Found things

Fashion Design

Humans tend to anthropomorphise objects in their lives by giving them backstories and feelings. Almost like they see themselves in them, these attachments can be a way for humans to compensate for a lack of interpersonal relationships or a symptom of a hoarding disorder. They hold onto these objects, whether for sentimental reasons or feeling as though the object is special. They cling to these objects, hoping they will be useful one day.

Found Things reflects the profound sense of loneliness humans experience, driving them to seek connections with anything that can alleviate the void within. They long to be needed and reflect these feelings into the objects they keep.

Diploma in
Apparel Design & Merchandising

Rebecca Pang Lingxing

As a creative individual, I always have many topics or concepts I would like to explore. My work reflects this multitude of ideas I like to bounce off. I like using my sewing to express my creativity. Still, I also have many creative interests and small projects that I like to dabble in, such as nail art, jewellery making, filmmaking, and painting in different mediums like acrylic and watercolour. There are so many more things I would like to explore and try, which shows my passion for art and learning its new forms.

I love using art to explore topics that I am intrigued by and learn more about it through its expression in my art form. Through my artwork, people feel understood or gain a new perspective. How art can be a stepping stone in affecting a person's worldview is the most beautiful thing an artist can do.

Key Skills

Fashion Design
Brand Experience
Retail Merchandising