Weigh your food before paying?

Bai Wei Mini Bowl joins a growing crop of eateries that adopt different price strategies – pay-by-weight, pay-by-portion or a standard cover charge. Founded in Malaysia in 2022, this chain has 11 outlets in its home country. This self-serve eatery chain offers about 30 dishes daily, such as la zi ji (Sichuan spicy crispy chicken), shui zhu yu (Sichuan boiled fish), double pepper chicken and century egg with spinach. Geoffrey Tai, a manager at Temasek Polytechnic’s School of Business highlighted that clarity and transparency in pricing are crucial for customer satisfaction. He noted that the pay-by-weight and portion-based models, seen in other eateries like True Cost Singapore and Hundred Grains, can lead to increased spending but should offer clear communication to avoid unexpected costs.

Tamil Murasu Young Environment Leaders

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