Science of the Mind

Fashion Design

Science of the Mind unveils the intersection of Buddhism and Science and is where fashion meets enlightenment.

What if there is a truth to our universe and all sources of knowledge are merely knowledge of the same truth through different perspectives? Buddhism holds a significant influence as a religious tradition. Yet, it is sometimes perceived solely through a lens of dogma and faith.

This collection aims to bridge the gap between our Scientific and Spiritual understandings of reality by combining faith and reason, blurring the lines between consciousness and reality, between practitioner and scientist, and seeing both as a path of discovery.

This bridge is built on the foundation of relating the concept of Buddhist emptiness to the Quantum Field through understanding both as an infinite field of potential and translating it into modular silhouettes that take no substantial form.

Taking inspiration from the way Buddhists and scientists visualise 3D phenomena in 2D, 2D shapes are transformed into 3D forms through creative pattern-making.

Diploma in
Apparel Design & Merchandising

Oh Jia Hui

I am a creative who seeks inspiration from philosophical ventures. I enjoy exploring topics and deriving concepts by linking knowledge gathered from deep dives with experiences. The results are often an integration of two juxtaposing ideas. This process of expanding concepts endlessly and deriving designs brings me immense joy, as fashion is a medium that materialises my unconstrained network of thoughts into a tangible collection.

Through fashion, I reconnect with my inner self, and through venturing within myself, I create.

Key Skills

Fashion Design
Retail Merchandising
Brand Experience