
Fashion Design

"Arthropette" showcases the story of four insects who decorate themselves with feminine and frou-frou bows despite their creepy and grotesque appearance. The collection makes a statement on body neutrality and rejects the cliché "lipstick on a pig."

Diploma in
Apparel Design & Merchandising

Ho Swee Chin

Whenever I design, I always think of what I would want to wear and what I want to say. I practise many art mediums, from illustration and graphic design to writing. Still, most of all, I love fashion because it is so personal. At the same time, I can give others the gift of self-expression, too. Even if it demands weeks of all-nighters sewing and drafting, the feeling of putting something I've made on makes it all worth it.

Key Skills

Fashion Design
Fashion Styling
Social Media