SANTI [สันติ]

Fashion Design

SANTI (noun) - A Thai word that means peacefulness, tranquillity, quietness, and calmness.

SANTI pays profound homage to the designer's rich Thai heritage by drawing inspiration from traditional Thai garments and the awe-inspiring Wat Rongkhun in Chiang Rai while venturing into the concept of Samsara.

This collection fuses traditional Thai elegance with contemporary fashion, capturing the essence of spiritual enlightenment, the cyclical nature of existence, and the harmonious coexistence of tradition and modernity.

Diploma in
Apparel Design & Merchandising

Chelsy Chua Chawica

After moving to Singapore in 2017, I felt disconnected from my Thai heritage. This project emerged as an opportunity to rekindle my connection to my cultural roots and delve deeper into its essence, fostering a renewed sense of identity and belonging.

Art and fashion have always provided a liberated space, enabling me to delve into subjects I'm passionate about, whether it's the whimsy of childlike wonder or my Thai heritage.

Key Skills

Fashion Design
Brand Experience
Digital Marketing