Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Fashion Design

Somewhere Over the Rainbow is a collection to inspire hope amidst adversity. It draws inspiration from Japanese handicrafts and explores how they provided solace to children during World War II. This collection reimagines the fear of the Japanese Occupation through the eyes of a child in the form of textures and light colours clashing with dark khaki uniforms.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow highlights the fears and horrors of the Japanese Occupation through the eyes of a child. When a child is in the presence of formidable Japanese soldiers, how might they reimagine the uniforms to something less intimidating?

The collection implements textures and light colours to clash with the otherwise sturdy dark khaki uniforms. Some of these various textures are meant to symbolise debris from war buildings, origami and playful childlike frills.

Diploma in
Apparel Design & Merchandising

Cecilia Anne Wong Wai Yahn

I enjoy challenging myself and am deeply committed to developing my skills and exploring new techniques in garment production. I have built a strong foundation in pattern making, sewing, and styling throughout my journey. Regarding design, I love experimenting and creating garments with lots of texture through techniques like crocheting and shibori dyeing.

I pride myself on doing my absolute best in everything I do. As fashion continues to evolve, I try my best to be adaptable while finding ways to leave bits of me in my work.

Key Skills

Fashion Design
Brand Experience
Digital Marketing