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Centre for Foundation Studies Overview

Established in April 2011, the Centre for Foundation Studies runs preparatory programmes to provide a head start for students pursuing tertiary education in Temasek Polytechnic and beyond. In addition to our flagship Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP@TP), the centre also spearheads other foundational and preparatory programmes, such as the Online Preparatory Programme and the University Preparatory Programme (UPP).

Entry Requirements CCA

Secondary 4 Normal (Academic) students are only eligible for the PFP if their raw ELMAB3 aggregates (excluding CCA Bonus Points) are lower than or equal to 12 points.


After determining students' eligibility for the PFP based on their raw ELMAB3 aggregates, CCA bonus points are taken into consideration for posting to a PFP course, which is carried out by merit in open competition against other applicants. CCA bonus points for the PFP are computed as follows:


  • CCA attainment Excellent: 2 bonus points
  • CCA attainment Good: 1 bonus point    


Online Preparatory Programme

The Online Preparatory Programme helps TP students strengthen their foundation in English and Mathematics. Find out more.

Polytechnic Foundation Programme

The one-year, Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) helps prepare poly-bound N(A) students for entry into Temasek Polytechnic diploma courses. Learn...

University Preparatory Programme

The University Preparatory Programme (UPP) aims to help polytechnic graduates or current students to strengthen their foundation in Mathematics and the...

University Preparatory Programme - English

This short course is designed to help local and international students be equipped with language skills, with a particular emphasis on the vocabulary...

University Preparatory Programme - Foundation Mathematics

Many polytechnic diploma holders who pursue university degrees in Engineering or Science often find university Mathematics challenging. The University...

University Preparatory Programme - Mathematics

Many polytechnic diploma holders who pursue university degrees in Engineering or Science often find university Mathematics challenging. This is a specialised...

University Preparatory Programme - Physics

Many polytechnic diploma holders who pursue university degrees in Engineering or Science often find university Physics very challenging. The University...


Contact Details for Admission & Application Enquiries:

Tel: 67802000

Email: admissions@tp.edu.sg

  • 67804220
  • 8.30 am to 6.00 pm (Mon to Thu) 8.30 am to 5.30 pm (Fri) Closed on Sat, Sun & Public Holidays
  • Website: https://www.tp.edu.sg/centre-for-foundation-studies
  • Centre for Foundation Studies
    Temasek Polytechnic
    Block 13, Level 3, Unit 81, (Near Lift Lobby E)
    21 Tampines Ave 1
    Singapore 529757

  • Temasek Polytechnic reserves the right to alter the course, modify the scale of fee, amend any other information or cancel course with low enrolment.
