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Bursary FAQ

Can you process my application if I only save my application?

Can you process my application if I only save my application?

No. You would need to press the “Submit” button to submit your application for processing.

If you are not ready to submit, you may choose to save the application and come back later to continue.

What if I am not ready to submit?

What if I am not ready to submit?

If you are not ready to submit, you may choose to save the application and come back later to continue.

You would need to press the “Submit” button to submit your application for processing.

How to check my bursary status?

How to check my bursary status?

You may login to TPOSS under Bursary Application to check your bursary application status.

You will also be notified via email of your application status at each stage of our processing.

How do I apply for bursary if I do not have notebook?

How do I apply for bursary if I do not have notebook?

Applications can be submitted via the browser on your electronic devices such as mobile phone / tablet / laptop.

Can I submit incomplete application?

Can I submit incomplete application?

Applications with incomplete information / inaccurate information / lack of supporting documents will NOT be processed.

If you encounter difficulties in your application, please email us at bursary@tp.edu.sg.

I don’t know what bursary scheme to apply for. Do I have to indicate in the application form?

I don’t know what bursary scheme to apply for. Do I have to indicate in the application form?

Type of bursary awarded is based on Gross Monthly Household Income (GHI) or Per Capita Income (PCI). You do not need to indicate the type of bursary to apply.

Please click here for more information on bursaries and how to apply.

How many times can I apply for bursary?

How many times can I apply for bursary?

You need to submit only one application per Academic Year.

A fresh application would need to be made in the next Academic Year.

How do I get my Higher Education Community Bursary award?

How do I get my Higher Education Community Bursary award?

Amount will be paid to your registered GIRO bank account with us, or the registered PayNow bank account using your NRIC number that you have authorised us to pay to in the event that you do not have a registered GIRO bank account with us.

You may authorise us to pay you via PayNow using your NRIC number here.

How do I get my Higher Education Bursary or DFP Bursary award?

How do I get my Higher Education Bursary or DFP Bursary award?

Amount will be paid to your registered GIRO bank account with us, or the registered PayNow bank account using your NRIC number that you have authorised us to pay to in the event that you do not have a registered GIRO bank account with us.

You may authorise us to pay you via PayNow using your NRIC number here.

When will I receive my award money?

When will I receive my award money?
  • The bursary will be disbursed in two tranches. However, if you have any outstanding fee not paid, the bursary will be used to offset the outstanding fee first. Any balance after offsetting will be paid to you.
  • Kindly note that it will take approximately up to 1 month from the date of approval for you to receive the payment of bursaries.

How do I find out if the award is paid to me?

How do I find out if the award is paid to me?

Please refer to FAQ “When will I receive my award money?” for expected payment date.

Please ensure that you have either a registered bank account with us, or submitted an authorisation for us to pay you via PayNow using your NRIC number here.

After the expected payment date, you may find the disbursement detail and other course fees related financial information using TP Oei with the following instructions.

Under Resources tab, scroll down to Financial Matters and click on Student Finance Enquiry. You will be prompted to log in. After you have logged in, you may use the menu below to find the relevant information.

a.       Payment Status – For the selected semester’s fees billing, settlement, and disbursement information.

b.       GIRO Application Status ->  For Refund – For the registered GIRO bank account.  In the event that there is no registered bank account, the award would be disbursed to the bank account registered with PayNow using your NRIC number.

I have encountered technical difficulties in my application. What should I do?

I have encountered technical difficulties in my application. What should I do?
  • Ensure your total file size is less than 20MB. You may also consider reducing the file size for image files using Microsoft Lens: PDF Scanner.
  • You should have at least 1 file in the category “Identification”
  • You should have at least 1 file in the category “Income Declaration”
  • The document names (left-most column that you fill in on the left of the category) of the uploaded files should be named differently.
  • All the declaration checkboxes have been ticked (i.e. Siblings studying in TP, currently receiving any scholarships, and the declaration that all information is correct).
  • Make sure you do not have any decimals in your application. For example, 2000.00 change it to 2000.
  • Upload your files 2 at a time, pressing save after uploading each 2 before uploading the next 2 files. If 2 at a time still does not work, you can try saving with just one file.
  • Try a different browser if you are unable to save or submit. Recommended browser is Google Chrome.
  • If you still encountered difficulties, please email us at bursary@tp.edu.sg.

What is GHI?

What is GHI?
  • Gross Monthly Household Income (GHI) will be computed based on:
    • Gross monthly income of immediate family member, including both parents who may or may not be living together with applicant; and
    • Gross monthly income of non-immediate family members, including grandparents, siblings, spouses of siblings, siblings of parents, and any other relatives who are living together with the applicant.

  • This includes:
    • Employee’s CPF contributions
    • Income contributions from self-employment / business
    • Salaried employment which include basic salary, allowances and overtime pay
    • One-twelfth bonus from salaried employment
    • Other sources of income such as rent, pensions, etc

Is NS allowance or alimony/maintenance included?

Is NS allowance or alimony/maintenance included?

National Service (NS) allowance earned by NSF and alimony/maintenance from divorced/separated parent or spouse are excluded.

What is PCI?

What is PCI?
  • Gross Monthly Per Capita Income (PCI) = Total GHI / family headcount
  • Family headcount includes the applicant, immediate family members (who may or may not live together with the applicant) and non-immediate family members (who live together with the applicant).

How do I retrieve my CPF contributions and Income Tax Assessment?

How do I retrieve my CPF contributions and Income Tax Assessment?

For instructions to obtain the

1) CPF Contribution History - click here

2) Income Tax Assessment - click here
