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River Hongbao (RHB) 2020 Hackathon

A School of Business team comprising Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management alumni Tan Wei Jie and Li Wen Quan Winson and Diploma in Leisure and...

School of Business


Post Date : 22 Jan 2020
Do What You Love: Kevin Chiam

Keeping people at the heart of his design, Product & Industrial Design graduate Kevin Chiam won the Dyson Prize in 2018 for his design of user-friendly...

Product and Industrial Design

School of Design


Post Date : 23 Aug 2019
Do What You Love: Grace Tay

She turned her life story into an award-winning film. Digital Film & Television graduate Grace Tay’s story of love, trust and redemption won multiple...

School of Design


Post Date : 17 May 2019
Mongolian company signs MOU with TP for strategic collaborations

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between TP (Temasek Polytechnic) and ALLiN Technologies to provide a strategic framework for the two associations...

School of Business

Stop Press


Post Date : 20 Nov 2018
Entrepreneurs’ Forum 2018

“Continue to believe in what you do.” Revolving around this quote, the 2018 Entrepreneurs’ Forum concluded on July 14, 2018. Held at Temasek Polytechnic Auditorium 1, from 8.30am to 12.30pm...

School of Business

Stop Press


Post Date : 08 Oct 2018
HSS’S Diploma in Early Childhood Studies (ECS) Alumni Top SIT-Wheelock programme 2018!

Esther Chua Shanggei and Faith Yee Li Yi received the Academic Achievement Award given to students with the highest Cumulative GPA. Both Esther and Faith...

School of Humanities & Social Sciences


Post Date : 07 Jun 2018
Do What You Love: Staff Series (Chow Chee Yong)

Chow Chee Yong. Award-winning photographer, photography lecturer, champion of collaborative design. Multi-faceted and much-lauded award-winning photographer...

Interior Architecture and Design

School of Design


Post Date : 23 Apr 2018