Story of The Red String of Fate 红线

Fashion Design

You have heard of the urban myth - The Red String of Fate…

Imagine waking to find crimson threads entwined around you, a tangible reminder of the Red String of Fate connecting you to another. Would you embark on a quest to find them? Yet, what if, at day's end, no one awaits at the other end of destiny's red string? Opposing colours - black, cream, and white - symbolise the divergent paths of two souls, bound yet separated. The Red String weaves through the collection, uniting characters in a sombre narrative devoid of smiles, conveying the bittersweet search for connection amidst uncertainty.

Diploma in
Apparel Design & Merchandising

Wong Wai Yi

Being a perpetual daydreamer immersed in my own enchanting realm, I consistently weave tales within my mind. I vividly imagine the emotions etched on each character's face and every nuanced movement. This unique skill inspires me to infuse it into my creative endeavours, shaping my distinct design philosophy.

My goal is to establish profound connections with the audience by embedding intricate details into my garments. These details serve as visual narratives, expressing fragments of my personal stories and evoking profound emotional responses in those who engage. Ideally, individuals should find resonance with the narratives, feeling they are integral parts of the unfolding story.

Key Skills

Fashion Design
Digital Marketing
Brand Experience