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Student Internship Programme

Temasek Polytechnic School of Design believes in preparing design students to be consummate design professionals, ready to fit into the demands of industry upon graduation. The Student Internship Programme immerses students into the work environment and experience of the design industry, both locally and overseas. Students spend 16 weeks in various design firms, as part of the staff. The students on both local and overseas internship schemes are paid a nominal sum and are graded on their work performance.

Because of the practical nature of the programme, students learn to apply classroom theory to practice in a real-world environment. Life skills, such as time management, interpersonal communication, leadership skills, networking and so on, are also applied and learnt.

By the time the internship period is over, students would have gotten a good feel of what working life in the design field is like. Generally, they become more confident and independent as well. This is particularly so for students on the Overseas Student Internship Programme (OSIP).

For more information, please visit the main Student Internship Programme (SIP) webpage and browse through the SIP FAQ.

DES SIP Application Form

To download the SIP Application Form, please click here.

DES SIP Diploma List

Student Testimonials


"I had the opportunity to do my internship at Fu Yuan International Holdings and had the chance to travel to Nanjing, China.  The opportunities that were presented led me to grow as a Design Student throughout the three months. I had the chance to apply knowledge gained during school and the curriculum.  I learned skills from experienced mentors that are beneficial in the Major Project and future career. With close attention from colleagues, a conducive and comfortable environment was created.

I learned 3D stitching (VStitcher) and 2D drafting softwares (Gerber Launchpad), which is widely used in the industry due to their ability to save time and costs.  I learned stitching pattern pieces virtually into realistic garments onto mannequins.  In addition I learned editing highlights and shadows of fabrics, together with the live function, we got to see how it moves realistically before making adjustments. Really grateful to have a caring team of mentors at Fu Yuan!"


Wong Wai Yi
Diploma in Apparel Design & Merchandising
Fu Yuan International Holdings PTE. LIMITED
Year of Internship: 2023


"It was a rewarding internship experience at Andy Fisher Workshop where I learned new AutoCAD knowledge and skills. I have become proficient at identifying details, errors, and changes in floor plans by examining floor plans in detail. In addition, I also developed my self-confidence and communication skills through working closely with my colleagues. A highlight of my internship was the mentoring sessions I had with my mentor. We both had engaging conversations about topics such as industry insights, and career and personal developments. Overall, it was an amazing and fruitful experience at the Andy Fisher Workshop!"


Mithra Naidu
Diploma in Interior Architecture and Design
Andy Fisher Workshop
Year of Internship: 2022

Organisation Testimonials

“This is a meaningful internship experience where the student had the opportunity to learn and practice in the fields of fashion product design and development, providing valuable support and encouragement for her academic, professional, and personal growth. Throughout the internship, the student not only completed assigned tasks promptly and efficiently but also actively engaged with the team, demonstrating a proactive attitude and precise collaboration in design work. With the student’s unique design concepts, she skillfully transformed them into impressive design drafts, showcasing exceptional creativity and professional skills.”


Ms Xie Qin
Finance & HR Manager
Fu Yuan International Holdings PTE. LIMITED

“The internship programme is a great win-win for IBM as well as the Intern hired where both parties learn and achieve together the required results. During the duration of Eunice’s internship with us at IBM Singapore, she has shown his potential and ability to thrive in a design role. In the work she was assigned, she was able to apply and execute design principles at a high level. As an information designer, we assigned various projects based around video creations to proposal support. Eunice was able to accomplish all the tasks provided, producing content and designs which help IBM win in the marketplace!” 


Mr Faiz Mulla
Creative Director
IBM Singapore Pte. Ltd.

Contact Us

For SIP query across diplomas within School of Design, please send email to dessip@tp.edu.sg


Looking for another school? Please refer to the information here. Questions? Please visit the SIP FAQ


Diploma Contact person Email
Apparel Design & Merchandising 
(now known as Fashion Management & Design from AY23/24 intake)
Communication Design Ms Sarah Tan SARAH_TAN@TP.EDU.SG
Digital Film & Television Ms Fernie Heng FERNIE_HENG@TP.EDU.SG
Interior Architecture & Design Mr Juniarto Hadiatmardja HADIATMADJA_JUNIARTO@TP.EDU.SG
Product & Industrial Design
(now known as Product Experience & Design from AY23/24 intake)