Sweet Nostalgia

Fashion Design

The Sweet Nostalgia collection celebrates cherished childhood memories and the beautiful craftsmanship of sugar painting handed down through the centuries in a whimsical and enchanting voyage down memory lane. This collection is a fusion of nostalgia, fashion, and art by exploring and merging the elements in sugar painting into silhouettes and textiles. The innocence and joy of the bygone years are brought to life through engaging patterns and sweet colour schemes.

This collection is a delightful journey into cherished childhood memories and the exquisite artistry of sugar painting; a tradition passed down through the ages.

Diploma in
Apparel Design & Merchandising

Shen An

In my design philosophy, the rhythmic dance of the needle through fabric echoes a meticulous craft and a profound love for the tactile connection with materials. Innovative thinking, evident in every pattern and detail, transforms the ordinary into extraordinary, breathing life into the very essence of your creations.

The willingness to explore is a guiding beacon, urging you to venture beyond the familiar and delve into unexplored realms. This philosophy embraces the beauty of evolution as I fearlessly experiment with new techniques, materials, and styles. It's an ode to the joy in the process, where each experiment becomes a brushstroke on the canvas of your design journey.

In this dynamic fusion of sewing, creativity, and exploration, my designs become more than just garments or objects. Each piece tells a story of passion, curiosity, and the unwavering commitment to push boundaries. It's a philosophy that thrives on the synergy of tradition and innovation, where the thread of the past weaves seamlessly into the fabric of the future.

Key Skills

Fashion Design
Brand Experience
Digital Marketing