Digital Solutions and Applications

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Smart Vehicle Application
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RPA Invoice Extraction
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Singhealth Rehabify
SmartFM Mobile App Asset Management
TP InfoTech Day 2023 Microsite
Origin of Infection
Junkyard Scrappers
Verification Information Sharing Hub (VISH)
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Malware Annihilation Corp
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Malware Hunt

Project Title  

YYD Education Centre School Management System Phase 2
Visitor Management System Group 1
Visitor Management System Group 2
TP Freshman Orientation
SmartFM Mobile App – Asset Management
Smart Lab: IoT Based Application
SingHealth Rehabify
SBACC Mobile Application Group 1
SBACC Mobile Application Group 2
RPA for CRM Mailing List Cleaning Group 1
RPA for CRM Mailing List Cleaning Group 2
RPA for Ascent Solutions
Project StarFruit
Report Generation
Lemongrass eService
OCR Application
Smart Vehicle Application
Kosen Access
Internal Admin Page (IWANNAGO)
ICT Asset Management System: Enhancement Phase
ICT Asset Management System Enhancement Phase 2
Data Transformation Process
Automation on Adjunct Request
Automation on Adjunct Request Phase 2
Automation on Adjunct Request Phase 3
Automated Web Testing
Auctioning Website
Aqua Cleaner
Aid-in Person Case Management
Junkyard Scrappers
Malware Hunt
Lifting Operations
RSN Crane Simulator
Green Architect
lyf AR Application
Apex Interactive Wall
Game your Green Home
Escaping Reality
Operation Support Automation
Forest MD
Decentralised NFT Transaction
Creating E-commerce websites for businesses
Prototype for Counterparty Information Portal
Contract Management
Automated Certificate Renewal System
Ask Buddy Chatbot
Pulse by Prudential
TTC Business Process Automation Project
SgFlyer Automation
Project Carambola
IWG Plugin
Integrated Case Management System
Case Management Portal: Enhancement Phase
Automated Testing