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The DFAMC aims to foster, develop and promote the adoption of additive manufacturing technology, also known as 3D printing technology, through design innovation, application projects and capabilities development, relevant to industry’s needs. It also participates in teaching and learning activities in providing the necessary expertise and platforms.



About the Centre


The Centre focus on the following activities:


a) Applied Projects:


  • Design freedom of organic shapes
  • Ergonomic design to reduce musculoskeletal disorder
  • Redesign for material optimisation to replicate sub component system
  • Product weight reduction with design optimisation and lattices
  • Design and 3D printing of conformant internal channels
  • Development of a fully automatic process for dental prostheses, from scanning, ExoCAD design to 3D printing and sintering
  • Development of support structure properties that are dense enough to have good thermal conductivity and strong enough to hold overhanging features
  • Study of powder material including their surface texture, shape, porosity, elemental composition, etc.

b) Training and Skills Upgrading


  • Through the SSG-funded courses on CAD and additive manufacturing that we offer, participants will gain knowledge of the fundamentals of additive manufacturing in advanced manufacturing, and apply skills in CAD for additive manufacturing and pre and post processes using specific case studies.

Systems and equipment at the Centre:

Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printers

  • EOS M290
  • SISMA Mysint 100
  • 3D System Projet 360 Binder Jet Printer
  • Polyjet Eden 260
  • SLA FormLab
  • FDM TP-Made 3D Printer
  • FDM Multi-Colour XYZ Printer

Pre Processing

  • Faro 3D Scanner Quantum E
  • Creo
  • Materialise Magic


Post Processing

  • Haas UMC 750ss
  • Haas ST10-Y
  • Excel 810 CNC Milling
  • Wire cutter
  • Sand Blaster
  • Furnace


Watch a 1-minute video about this Centre:

Core Technology

  1. Design Innovation for AM and SM

  2. Material Characterisation and Process Optimisation 

  3. Pre and Post Processing


The Centre engages in research & development projects to explore and advance the use of additive manufacturing technologies in various applications.


Development of a Novel Methodology to Overcome Support Issues in Selective Laser Melting

This project aimed to develop a soft support system that can be removed by means of sandblasting, instead of using tools such as a chisel or a hammer in areas with little or no access. At locations where the part features large cross-sectional areas such as the one shown in the picture, the hard support system will be applied. In easy access areas, hard or soft supports may be applied, depending on the part feature. In essence, this hybrid system of hard and soft supports can be applied to manufacture a part successfully, without any design constraints. The development of this solution reflects the true advantage of the metal powder bed fusion technology, ie., design freedom. 


Development of Additive Manufacture Plan for Dental Prosthesis

The objective of this project is to reduce manual operations in dental lab manufacturing. The above pictures demonstrate the product of cobalt chrome coping and porcelain fused to CoCr dental crowns manufactured using 3D printing technology.


A low cost method for zirconia dental crown fabrication- Electrophoretic deposition (EPD)

This project aimed to reduce the cost of zirconia all-ceramic dental crowns or bridges manufactured using Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD). The above pictures demonstrate the mechanism of EPD, the green part by EPD, the product of zirconia all-ceramic dental crown products after sintering. Their shapes are defined with the aid of 3D printing technology.


Binder Jet 3D Printing of Removable Partial Denture Cobalt Chrome Frame

The primary objective of the project is to print dental products, especial metal frames, with minimal post process. The above pictures demonstrate the Binder Jet 3D Printer, the dental plaster models and the removable partial denture.

Industry Partners

The DFAMC works closely with the various industry partners in knowledge sharing and project collaboration.  Our main partners are:

  1. Cleveland Tungsten (S) Pte Ltd
  2. Prextron Pte Ltd
  3. Osteopore International Pte Ltd
  4. Bralco Advanced Materials Pte Ltd
  5. ELH Tech (S) Pte Ltd
  6. Singapore General Hospital
  7. Republic of Singapore Navy

Media Publications

3D Dental Crown


A new method of fabricating 3D dental crowns, invented by researchers at the DFAMC in collaboration with the Temasek Microelectronics Centre and industry partner Prextron Pte Ltd, was featured in The Straits Times (30 Dec 2017) and LianHe ZaoBao (30 Dec 2017), as well as The New Paper (5 Jan 2018).

Our Team

Contact Details

  • Mr Edgar Tan
  • 67804266
  • 8.30 am to 6.00 pm (Mon to Fri). Closed on Sat, Sun & Public Holidays
  • Centre under School of Engineering

    Temasek Polytechnic
    West Wing Block 13, Level 2, Unit 25
    21 Tampines Ave 1
    Singapore 529757
