Suspension of Last Stop Full Qualification


To ensure consistency in quality and relevance to industry needs, SSG has enhanced new WSQ Full Qualification (FQ) courses from 1  Aug 2022 onwards and scope its delivery to Continuing Education Training Centres (CETCs) and Programme Partners (PPs) appointed by SSG to deliver in-demand and/or emerging skills, or training providers supported by other Government Agencies for regulatory/licensing purposes, national interests, or social needs.


What does this mean for you?


“SOAs stacking to a FQ should be fully offered by only 1 Training provider

Individuals will not be issued a FQ if they attained SOAs from multiple training providers forming the full qualification after 31 Dec 2022”


As SSG appointed CET centre for security, TP-SII is pleased to share that we have received approval to continue offering the following full qualification.


  • Certificate in Security
  • Advanced Certificate in Security
  • Diploma in Security


Click here for more details on our Security WSQ courses.

Frequently Asked Questions




1) How do I apply for the WSQ Full Qualification (in 2023)?

We will consider your application/request on a case-by-case basis if you have completed at least half of the modules required for a Full Qualification (FQ) with TP-SII after Dec 2022 for the first six months from 1 Jan 2023 to 30 Jun 2023.   

You can request the printing of the Full Qualification (FQ) either

1) Via email: sii@tp.edu.sg by completing the form here.

2) Or walk into our office to complete and submit the form

Security Industry Institute 
Temasek Polytechnic
East Wing Block 1A, Level 3, Unit 4
21 Tampines Ave 1
Singapore 529757

For further clarification on the printing of the FQ, kindly call us at 6225 5744 (6-CALL-SII).

Please note the announcement by SSG

“SOAs stacking to a full qualification (FQ) should be fully offered by only 1 training provider.”

“Individuals will not be issued a FQ if they attained SOAs from multiple training providers forming the full qualification after 31 Dec 2022” 

Read more about this on SSG’s webpage here.

If you require clarification on the above, please call SSG’s hotline: 6785 5785

2) I completed my assessment recently and was graded ‘Competent’. When will I receive my electronic Statement of Attainment (e-SOA)?

Singaporeans can access their WSQ electronic certificates (e-SOA) by logging into the MySkillsFuture portal, with their SingPass, 3 weeks after the date of assessment. If you cannot access the MySkillsFuture portal or need assistance printing your e-SOA, please approach us for help. For foreigners with no SingPass, you may download your e-SOA from MySkillsFuture portal by navigating to Digital Services -> Individuals -> Download Certificates. You may refer to User Guide for more information.

3) I have completed my assessment. How do I apply or update my Security Officer Licence?

After the assessment, your result will be released to the Police Licensing and Regulatory Department (PLRD). This process will take at least 3 working days. For application, updating, and enquiries relating to your Security Officer Licence or licensing matters, please get in touch with the Police Licensing & Regulatory Department (PLRD). You may contact them at 6835 0000 or visit their website for information.

4) Who should I contact for matters relating to Security Identification Card?

You may contact the Union of Security Employees (USE) at 6291 5145, located at 200 Jalan Sultan, #03-24 Textile Centre, Singapore 199018.

5) How do I download my WSQ SkillsFuture certificate(s)?

SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) issues your certificates. You can download your certificate via their website or mobile application: SkillsFuture website: You can download the electronic copy of your WSQ SkillsFuture certificate(s) via the following steps:

  1. Visit MySkillsFuture portal: Click here
  2.  Click on ‘Digital Services’ at the top bar
  3. Under the ‘Individuals’, click on the tab ‘Download Certificates’
    a) For Singaporeans, click on the red ‘SingPass’ icon and log in via your SingPass
    b) For Foreigners, click on blue ‘No Portal ID’ icon and follow the steps on the website to download your certificate

SkillsFuture mobile application:

  1. Open the SkillsFuture mobile application
  2. Login to your SkillsFuture account via your SingPass
  3. At the bottom tabs on your screen, tap on ‘Skills Passport’
  4. Tap on the ‘Certificates’ bar
  5. Tap on the ‘Professional’ option. You will be able to see all the certificates issued to you by WSQ SkillsFuture Singapore.

Tap on the certificate that you want to download. There are 2 versions of your certificate available for download (i.e., OpenCerts and PDF)

6) I have completed my assessment. How do I retrieve my assessment record issued by POLWEL AAO?

3 days after your assessment date, you can view and/or download your assessment record from POLWEL Assessment Management System (AMS). The page is best viewed on laptop and desktops. You are required to enter your identification number, date of birth, and date of assessment (of the module that you wish to retrieve the record).

7) I was exempted by Police Licensing and Regulatory Department (PLRD) for certain security modules.

Can I use these exemptions to apply for the WSQ Full Qualification (Certificate, Advanced Certificate and Diploma)?

SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) no longer accepts modules that PLRD exempted for the purpose of WSQ Full Qualification.

For further clarifications, you can contact SSG via the following:
Hotline: 6785 5785
Website: https://www.skillsfuture.gov.sg/
Feedback: https://service-portal.skillsfuture.gov.sg/s/feedback

