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Course Overview

With advancements in technology, vast amounts of data are being generated every minute. Wading through thousands of rows and columns of data can be overwhelming. What is the best way to make sense of the proliferation of data? One way is through the use of data visualisation. Data visualisation can help you distil large datasets into visual representations that make it easier for people to understand. It enables you to detect patterns and trends. With the integration of Generative AI, this process can be further optimised. It not only enhances the detection of patterns and trends but also makes the communication of insights more effective.


This course covers the knowledge and best practices of data visualisation using a commercial visualisation software, with an introduction to the integration of Generative AI in the visualisation process. Participants will learn how to create a variety of charts and graphs, ranging from simple to complex designs, and to present these visualisations through interactive dashboards to support decision-making. The hands-on activities will also showcase the efficiency and clarity brought about by Generative AI, reinforcing the skills and knowledge attained.

Entry Requirements

Possess basic Excel knowledge. No programming is required.

Who Should Attend

Individuals who would like to have a hands-on experience to data visualisation.

What You'll Learn

By the end of this course, you will be able to use a visualisation software to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of charts and graphs 
  • Create simple visualizations 
  • Build dashboard for reporting
  • Understand how Generative AI tools can augment the data visualisation process


Introduction to Data Visualisation

  • What is data visualisation? 
  • The different types of data visualisation 
  • Overview of the applications of data visualisation 


Applying Data Management

  • Understanding data attributes, data quality dimensions 
  • Analyze the nature of raw data 
  • Handling data cleansing 


Data Visualisation Techniques

  • Understanding various visualisation techniques 
  • Applying appropriate techniques to display data 
  • Building a dashboard 
  • Validating the selection of graphical representations





Participants who meet at least 75% of the required course attendance and attempt the assessment will be awarded the Certificate of Performance.

For more information on course fee / schedule, or to apply,

Lecturer/Trainer Profile

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Course Contact

  • 67881212
  • Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 6:00pm
    Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
    Closed during lunchtime, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
    and on weekends and public holidays.

  • https://www.tp.edu.sg/tsa
  • Temasek SkillsFuture Academy (TSA)
    Temasek Polytechnic
    East Wing, Block 1A, Level 3, Unit 109
    21 Tampines Ave 1
    Singapore 529757


  • Temasek Polytechnic reserves the right to alter the course, modify the scale of fee, amend any other information or cancel a course with low enrolment.