Fashion Design

Kid programmes showcase characters becoming next-generation heroes, which makes kids think there is a world awaiting their saving. Toys gave the inception that the world is a joyful place. Children long to grow up because of these perceptions but instantly lose their innocence when they reach adulthood. Adults constantly wish to return to their childhood because of how complicated life gets. They use nostalgia to escape from pain and enter a world where they can run and dream big again.

BIRD IN THE SKY is a collection that ties the concept of Singaporean nostalgia with the message of allowing adults to embrace their inner childlike likings.

Diploma in
Apparel Design & Merchandising

Berinne Quek Hui Yuin

I am a multidisciplinary creative who focuses on conceptual art.

Art goes beyond having a unique trait or style; it can also relay crucial messages to the rest of the world. I keep up with current trends and, most importantly, current issues and implement them into meaningful pieces that hold more than aesthetic value. With my comprehensive skill sets in multiple mediums, I offer variation and harmony in my practices. My role as an artist is to be an essential ambassador of change and bring public improvements and awareness through art.

Key Skills

Brand Experience
Digital Marketing
Fashion Design