如影随形 (A shadow following a form)

Fashion Design

Traditional Chinese culture is a treasure trove of artistry, craftsmanship, and history. Among the many exquisite traditions, shadow play and the iconic "Sheng Dan Jing Chou" puppets stand out as shining examples.

如影随形(A shadow following a form) aims to pay homage to these time-honoured art forms while incorporating them into modern fashion, thereby creating a bridge between the past and present. At the heart of this fusion lies the iconic "Sheng Dan Jing Chou" puppets, renowned for their evocative facial expressions, infusing this fashion concept with their distinctive charm. The four archetypal characters - Sheng (saint), Dan (virtuous), Jing (lively), and Chou (comic) - become wellsprings of inspiration, shaping the designs with their unique personalities. Each character archetype contributes to the kaleidoscopic diversity of the collection, offering a spectrum of styles and moods.

Diploma in
Apparel Design & Merchandising

Zhang Xinyuan

As a Fashion Designer, my design philosophy is deeply rooted in the art of crafting original and meaningful creations. I channel my passion into designs that resonate with personal experiences, infusing a romantic essence into every piece. Embracing creativity, I fearlessly step out of conventional boundaries to explore novel designs and embrace change. My designs reflect a diverse tapestry, drawing inspiration from my personal experiences, interests in fashion, movies, art, music, and the allure of celebrity culture. With an unwavering love for exploration, I approach each project with an open mind, welcoming the endless possibilities of new and captivating creations.

Key Skills

Fashion Design
Brand Experience
Digital Marketing