Water Watch App
Post Date: 24 Apr 2020
Want to reduce your home water consumption? A new system, called “Wat-App”, will help you to do just that.
Invented by 3 students from the Diploma in Mechatronics, the system uses Internet of Things (IoT) technology to help homeowners to monitor their water usage. A sensor installed near the stop-cock of the water pipe detects the flow rate of water passing through, and conveys this data to a cloud platform (called ThinkSpeak), which in turn transmits the data to a mobile app where users can view their water usage in easy to read graphical format. This will then allow homeowners to detect where the most water is being used, and to address the issue accordingly.
This useful invention won the Merit award in the inaugural PUB Splash Lab@TP competition, held on 26 Mar 2020.
The competition, held within Temasek Polytechnic (TP), was organised by PUB and partner Equator Pte Ltd as part of the “National Water Conservation” outreach, and attracted numerous submissions from the various TP academic schools.
The project is an example of how students in the Diploma in Mechatronics apply their skill-sets and knowledge in finding practical solutions that solve real world issues.
For more information about the Diploma in Mechatronics, click here.