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Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel Course (ATSEP)

Temasek Polytechnic and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) have come together to introduce a series of courses for (and not limited to)...

Trade and Connectivity

Fundamentals of Chiller and Cooling Tower Systems for Facility Management

This course introduces you to the fundamental engineering concepts and applications in chiller and cooling tower operations. The first part of the course...

Develop Outcome-based Security Contract

Terrorism is a persistent threat that changes over time. Changes in terrorism places new demands on security professionals to constantly develop their...

Built Environment

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Supported by the Centre for Protective Security – Singapore Police Force, this workshop builds on the Outcome-based contract (OBC) awareness workshop...

Built Environment

Work-Study Post-Diploma (Specialist Diploma in Environmental Technology & Energy Sustainability)

The Specialist Diploma in Environmental Technology & Energy Sustainability will equip learners with the knowledge and skills to support the continued...


Advanced Manufacturing

Specialist Diploma in Digital Product Management & Innovation

Unlock career opportunities with the Specialist Diploma in Digital Product Management & Innovation (SDDPMI), jointly offered by Temasek Polytechnic and...

Business Services


Diploma in Security, Workplace Safety & Health

The security and the workplace safety & health industries are important in their own right. This diploma is unique in that it combines knowledge and skills...

Built Environment

Diploma in Business Practice (Logistics Management)

There is an increasing demand for indispensable logistics professionals as the industry is constantly evolving in response to emerging trends in the economy...

Trade and Connectivity

Specialist Diploma in Data Science For Business

Once upon a time, people thought they needed sophisticated computer science, mathematics and analytics skills to undertake a data science project. Now...


Business Management

Diploma in Engineering (Aviation Management)

Reprofile yourself to be a competent Air Transport Specialist who can meet the demands of the industry and refuel your aviation career! In this course...

Trade and Connectivity