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Module Overview

Have you ever wondered how aircraft stay airborne, how they are made and how they are flown? Or are you keen to learn about the foundation of ground operations, flight scheduling & air traffic control at an airport? You may have both wishes fulfilled by signing up for the Introduction to Aviation & Aerospace ApLM, which introduces you to the world of aviation from the theory, design, testing to flying. You will be exposed to both the engineering and business aspects of the aviation industry with practical experiments, unmanned aerial vehicles and field trips. 


This module will be conducted within a duration of 22.5 hours.

What You'll Learn

At the end of the module, students will be able to:


  1. Operate a flight simulator
  2. Design for aircraft aerodynamic performance
  3. Operate a UAV simulator


Assessment Components
Students will be assessed based on the following


  1. Simulator Flying
  2. Aircraft Design and Aerodynamics Testing
  3. Flying Multi-rotor UAV (simulator)



Completion Criteria
Students are required to:


  • Fulfill at least 67% of the attendance and
  • Obtain a pass mark of at least 50% upon completion of the module.

Module Schedule & Registration

For details of the ApLM@Poly module runs and registration, please visit ApLM Portal.




Contact Details

ApLM@Poly is designed for MOE Secondary School students.

For module enquiries, please contact:

For general enquiries, please contact the overall coordinator:

Temasek Polytechnic reserves the right to alter the course, modify the scale of fee, amend any other information or cancel course with low enrolment.
