experiences that deepen their understanding of sustainability.


TP’s AI task force actively studies and analyses GenAI's impact on current and future job roles.

- Wai San

  Wai San

2023 saw the meteoric rise of GenAI tools and its far-reaching applications. GenAI is poised to revolutionise all industries by boosting the creative potential of the workforce, streamlining routine tasks and optimising current workflows and processes. To stay ahead of the curve, TP took proactive steps and established our AI task force in July 2023.

Committed to TP's long-term goals and objectives, this multidisciplinary team comprises leading experts from our various academic schools and administrative departments. The task force actively studies and analyses GenAI's impact on current and future job roles. We intend to keep this task force live to support the continual update of near- and mid-term recommendations that evolve alongside AI's rapid advancements. For example, TP has introduced GenAI content as an agile response, and plans are underway to formally integrate GenAI into TP's curricula to strengthen AI competency among our students.


To support our TP lecturers in enhancing their classroom engagement and improving work productivity through technology, we tested and provided several tools that leverage GenAI elements. These include ClassPoint, which helps provide engaging AI-generated quiz questions; KiteSense, an AI-automated marking assistant; and FeedbackFruits, an AI-powered feedback tool.

  Wai San

We also developed a new workshop to enable staff to master the art of effective prompt engineering. D-R-E-A-M with GenAI rolled out in September 2023, and to date, over 300 of our colleagues have enhanced their skills to unlock the unlimited potential of popular GenAI tools like ChatGPT.


Lifelong learners can seize the opportunity to learn or improve their AI skills via our new CET short course, Generative AI Prompt Engineering for Skills & Productivity Enhancement. Our first intake in October 2023 welcomed 25 eager company-sponsored participants from Ascott International Management, CapitaLand Investment Limited, and the Government Technology Agency.

  Wai San

TP also launched two new technology- and AI-driven facilities in January 2024. We opened the doors to our Interactive Digital Experiments with AI Studio (IDEAS), a dynamic, experimental studio supported by industry leaders Adobe, Amazon Web Services and Stuck Design. IDEAS is where students can explore the intersection of design and technology, work on real-world projects, receive mentorship opportunities, and get exposure to current industry practices.

Another facility launched was the Enabling Technology Collaboratory (ETC). This multidisciplinary centre focuses on integrating technologies such as AI, machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), and immersive media to address real-world issues. The ETC provides training for in-demand skills, co-creates innovative solutions, and fosters industry-academia applied research.


All these digitalisation initiatives in AI, GenAI and IoT would only be meaningful with the proper hardware to support them.

So, in alignment with TP's Digitalisation Plan, we are excited to share that TP is the first Institute of Higher Learning in Singapore to implement Wi-Fi 6E on our campus! On behalf of TP, we would like to thank Cisco and NCS for partnering with us to implement this significant upgrade, which will facilitate students and staff in carrying out their academic, research, and administrative work more effectively and with faster connectivity.


TP and our partners can leverage and amplify our combined expertise and resources, driving innovation and excellence in Singapore.

- Peter


We have always valued forging partnerships and collaborating with pre-eminent players in industry, academia, and government to expand our network and enhance our core competencies. This year, we signed and renewed more than 60 Memoranda of Understanding with partners such as Mediacorp, Google, Micron, Resorts World Sentosa, AI Singapore, Accenture, Kasetsart University, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Jeonju University, National Parks Board and Silver Generation Office.

  Wai San

We also teamed up with Zscaler, a global leader in cloud security. This partnership will help enrich the curriculum of TP’s Diploma in Cybersecurity & Digital Forensics, provide opportunities for TP staff to upskill, and enable students to enrol in its certification programmes. This initiative is part of our ongoing efforts to address and close the growing global cybersecurity skills gap.


Another meaningful partnership we forged was with the National Institute of Early Childhood Development, which resulted in Singapore's first customised Micro-learning Course (MLC) for our nation's early childhood educators. Over 20,000 practitioners will benefit from upskilling with TP's new MLC, which gives learners the added advantage of learning on the go and at their own pace.

  Wai San

TP joined forces with the Environmental Management Association of Singapore, LS 2 Holdings, Republic Power, Cleantools, Karcher, and Nilfisk in establishing a new facility, the Enviro Tech Innovation Hub at TP (ETIH@TP).

ETIH@TP will be dedicated to advancing public hygiene and integrated facilities management. It also serves as a platform for developing the cleaning industry's capabilities, co-creating and testing innovative solutions, and curating and delivering relevant CET courses to train and upskill the industry’s workforce.


Through these strategic alliances, TP and our partners can leverage and amplify our combined expertise and resources, driving innovation and excellence in Singapore's high-growth sectors of the Digital, Care, and Green Economies.


Highlighting some of TP's top achievements in academics, sports, and competitions always brings us great pleasure.

- Peter


TP is not all about work and no play. Highlighting some of TP's top achievements in academics, sports, and competitions always brings us great pleasure. We applaud all our students who took part in the highly challenging WorldSkills tournaments this year. At WorldSkills ASEAN Singapore 2023, TP secured three Bronze medals and two Medallions for Excellence. At WorldSkills Singapore 2023 Phase 2, TP collected four Gold, three Silver, five Bronze, and three Medallions for Excellence.

The TP Family will be cheering on 10 of our students who qualified through these competitions to represent Singapore at the International WorldSkills Competition 2024 in Lyon, France.

  Wai San

TP is also proud to cement our reputation as Singapore’s top provider of design education with yet another Crowbar Awards Institution of the Year title win. It is no mean feat for TP’s School of Design to score this prestigious achievement a consecutive seven times!


In the sporting arena, our Team Temasek athletes claimed a commendable haul of 10 Gold, 10 Silver, and nine Bronze medals at the Polytechnic-Institute of Technical Education (POL-ITE) Games 2023/24. Our sportsmen and sportswomen then competed at the Institute-Varsity-Polytechnic (IVP) Games 2023/24, bringing home four Gold, one Silver, and three Bronze medals.

With these results, TP maintained its 10-year streak as the best-performing polytechnic in the POL-ITE and IVP Games. We salute you, our sports warriors. You are the reason why TP truly is the Home of Champions!

  Wai San

Finally, we congratulate our colleagues on receiving two Gold, three Bronze, and one Commendation at the 2023 MOE Innergy Awards.

TP also had the distinction of clinching the most awards among Post-Secondary Education Institutions at the Public Sector Transformation (PST) Awards 2023. Our colleagues received six PST awards in four award categories: Dare to Do Award, Exemplary Innovator Award, Exemplary SkillsFuture @ Public Service Award, and Exemplary Service Excellence Award. Kudos to our colleagues for their commitment to innovation and service! 


We look forward to embarking on the next exciting leg of our shared Creating Tomorrow journey.

- Wai San

  Wai San

Peter and I extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated staff, incredible students, supportive alumni, and generous donors. Your unwavering commitment and contributions have been the bedrock of our many successes this year.


We also wish to express our deepest thanks to TP's Board of Governors, School Advisory Committees, and industry partners. Your guidance, collaboration, and support have been instrumental in aligning our efforts with the new economy's current and emerging needs.

  Wai San

We look forward to embarking on the next exciting leg of our shared Creating Tomorrow journey. Together, we will embrace new challenges, seize new opportunities, and continue to shape a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

Mr Loke Wai San
Temasek Polytechnic Board of Governors

Mr Peter Lam
Principal & CEO
Temasek Polytechnic