Back INN Time

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Back INN Time aims to breathe new life into one of our nation's historical gems, Singapore's black-and-white heritage bungalows. The combination of hardwoods and upholstery in rooms illuminated by the soft glow of ambient lighting creates a warm and inviting atmosphere for the interiors. Back INN Time transforms the space into a unique educational exhibition hotel committed to preserving its heritage while promoting local community engagement and tourism through education and historical heritage, targeting eco-tourists, historical enthusiasts, schools, and retreat enthusiasts. In addition, it allows current and new generations to learn and experience what life was like in the colonial era.

Diploma in Interior Architecture & Design

Alvan Neo Hong Ming

I have a deep appreciation for continual learning and the expansion of my conceptualisation skills in the infinite field of design. I enjoy and aspire to be an interior designer, always looking forward to challenges and embarking on new experiences.

Key Skills

Effective communicator
Strong technical skills
Effective team player