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The Library is open to current TP students, staff and members. Entry is by facial recognition to authenticate authorised members. The Library reserves the right to inspect the contents of bags and cases brought in to the Library.



  • All personal mobile devices must be turned to silent or used with head-or earphones. Individuals who disturb others with disruptive noise will be asked to leave.
  • Individuals found violating the TP Student Disciplinary Policy will be reported and asked to leave the Library.
  • Individuals displaying abusive, alarming, disruptive, rude or unreasonable behaviour may be denied entry or asked to leave the Library. 
  • Individuals are expected to show respect and consideration towards other library users and must leave library resources, equipment, and furniture in good condition.



Food Consumption

  • Eating is allowed only at level 3. Food must not be consumed at all other floors of the Library.
  • Be considerate and dispose of your food remnants and containers properly.


Use of Library Equipment And Materials


  • Individuals found damaging and/or removing library materials or property from the library premises without authorization will be reported to the authorities.
  • Individuals must adhere to copyright rules and not print or photocopy more than:

o   10% or one chapter of a book; or

o   one article per magazine issue; or

o   10% of the total number of bytes of an electronic work.


  • Individuals may not reserve seats in the Library.
  • Individuals may not rearrange or move any furniture in the Library.

Personal Belongings


  • Do not leave your belongings unattended.
  • The library reserves the right to remove unattended belongings to free up learning spaces for other users.
  • Users are solely responsible for their belongings.
  • Approach the Campus Security Office, Blk 9, Level 2 (Plaza) to report loss of personal belongings.


Membership Obligations

  • The library card or other such cards is not transferable.
  • Loan privileges will be suspended if there are outstanding library fines or overdue loans.
  • Members must return all library materials and clear their fines before membership expiry, student withdrawal or staff resignation.

Filming And Photography


  • Prior permission must be sought from the Library for filming and photography in the Library. 