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COURSE DATE 21 Apr 2025 - 17 Oct 2027 COURSE DURATION / FREQUENCY 3 hours/session (3 days/week)
MODE OF LEARNING Facilitated Learning (Face-to-Face/ Online Synchronous) and Asynchronous E-Learning COURSE VENUE Temasek Polytechnic

Course Overview

Private Security and Fire Safety professionals play dual roles, which are essential to providing security and peace of mind to the public. If you are passionate about protecting lives and providing assurance to the community, this course is the perfect fit for you. Kick-start an exciting career or upskill in these fast-growing fields today.


In this course, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to perform your job more effectively with core subjects such as security risk management, electronic and physical security, fire safety management, communication skills and more. Graduates are qualified to be appointed as fire safety managers under the Fire Safety Act.


The training you’ll get will prepare you for career opportunities in the security and fire safety management industry and to move into independent planning roles and management-related positions.

All students are required to bring their own notebooks for lessons. You may refer to the required technical specifications for notebook HERE.

What You'll Learn

To be awarded the Diploma in Security & Fire Safety Studies, participants are required to complete a total of 5 modular certificates (MCs). A certificate will be issued upon successful completion of each MC.

Subject Code Subject
icon-arrow-orange BCBS001 Principles of Management

This subject covers the key management functions of planning, organising, leading and controlling. It addresses the impact of environmental factors that affect business and the relevance of corporate social responsibility in an organisation. It emphasises the roles, responsibilities and challenges faced by supervisors/managers in an organisation.

icon-arrow-orange BCBT001 Essential Computing Applications

To equip working adults to be competent in using office automating tools to function and contribute effectively in an increasingly technologically driven workplace. Emphasis is placed on giving participants hands-on training exposure to beef up their competencies in integrating and applying several useful features of commonly used applications software packages for word processing and spread sheets in their work place. The trainings will be reinforced through individual assessments and projects with presentations. The overall aim is to foster creativity in participants in leveraging on the use of computer tools to effectively improve the quality of work and increase efficiency.

icon-arrow-orange BCCM001 Reports & Oral Presentation

This subject will give learners an overview of crafting reports and making oral presentations, skills which are essential in the working world. Students will be taught to select information for case notes, plan and organise it for short reports and cases. Students also will learn how to plan and deliver oral presentations, use visuals, anticipate questions and respond to questions fielded by audiences. To achieve the intended outcomes, students will craft a report given case notes. Another outcome is to enable students to make effective presentations.


Subject Code Subject
icon-arrow-orange BCBS002 Managing People

The subject will cover the key functions relating to management of employees performed by line supervisors. Topics include employee recruitment and selection, motivation, people development, performance management, employee counselling, conflict management, employee discipline & grievance handling and team building.

icon-arrow-orange BCLM015 Introduction to Law & Criminal Law

Introduces the participants to the concept of law, to foundational principles and the legal system under which the laws in Singapore operate. Also deals with the Criminal Law of Singapore, covering the main offences and defences in the Penal Code (Cap 224).

icon-arrow-orange BCCM002 Business Communication & Meeting Skills

This subject will help students learn the communication skills that are vital for their success at the work place. Students will be taught appropriate skills to conduct themselves effectively in a working environment. Students will be taught to write appropriate emails, memos and letters for inter-office and intra-office communication. Students also will learn the skills of conducting themselves professionally. Additionally, students will be taught different types of business documents such as agenda, notice of meeting and minutes of meeting. Through the above learning experiences, students will develop effective professional communication skills that are essential in their working lives.


Subject Code Subject
icon-arrow-orange BCLM016 Security Risk Management

Covers the risk management function, aspects of risk identification, analysis and prioritization, risk management planning, risk reduction and risk monitoring.

icon-arrow-orange BCLM017 Law for Security Practitioners

Participants will be given an overview of the law surrounding the handling of building and facility security, including trespass, detention of persons and safety of the public.

icon-arrow-orange BCAF002 Principles of Accounting & Finance

Provides participants with an understanding of the basic accounting principles and the general framework of the accounting process. Participants will also be taught financial planning processes and will be able to explain profit planning using pro-forma statement fundamentals.


Subject Code Subject
icon-arrow-orange BCLM021 Physical Security

This subject aims to provide students with in-depth knowledge and skills to be able to advise on the range, selection, application and limitations of physical security means and measures for residential, commercial and high-risk installations and developments.

icon-arrow-orange BCLM020 Electronic Security

Provides participants with knowledge of the basic principles of electronic protection and the application of various electronic security equipment. The module will cover an assessment of various electronic security devices such as operating principles, cost effectiveness, advantages and limitations.

icon-arrow-orange BCLM022 Criminal Procedure & Law of Evidence

Criminal Procedure introduces the relevant provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code and the cases interpreting the provisions. Participants will be acquainted with the documents and proceedings leading to a criminal trial and the conduct of such trials. The criminal justice system and the range of penalties will also be covered. The Law of Evidence provides an examination of the Evidence Act. Topics covered include the admissibility of evidence, the burden and the standard of proof and the concepts relating to the competency, comparability and corroboration of witnesses.

<Link to Modular Course page>


Subject Code Subject
icon-arrow-orange BCLM023 Security Planning & Design

Covers the various aspects of the security planning cycle from risk management and crime prevention to information planning.

icon-arrow-orange BCLM034 Security Management

Covers various aspects of security management including the responsibilities of a security manager, the security organisation and security management systems.

icon-arrow-orange BCLM025 Fire Safety Management

A more in depth study from the basic principles taught earlier. Participants will be exposed to procedures adopted in running a fire command center, the use of detection, protection and control systems, and fire investigations. This subject will be the equivalent of the Fire Safety Manager module conducted by the Singapore Civil Defence Force.


Modes of Assessment

  • Assignments
  • Class Tests
  • Written exams 

For more information on course fee / schedule, or to apply,

Career Opportunities

Graduates can look forward to career opportunities in the security and fire safety management industry and to move into independent planning roles and more management-related positions.


Holders of the DSFSS are eligible to take up appointments as Fire Safety Managers of buildings under the Fire Safety Act.


Graduates from the following diplomas may be exempted from the mandatory and elective Chief Security Officer training modules in their application for the Security Officer Licence:

  • Diploma In Security & Fire Safety Studies;
  • Diploma In Security & Fire Safety Management.


For exemptions in PWM years-in-service criteria, graduates may write in to SPF_Licensing@spf.gov.sg and submit evidence of relevant experience in the security industry/ uniformed service.

Entry Requirements


‘O’ Levels

At least 3 ‘O’ Level passes

AND 1 year of relevant working experience

Higher Nitec GPA ≥ 2.0

GPA ≥ 1.5

AND 1 year of relevant working experience

Nitec GPA ≥ 3.5

GPA ≥ 3.0

AND 1 year of relevant working experience

Higher Nitec in Technology

GPA ≥ 2.0

AND 1 year of relevant working experience

Higher Nitec in Service

GPA ≥ 2.0

AND 1 year of relevant working experience

Nitec in Technology

GPA ≥ 3.5

AND 1 year of relevant working experience

Nitec in Service

GPA ≥ 3.5

AND 1 year of relevant working experience

WSQ Qualification

Relevant WSQ Qualification with 1 year of relevant working experience

AND WSQ Workplace Literacy Statement of Attainment (SOA)(Level 6) AND Workplace Numeracy Statement of Attainment (SOA)(Level 6)

AND 1 year of relevant working experience

Without relevant academic qualifications At least 2 years of relevant working experience

Applicants who do not meet the entry requirements may be considered for admission to the course based on evidence of at least 2 years of relevant working experience or supporting evidence of competency readiness. Suitable applicants who are shortlisted may have to go through an interview and/or entrance test. The Polytechnic reserves the right to shortlist and admit applicants.

Suitable For

This course is designed for personnel in the security/estate management industry who wish to upgrade themselves in security and fire safety knowledge and in related generic skills.

Recommended for You

Course Contact

  • Mainline 67881212
  • Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 6:00pm
    Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
    Closed during lunchtime, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
    and on weekends and public holidays.

  • https://www.tp.edu.sg/tsa
  • Temasek SkillsFuture Academy (TSA)
    Temasek Polytechnic
    East Wing, Block 1A, Level 3, Unit 109
    21 Tampines Ave 1
    Singapore 529757

  • Temasek Polytechnic reserves the right to alter the course, modify the scale of fee, amend any other information or cancel course with low enrolment.
