Welcome to the School of Engineering!
Post Date: 10 Apr 2019
The School of Engineering at Temasek Polytechnic welcomes our new students for the April 2019 semester!
The Engineering “Freshies”, as they are called, were initiated into campus life during a 2-day Orientation programme, held on 10 & 11 Apr 2019.
Besides ice-breaking games, a mass dance, and getting-to-know-you sessions, the “Freshies got to meet their Care Persons (similar to a form teacher), Course Chair, lecturers and their seniors, and also received their student matriculation cards, time-tables, course materials and – the trademark of an Engineering student – their tool box.
Each year, the Orientation session traditionally culminates in the Temasek Regatta held at the scenic Bedok Reservoir, where the students congregate for a series of inter-faculty dragon boat rowing events, a cheering contest, a dance competition, and bonding activities to welcome the Freshies into the united Engineering School family!