The Designer Pad reopens, two other canteens following closely behind

Students form long queues for the famous western stall at Designer Pad. PHOTO:MA WEI JIA

The canteen at School of Design has recently reopened after months of renovation.

Many students are jumping for joy at the opportunity to eat at their favourite Western and Malay stalls once again, while some are exploring the addition of the new Japanese food stall.

However, with the addition of a new food stall comes the removal of another. The replacement of the previous stall vendor, which served Thai delicacies, served disappointment to some of their fans instead.

“I do miss the Thai stall which has been replaced by the Japanese stall. The Western stall definitely has a large variety of food but I preferred the pad thai stall because it was interesting. There was only one thai food stall in the entire Poly and now, it’s gone,” second year student from the diploma in Communications & Media Management, Joanne Ng said.

As the school now looks towards having a cashless campus, another new feature that The Design Pad is offering is electronic payment which some are appreciative of.

Danyal Bin Khalil, a first year student in Psychology Studies, is one such person. “Now, I can use PayWave to pay, and that’s great because as a frequent user of e-payment, it is much easier to use my phone as I don’t need to deal with small petty cash and stuff like that. It’s so much more accessible and convenient now.” He says in approval.

Besides The Designer Pad, Short Circuit and Bizpark are also undergoing renovations and will be opening in February and August next year respectively.

However, some students are concerned that the renovations for Short Circuit and Bizpark will cause inconvenience.

Bizpark filled up with students during a normal lunch hour PHOTO: MA WEI JIA

“Having to go somewhere else further than you normally would just to eat is definitely a downer,” Sunny Tan, a recent graduate of the school, commented.

Regardless, upgrading the canteens to improve the overall dining experience of the students and staff in Temasek Polytechnic has many nodding their heads in approval.

“The school is doing a great job of renovating the canteens to keep things fresh and new and for that, props to you, TP!” Joanne said.


By: Wong Wen Ting, Amanda