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Admission Process


SII offers the following Skills Framework for Security courses for security professionals:


  • Certificate in Security Operations
  • Advanced Certificate in Security Supervision
  • Diploma in Security Management


Applicants can access the calendar for these courses here:

Course Schedule for Certificate in Security Operations

Course Schedule for Advanced Certificate in Security Supervision

Course Schedule for Diploma in Security Management


In addition, SII offers a number of non-WSQ courses. Please refer to the information at the link below:



Applicants can access the course calendar here


Application Need To Know


Applicants can search and apply for our courses on the Skills Training & Enhancement Portal (STEP) with the link provided below and referencing the appropriate course code listed in the course calendars:


Skills Training & Enhancement Portal (STEP)

Payment Methods


Applicants may pay their course fees via NETS, cheque, or SkillsFuture Credit. The details will be provided in the letter of offer emailed to successful applicants.

Access to TP Facilities


Please refer to the link below:

SII Location Map



If I want to work as a Security Officer (SO), what do I need to do?

If I want to work as a Security Officer (SO), what do I need to do?

If you intend to be a Security Officer, you are advised to apply and obtain the security officer licence clearance from the Singapore Police Force before submitting your online application for the three basic licensing courses at the Security Industry Institute (SII) website. Eligibility details can be found on PLRD’s website.

What are the basic training requirements of a Security Officer (SO) and how long does it take?

What are the basic training requirements of a Security Officer (SO) and how long does it take?

The three basic licensing modules are:

  1. Guard and Patrol, Access Control Management (Provide Guard and Patrol Services And Operate Basic Security Equipment), and Operate Basic Security Equipment (3 days training + 1 day assessment)
  2. Handle Security Incidents and Services  (3 days training + 1 day assessment)
  3. Recognise Terrorist Threats  (2 day training + 1 day assessment)

Who can apply for Security WSQ courses?

Who can apply for Security WSQ courses?

Only Singapore Citizens, Singapore Permanent Residents and Malaysian Work Permit holders can apply for Security WSQ courses.

If I was formerly a uniformed personnel, would I be exempted from some modules of the Security WSQ courses?

If I was formerly a uniformed personnel, would I be exempted from some modules of the Security WSQ courses?

If you fulfil certain criteria specified by the Police Licensing & Regulatory Department (PLRD), you may be exempted from the two basic licensing modules or “Supervise Security Officers”. Please refer to the exemption list . You are still required to apply for the licence clearance at the PLRD website even if you are granted exemption from any of the modules.

Are there further “subsidies” to help me defray my course fees?

Are there further “subsidies” to help me defray my course fees?
  • Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES)

The SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy is for Singaporeans aged 40 years old and above.  If you are 40 years and above, you may be eligible for higher subsidies of up to 90% of course fee for our Security WSQ Diploma courses. 

  • SkillsFuture Credit

All the Security WSQ courses are eligible for SkillsFuture Credit.

  • Union Training Assistance Program (UTAP)

NTUC Union members will enjoy 50% unfunded course fee (i.e. the balance course fee payable after applicable government subsidy) support up to $250 per calendar year under the Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP). The unfunded portion of the course fee must be S$20 and above. This excludes GST, registration and other miscellaneous fees.

Please visit the NTUC UTAP webpage here for more information.

Where are the classes conducted?

Where are the classes conducted?

The classes are conducted at:

Temasek Polytechnic
Tampines Avenue 1
East Wing Blk 1A
Singapore 529757

Does your Institute conduct evening classes?

Does your Institute conduct evening classes?

Currently, all our training programmes are conducted on a full-day basis from 9.00am to 6.00pm, unless otherwise advised.

How do I apply for your courses?

How do I apply for your courses?

You can apply for the courses online via this link

When do I have to apply for the course?

When do I have to apply for the course?

Generally, a course run is open for online application only about 4 to 5 weeks before the scheduled training date and will close about 2.5 weeks before the course commencement date. 

How do I know whether my class has been confirmed?

How do I know whether my class has been confirmed?

After the online application closes and upon confirmation of the running of the class, a confirmation letter of offer will be sent via email to and reach the applicant about 1 week before the course commencement date. The course fee, payment method, enrolment and other information will be provided in the letter. Applicants must provide a valid email address during the online application in order to receive the softcopy confirmation letter of offer.

What do I need to bring on the first day of course?

What do I need to bring on the first day of course?

You need to bring along your identity card and any supporting documents e.g.  Workfare Training Support (WTS) Scheme funding on the first day of course for enrolment. 

How can I pay for the course fee?

How can I pay for the course fee?

You may pay your course fee via SkillsFuture Credit, eNETS, Credit Card or PSEA. Upon confirmation of the course, an email with the payment link will be sent to you latest about 1 week before the course commencement. For more information on payment on courses, you may wish to refer to the Methods of Payment section via here:

How do I use the SkillsFuture credit to pay for the course?

How do I use the SkillsFuture credit to pay for the course?

Upon the receipt of our Letter of Offer, please apply here via at least one day before the course start date if you want to pay the course fee using your SkillsFuture Credit. You may wish to refer to this step by step guide to pay using your SkillsFuture credit.  

Can I withdraw from or postpone the class that I have applied for?

Can I withdraw from or postpone the class that I have applied for?

Once payment of course fee has been made, you will receive a full refund of fee less an admin fee of $30 if you withdraw before the commencement date of course. There will be no refund for withdrawal notices received on or after the course commencement date, or if your request for deferment is approved. You will be required to top up the difference should there be an increase in the course fee for the next intake. You are required to submit the withdrawal /deferment form below to SII.

As SkillsFuture Credit will have to be refunded to trainees who did not attend the courses, TP reserves the right to recover the payment from trainees for withdrawal and no-show cases via other payment modes.

What happens if I am absent from the class?

What happens if I am absent from the class?

Attendance is crucial for students to participate, learn, and collaborate in class. Therefore, it's strongly recommended to attend all classes to be ready for assessments.

If you are unable to attend training  due to medical or extenuating circumstances, you are required to submit the Medical Leave/Application for Leave of Absence with original supporting documents(s) to SII no later than 48 hours from the last day of the medical leave, excluding Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays. 

When is the assessment conducted?

When is the assessment conducted?

You will be informed of your assessment date(s) on the 1st day of training.  For modules at the Certificate and Advanced Certificate levels, the assessment will usually be conducted the day after the end of your course or the following week if your course ends on Friday, subject to the availability of the assessors.

For Diploma courses assessed by POLWEL, a written test (with project submission) and final interview will be conducted on the 3rd and 4th week respectively after the last day of training. 

Who are the assessors?

Who are the assessors?

Either SII or POLWEL Co-operative Society Limited (both are approved assessment organisations for Security WSQ courses) will be the assessor depending on the module.

Please refer to the Programme Structures for modules conducted by SII or POLWEL. 

What if I fail the assessment?

What if I fail the assessment?

You may re-sit for an assessment without having to go through the course again by completing a re-assessment form.  

There will be a re-assessment fee to be paid. Trainees who wish to take the re-assessment will have to make payment via NETS at SII office before SII will arrange for the re-assessment.

Where and when can I receive my Statement of Attainment?

Where and when can I receive my Statement of Attainment?

You can download your electronic Statement of Attainment (SOA) from MySkillsFuture portal by logging in using your SingPass. You can view and download your SOA approximately 2 weeks after your assessment date.

How do I receive my certificate for full qualification?

How do I receive my certificate for full qualification?

After you have obtained your full qualification, you have to submit copies of all the WSQ Statements of Achievement (SOAs) to the assessment centre (either SII or POLWEL) that has assessed the last WSQ SOA leading to the full qualification.

If the last SOA leading to the full qualification is assessed by SII, please refer here for the Request of Certificate for WSQ Full Qualification form.

If the last SOA leading to the full qualification is assessed by POLWEL, you are required to approach POLWEL for full qualification printing: 

Please email them at aao_admin@polwel.org.sg with the following details:

  • Full name as per NRIC/FIN number
  • Attachments of all relevant e-SOAs leading up to the Full Qualification

You can read about their services on their webpage here:  https://polwel.org.sg/security-assessment-services/ (Point 6 under Support for Candidates). 

You will receive the electronic full qualification certificate within 2 working weeks from the date of the full submission of the required form and document.

Would I be eligible for SkillsFuture Qualification Award after I have attained my certificate for full qualification?

Would I be eligible for SkillsFuture Qualification Award after I have attained my certificate for full qualification?

SkillsFuture Qualification Award (SQA) encourages all Singaporean workers to attain WSQ full qualifications, which equip them with comprehensive and robust sets of skills to perform their jobs competently, pursue career progression and explore new job opportunities.

Singapore Citizens who attain a WSQ Diploma, WSQ Specialist Diploma, WSQ Graduate Certificate or WSQ Graduate Diploma will be eligible for a cash award of S$1,000.  Those who attain a WSQ Certificate, WSQ Higher Certificate or WSQ Advanced Certificate are eligible for a cash award of S$200.

 For details, please refer to the link here.

How do I apply for SkillsFuture Qualification Award?

How do I apply for SkillsFuture Qualification Award?

You may apply online via your SingPass at the MySkillsFuture Portal.

What is Progressive Wage Model for the security sector?

What is Progressive Wage Model for the security sector?

The Progressive Wage Model (PWM) for the security sector is a five-level career progression ladder (Security Officer, Senior Security Officer, Security Supervisor, Senior Security Supervisor and Chief Security Officer) that specifies training and wages according to job responsibilities and skills requirements for security sector. 

I am currently a Security Officer (SO), how do I get emplaced as a Senior Security Officer (SSO)?

I am currently a Security Officer (SO), how do I get emplaced as a Senior Security Officer (SSO)?

You need to serve as a SO for 6 months and pass the 2 mandatory modules at certificate level: 

  1. Deterrence (Manage Disorderly Conduct & Threatening Behaviour); and
  2. Security Surveillance Management (Perform Remote Surveillance Function)

You also need to update the PLRD system to reflect these two Security WSQ modules you have passed by uploading your E-SOAs.

Please refer here for the training requirements for other job categories, namely Senior Security Officers, Security Supervisors, Senior Security Officers and Chief Security Officers.

What is the Assessment Only Pathway?

What is the Assessment Only Pathway?

The Progressive Wage Model – Assessment Only Pathway (PWM–AOP) is an option for security officers who have developed the relevant skills, experience and knowledge over the years with their security agencies but have never had them formally recognised. This route enables these experienced candidates to achieve a Statement of Attainment (SOA) by the SkillsFuture Singapore without having to undergo training if they are graded competent by SII. 

Are there any eligibility criteria for AOP offered by SII?

Are there any eligibility criteria for AOP offered by SII?

AOP is ONLY applicable for company-sponsored applicants who have undergone an Assessment Readiness Self-Evaluation Checklist and attained a minimum score of 80% for that particular module they are going to be assessed in.  If you are keen, you may approach your agency to apply for AOP on your behalf.

What are the AOP modules offered by SII?

What are the AOP modules offered by SII?

The modules currently offered by SII under AOP are:

  1. Perform Supervisory Duties within Legal Framework
  2. Induct Security Personnel

How much do I need to pay for AOP assessment fee?

How much do I need to pay for AOP assessment fee?

The AOP assessment fee is $210 inclusive of GST. 

Do you conduct corporate training for Security WSQ courses?

Do you conduct corporate training for Security WSQ courses?

SII conducts corporate training for WSQ courses if your company meets a minimum class size as stipulated by SII. Companies interested to have corporate training may enquire via sii@tp.edu.sg or call SII hotline at 6225 5744. 

How much does my company need to pay for the course fees?

How much does my company need to pay for the course fees?

The course fees payable are the same as the fees for public run classes.

What training grants are my company entitled to?

What training grants are my company entitled to?

Employers who sponsor their staff for training may apply for absentee payroll funding under the SkillsConnect system.

For details on the above and other funding schemes available, please visit SSG's & WSG websites.


Contact Details
