
Application Need To Know For Individuals


The SkillsFuture Work-Study Certificate and Post-Diploma Programmes are for Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents who are within three years of either graduation from the Polytechnics, ITE or the Operational Ready Date for National Servicemen. 


Individual may explore the programmes or apply online at MySkillsFuture Portal via:  https://www.myskillsfuture.gov.sg/


Search for “Temasek Polytechnic” to explore a wide range of programmes by TP.


Please submit the following documents during your application. Kindly name the files according to the guidelines below. 


  1. Resume (filename: Resume-YourName.pdf)
  2. Highest Qualification Certificate (filename: Certificates-YourName.pdf)
  3. Academic Transcripts (filename: Transcripts-YourName.pdf)
  4. NS Completion Certificate, if applicable (filename: NS Certificate-YourName.pdf)


Applications of eligible candidates will be released to the participating companies for their selection.


Selection of applicants is at the discretion of the participating companies and participating companies will contact their shortlisted applicants for interview. Applicants have the right to reject the interview if they do not wish to be employed by the company who contacted them.


Only applicants who are hired and placed on the programme by the participating companies will be invited to submit an online application for the Work-Study Post-Diploma or Work-Study Certificate Courses.

Application Need To Know For Employers


The SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes are also for companies, societies and non-profit organisations that are registered or incorporated in Singapore.


Companies who are interested to find out how this programme can support their organisation’s talent development plan may contact us at 6788 1212 or email to tsa_wsp@tp.edu.sg.


Employers may tap on the following funding types:


Grant Type Funding amount
Mentor Grant $5,000 per participant
Admin Grant $2,000 per participant
On-Job-Training (OJT) Blueprint Development Grant $5,000 per blueprint per unique job role
Additional On-Job-Training (OJT) Grant $15 per hour, capped at $5,000 per trainee
Overseas Attachment Grant Up to 90% of the invoice, capped at $8,000


Employers are required to support the nominated participant(s) by providing the following:


  • Full-Time Employment
    To employ Work Study Programmes (WSP) candidate(s) as a full-time staff with standard terms and conditions. Employment contract is a required supporting document.
  • Course Fee Sponsorship
    To sponsor candidate for the WSP course fee.
  • On-the-Job Training (OJT)
    To provide an experienced mentor to candidate for structured OJT from the commencement of the WSP.
  • Time-off for Class
    To grant the candidate daytime-off for lessons. if applicable.


Employers that sponsor eligible employees for the respective Work-Study Programmes and also provide them with mentorship and structured On-the-Job Training (OJT) can receive a grant of up to $15,000 per employee placed in the programme. This is to defray the costs of developing and providing OJT and to encourage them to set out career development pathways.

Contact Details

  • Mainline 67881212
  • Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 6:00pm
    Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
    Closed during lunchtime, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
    and on weekends and public holidays.

  • https://www.tp.edu.sg/tsa
  • Temasek SkillsFuture Academy (TSA)
    Temasek Polytechnic
    East Wing, Block 1A, Level 3, Unit 109
    21 Tampines Ave 1
    Singapore 529757
