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Admission Process

Please visit the STEP Knowledge Portal for a complete understanding of the application and admission process. This one-stop portal contains step-by-step instructions and all essential information required to smoothly navigate the application procedure. We strongly suggest using this portal as your primary source of information during this stage of your journey with us.


Our part-time and post-diploma courses are conducted in two intakes per year - April or October. For the April intake, the application period commences in early November and extends until January. For the October intake, applications are accepted from early May to July. We strongly encourage you to check our website for exact application period.


  • Go through the course details carefully on the course webpage.
  • Find out the minimum entry requirements for your course.
  • Ensure you have your Singpass and 2-Step Verification (2FA) ready before you apply.
  • If you do not have a Singpass, please visit Singpass to register for one. There are instructional guides on registering for SingPass.
    Note: Students are required to have Singpass App installed in their mobile phones for attendance taking.
  • Have the following documents/information ready before you apply:

Self- Paying

o Your NRIC/Passport/Employment Pass/Work Permit
o Your academic and professional qualifications
o Your employment data
o Supporting documents formats for upload (.JPEG, .JPG or .PDF)

1. NRIC for Singapore Citizens and SPRs
2. Work pass and passport [for Work Pass holders)
3. For Immigration Pass holders – your Immigration pass, passport, marriage certificate and spouse’s personal identification documents (if married), birth certificate and parent’s personal identification documents (if below 21 years old)
4. Passport size photo (only 1 file required in .JPEG/.JPG format. Your photograph image must be

o  in colour taken against a plain white background without shadows
o  taken within the last 3 months;
o  show the full face and without headgear (headgear worn in accordance with religious or racial customs is acceptable but must not hide the facial features)

5. GCE 'O' level certificate/transcript/result slip
6. Nitec or/and Higher Nitec certificate(s) and transcript(s)
7. Certificates and transcripts if you hold other relevant qualifications (e.g GCE 'N' level, GCE 'A' level, Diploma, Degree etc.)
8. Holders of foreign qualifications, please provide certificates and transcripts with translation in English where appropriate   

o Apply through the STEP portal: Skills Training & Enhancement Portal (STEP)



o For company-sponsored applicant, please approach your company HR to put in the application via STEP Company Portal using Corppass.
o Sponsored applicants will require the documents listed above and submit an application using the link generated by your HR.
o Submit your application through this link.
o Please refer to the following guide for more details: Sponsor guide 

Course Fee

Please refer to individual course pages for course fee information. Student Group Personal Accident (GPA) Insurance is applicable to Part-time Diploma, Post Diploma and Skills-Based Modular Course (stackable) students.


Please be informed that course fees will be reviewed by MOE on an annual basis and adjusted accordingly.

Payment Methods


  • Credit Card (e-payment)
  • Debit Card (e-payment)
  • PayNow (e-payment)
  • Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) Standing Order Form
  • SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)

The detailed payment instructions are indicated on the invoice issued with the offer letter.


What are the minimum entry requirements?

What are the minimum entry requirements?

Applicants applying for modular courses will have the same minimum entry requirements as the full qualifications.

Diploma courses

‘O’ Levels
  • 3 relevant ‘O’ Level passes and 3 years of relevant working experience OR
Higher Nitec
  • 1 year of relevant working experience OR
  • GPA ≥3.5 and 2 years of relevant working experience OR

Higher Nitec in Technology/Services

  • 1 year of relevant working experience OR

Nitec in Technology/Services

  • GPA ≥3.5 with 2 years of relevant working experience OR

WSQ Qualification

  • Relevant WSQ Qualification with 3 years of relevant working experience and WSQ Workplace Literacy Statement of Attainment (SOA)(Level 6) and Workplace Numeracy Statement of Attainment (SOA)(Level 6)

Post-Diploma Courses

  • at least a Polytechnic diploma

To find out the minimum entry requirements specific to the course, you may refer to the website here.

What if I do not meet the minimum entry requirements? Can I still apply for the modular course?

What if I do not meet the minimum entry requirements? Can I still apply for the modular course?

Applicants who do not meet the entry requirements but are assessed by Temasek Polytechnic as potentially suitable candidates, may at the discretion of the Polytechnic, be considered for written and/or oral assessments conducted by TP. TP reserves the right to accept candidates based on their performance at this assessment.

Can I apply for CET courses if I am a work pass/dependent’s pass/long-term visit pass holder?

Can I apply for CET courses if I am a work pass/dependent’s pass/long-term visit pass holder?

Students are required to hold a valid pass for the duration of the course. Students have to bear the full risk of non-completion should their pass expire and subsequently lapse within the duration of the course.

What is the course duration of the modular course?

What is the course duration of the modular course?

The duration of the modular course range from 30 hours to 90 hours, including both contact and non-contact (self-learning) hours.  Upon successful completion of the assessments for the modular course, individuals would be awarded a “Statement of Results”.

What is the frequency of class for modular course?

What is the frequency of class for modular course?

The duration of each modular course is approximately 6 months, with lessons usually being held once a week, from 7pm to 10pm on weekdays and/or 9am to 1pm on Saturday.  Lesson schedule are subject to change. You will receive your course timetable about 1 month before the course commences.

Are the modular courses of the same rigour as the modules in the full qualification?

Are the modular courses of the same rigour as the modules in the full qualification?

Yes. Trainees pursuing the modular courses may be placed together in the same class and be required to attempt the same assessments.

How many modular courses can I take?

How many modular courses can I take?

There is no cap on the number of modular courses that Singapore Citizens can take and be funded for. 

Will I be able to take all the modular courses I have selected?

Will I be able to take all the modular courses I have selected?

Modular course will be allocated based on availability and no clash in the lesson schedule. Students may not be allocated all their selected/preferred subjects. 

Can I stack up the modular courses to the full diploma or post-diploma courses?

Can I stack up the modular courses to the full diploma or post-diploma courses?

For students registered as a modular student and are doing our Skills-Based Modular Courses (SBMCs), you can stack up passed modular courses towards a Modular Certificate/Post-Diploma Certificate, and subsequently to a full qualification. Credits earned from the modular courses could count towards the attainment of the full qualification within the validity period.

For more information, please contact your Programme Officer.

When will application for modular courses begin?

When will application for modular courses begin?

Modular courses are run in April and/or October of each year. Applications for the April intake starts in early November and October intake starts in early May. 

How do I get more information on the next run of the modular courses?

How do I get more information on the next run of the modular courses?

Interested applicants may register their interest by subscribing to email updates to get course updates via email.

How do I register for the modular courses?

How do I register for the modular courses?

You may apply for the course here and visit the STEP student portal overview for more details on the application journey.

What documents are required for the application?

What documents are required for the application?
  • NRIC/ Passport/ Work Permit
  • Academic qualifications  (Certificates and Transcripts)
  • Other supporting documents

Submit ALL required supporting documents within 1 week from the date of your online application. Documents can be submitted via email: tsa_acadcet@tp.edu.sg . We will not be able to consider applicants with incomplete document submission for the application.

When will applicants be notified of the application outcome?

When will applicants be notified of the application outcome?

Applicants will be notified during and following the period of application as course offering is an ongoing process.

Is there subsidy for modular courses?

Is there subsidy for modular courses?

Eligible Singapore Citizens (SCs) pay nett fee after MOE subsidy.  There is no cap on the number of modular courses SCs can receive subsidies for, ie. SCs will receive the same level of subsidy as for the equivalent full diploma or post-diploma programme. There is no subsidy for repeat modular courses.

Singapore Permanent Residents are not eligible for course fee subsidy for some modular courses. 

Please refer to the course brochures of the specific course here for the fee payable.

What are the payment procedures if I am eligible for MOE subsidy?

What are the payment procedures if I am eligible for MOE subsidy?

You do not need to apply for MOE subsidy. TP will bill you the subsidized fee amount, depending on your subsidy eligibility level when you are offered admission to the course. 

When do I make payment for the course fee?

When do I make payment for the course fee?

You are required to make full course fee payment by the payment deadline when you are offered admission to the modular course(s). This is to enable us to confirm your place. Payment of course fee is taken as acceptance into the course.

Can I pay for my modular courses fee using Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA)?

Can I pay for my modular courses fee using Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA)?

You can use the PSEA for to pay your modular  course fee. Applicants should call the Edusave Phone Enquiry System at 6260 0777 to check if you have sufficient funds in PSEA before submitting the request to TP.

What are the modes of payment for the course fee?

What are the modes of payment for the course fee?

You may pay your course fees via the following options:

  1. AXS (applicable to self-paying individuals only)
  2. Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA)
  3. Electronic Payment (applicable to sponsoring companies only)
  4. SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)

The detailed payment instructions would be included in the invoice issued with the offer letter.

Can I withdraw from the course and get a refund after making payment?

Can I withdraw from the course and get a refund after making payment?

Please note our withdrawal and refund policy below. The course commencement date is the 1st day of the semester.

Withdrawal notices received Refund amount
At least 14 calendar days before commencement of course/subject A full refund less an administrative fee of $50 or 10% of the course fee charged, whichever is higher.
Within 14 calendar days preceding the commencement of course/subject 50% of the fee charged will be forfeited.
After the commencement of the course/subject No refund will be made.

The insurance fee is non-refundable.

Is there any financial aid or incentives that I can apply for?

Is there any financial aid or incentives that I can apply for?

There is currently no financial aid or incentives for modular course students.

What is the attendance requirement for each modular course?

What is the attendance requirement for each modular course?

The minimum attendance requirement for students is at least 50%* overall attendance for face-to-face sessions for each modular course. Leave of Absence (LOA), Medical Certificate and absence without reason are within the 50% allowance.

What are the modes of assessment for modular course?

What are the modes of assessment for modular course?

The programme offers a blend of traditional learning methods such as face-to-face classroom interactions, along with self-directed learning and/or e-learning (estimated at 15% of contact hours). Students will be assessed based on assignments, class tests and written exams.

Can I choose not to sit for examinations?

Can I choose not to sit for examinations?

Examinations are compulsory, unless the modular course is a Continuous Assessment Module. Examinations are conducted at the end of each semester while the term tests are held within the semester.

Can I repeat the modular courses?

Can I repeat the modular courses?

Yes, you can repeat the failed modular course provided it is offered in that semester and there is no clash in schedule and approved by TP.

Is there supplementary examination for the failed modular course?

Is there supplementary examination for the failed modular course?

There is no supplementary examination for the failed modular course.

Is there subsidy for the repeat modular course?

Is there subsidy for the repeat modular course?

There is no subsidy for the repeat modular course.  You are required to pay the full fee for the repeat modular course.

What qualification do I get if I complete a modular course?

What qualification do I get if I complete a modular course?

You will receive a “Statement of Results”.

If I have further enquiries, who can I contact?

If I have further enquiries, who can I contact?

You can email your enquiries to tsa_acadcet@tp.edu.sg  or call our hotline at: 6788 1212 

Please refer to TSA website for the latest updated information.


Contact Details

  • Mainline 67881212
  • Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 6:00pm
    Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
    Closed during lunchtime, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
    and on weekends and public holidays.

  • https://www.tp.edu.sg/tsa
  • Temasek SkillsFuture Academy (TSA)
    Temasek Polytechnic
    East Wing, Block 1A, Level 3, Unit 109
    21 Tampines Ave 1
    Singapore 529757
