Fashion Design

BURAKUMIN "THE OUTCASTED" is a collection that explores Japan's rich cultural history, specifically focused on the Tokugawa period, known for its structured society with four distinct classes.

The Burakumin are a marginalised group, and despite making valuable contributions like leatherwork and meat processing, they faced discrimination due to their unconventional professions. This historical bias still affects individuals with Burakumin family names today. This collection highlights their challenges and resilience and showcases their journey from historical discrimination to empowerment. It celebrates their present accomplishments rather than dwelling on past judgments.

Diploma in
Apparel Design & Merchandising

Alicia Low Sin Yee

Integrating Japan's rich heritage into this collection adds a cultural dimension. It is a profound learning opportunity, allowing for a deeper exploration and understanding of a single culture and enriching the design process and the narrative behind each piece. I focused on exploring textiles used in garments to infuse meaning into the collection. The Japanese emphasis on textiles throughout history inspired this. I experimented with various colours and prints in the designs to create a cohesive and harmonious collection. Additionally, I selected materials based on how I envisioned their compatibility and how well they conveyed the intended feelings. Making and creating this collection was an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for me.

Key Skills

Fashion Design
Brand Experience
Digital Marketing