Fashion Design

Sonder (noun) – the realisation that each passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.

SONDER encapsulates the exposition of the intimate and distinctive story each bears through one's hands.

The collection expounds on gaining insight into the lives of individuals through touch- holding their hands through the medium of nail artistry.

The monochromatic colour palette and intricacy of design showcase the subtleties and complexities of each person's unique narrative while simultaneously existing as part of an amalgamation of the universal experience of life.

Diploma in
Apparel Design & Merchandising

Chua Zi Qi (Kassidy)

In the realm of design, I find pleasure in expressing my narrative through various materials and techniques, turning words into tangible objects to create a unique experience for the audience.

As I oversee a nail business, it's crucial that every nail art piece, blending glamour and grunge, accentuates the contrast between collapse and control, brutality and refinement, and grace and ugliness—contributing to the full experience of each individual's distinct narrative.

Key Skills

Fashion Design
Brand Experience
Digital Marketing