Annual Report 2023/24

Temasek Polytechnic

General Education Fund

General Education Fund


Through generous donations from individuals, organisations and foundations, endowment matching grant from MOE, as well as interest earned from investment of the funds, we were able to disburse the following awards in this financial year:


Awards / Prizes


Other Financial Assistance






No. of Awards Given







Total Value







TPGEF continually receives donations from regular and new donors. During the financial year, donations were received from major donors including Effissimo Foundation, Lee Foundation, NTUC Income Insurance Co-Operative Limited, Marina Bay Sands Pte Ltd and Ngee Ann Kongsi.


All members of the Management Committee of the TPGEF are appointed by Temasek Polytechnic Board of Governors and hold office for a term of up to three years. They are eligible for re-appointment after the term of their current appointment. The maximum term limit of the Treasurer is four consecutive years.


Name and Designation


Mr Chia Ser Huei
Member, Board of Governors
(with effect from 1 May 2024)

Mr Clarence Tang
Member, Board of Governors
(Relinquished on 30 April 2024)


BG Xu Youfeng
Member, Board of Governors
(with effect from 1 May 2023)

Ms Farhana Mansoor Nakhooda
Member, Board of Governors
(Relinquished on 30 April 2023)

Mr Peter Lam
Principal & CEO

Ms Chia Li Hwei
Senior Director

Member & Treasurer/Secretary

Mr Kelvin Chan Boon Cher
Director, Finance

TPGEF does not remunerate the committee members for their services rendered.


The annual meeting of the Management Committee was held on 2 August 2023 and the attendees are as follows:


Name and Designation


Mr Clarence Tang
Member, Board of Governors


Mr Peter Lam
Principal & CEO

BG Xu Youfeng
Member, Board of Governors

Ms Chia Li Hwei
Senior Director

Member & Treasurer/Secretary

Mr Kelvin Chan Boon Cher
Director, Finance


TPGEF has in place practices of good governance in key areas aligning to the principles and guidelines set forth under the Code of Governance for Charities and Institutions of a Public Character. In particular, TPGEF has adopted the following policy in respect of management and avoidance of conflicts of interest:

Conflict of Interest Policy

The purpose of this policy is to protect the integrity of the TPGEF and its Management Committee, TP and its staff and students, and the disbursement of TPGEF for scholarships, bursaries, awards and financial assistance to TP students. TPGEF Management Committee members and TP staff who undertake either the role of the approver of recipients of any award, or financial assistance or approver of disbursement of funds under the TPGEF, must be free from conflict of interest that might adversely influence their judgment and objectivity.

All selection committee members are required to declare if they are related to the nominated recipient(s) of any award or financial assistance under the TPGEF when the nominations are submitted for approval.

All Management Committee members are required to declare if they are related to the recipient(s) of any award or financial assistance under the TPGEF when approvals for disbursement of funds are given.

All individuals who are related to the recipients shall not participate in the nomination of recipients or approval for disbursement of the TPGEF.

For other matters tabled for the Management Committee’s decision and discussion, members do not vote or participate in such matters where they have a conflict of interest.

In line with the disclosure requirements by the Charity Council, the Governance Evaluation Checklist of TPGEF disclosing the extent of its compliance with the Code can be found at the Charity Portal website.   


The financial statements of TPGEF for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 are subsumed under the audited financial statements of Temasek Polytechnic. Ernst & Young LLP has audited these financial statements.