
Course Overview

Transform your passion for animals into a fulfilling and meaningful career path! This comprehensive course integrates theoretical knowledge with hands-on practice, empowering you to become a skilled veterinary technician. If you're harbouring aspirations in marine science or aquaculture, rest assured this program will also lay a solid foundation for your future endeavours in these fields.


Under the guidance of our expert team, you'll receive specialised training in veterinary care, mastering essential techniques such as animal husbandry, anaesthesia monitoring, and diagnostic testing at our fully equipped and licensed TP Animal Clinic & Wellness facility. The broad-based and well-structured curriculum goes beyond to cultivate your expertise in caring for aquatic animals and pets.


With growing awareness about animal welfare issues and our pursuit of advancing medical solutions for various ailments, you'll gain a scientific grasp of the applications of laboratory animal science, with an emphasis on responsible and humane animal care practices. Further enhancing your technical proficiency, a structured 5-month internship awaits you, either within local institutions or abroad. This immersive experience can take you to veterinary research institutions, aquaculture and marine animal facilities, veterinary clinics and hospitals.


Upon completing this comprehensive training, you'll be poised to tap into a wide array of career prospects spanning the aquaculture, veterinary care, and biomedical research sectors.


Get the opportunity to attain the below certification(s) throughout the course of your study:

  • Responsible Care and Use of Fish (RCUF) certificate
  • Responsible Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (RCULA) certificate

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for consideration for admission, applicants must obtain 26 points or better for the net ELR2B2 aggregate score (i.e. English Language, 2 relevant subjects and best 2 other subjects, including CCA Bonus Points) and meet the minimum entry requirements of this course. CCA cannot be used to meet the minimum entry requirements.


English Language (EL1)*


Mathematics (E or A)


Any one of the following subjects

  • Biology
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Food & Nutrition / Nutrition & Food Science
  • Physics
  • Science (Chemistry , Biology)
  • Science (Physics, Biology)
  • Science (Physics, Chemistry)
2025 Planned Intake
Net ELR2B2 aggregate range (2025 JAE)
3 - 10

Note: Applicants with complete colour appreciation deficiency are not eligible to apply.

Admissions Exercises


What You'll Learn

You will begin your journey by building a strong broad-based foundation through core subjects ranging from microbiology, cell biology, mathematics to conservation, nutrition and workplace safety.

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange AMB1005 Basic Microbiology

This subject investigates the important fundamentals of microbiology and its relevance to the food, biomedical and biotechnology industries. It covers the types of microorganisms, their cultivation and growth as well as their control.

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icon-arrow-orange AMT1004 Cell Biology & Biochemistry

This subject introduces the biology of cells and the structure-function relationship of cells, cellular membranes and organelles. It covers basic concepts of organic chemistry and the structure-property relationship of essential biomolecules. Basic laboratory skills involving the study of cell structures with the use of cell staining and microscopy techniques, as well as basic biochemical analysis will also be introduced.

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icon-arrow-orange AMA1009 Digitalisation in Applied Science

This subject covers the basic concept of data analytics as well as the processes of data cleaning, processing and visualisation of data in the contexts of applied science. Basic coding and fundamental computational thinking constructs such as variables, data type and logic will also be addressed.

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icon-arrow-orange APH1004 Laboratory & Workplace Safety

This subject covers an introduction to Good Laboratory Practice, and the identification and classification of biological, chemical, physical and ergonomic hazards at the workplace and laboratories. It also involves the conduct of risk assessment, risk controls and monitoring as well as communication of these risks to all persons involved in compliance with the Workplace Safety and Health (Risk Management) Regulations.

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icon-arrow-orange AMA1003 Mathematics for Applied Science

This subject covers algebra, differentiation, integration and their applications in applied science contexts.

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icon-arrow-orange ANT1005 Nutrition & Health

This subject examines the relationship between food, nutrition and health. It provides an introduction to macro- and micro- nutrients in relation to the well-being of the human body. It covers food sources of these nutrients and their interrelationships as well as the use of basic nutritional tools like My Healthy Plate, food composition tables and online nutritional databases for basic nutritional analysis.

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icon-arrow-orange ACH1009 Principles of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry 1

This subject covers the basic theory and practical knowledge of inorganic and physical chemistry. Topics include fundamentals of chemistry, atomic structure and chemical bonding, stoichiometry and equilibria concepts of a chemical reaction.

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icon-arrow-orange AMA1004 Statistics for Applied Science

This subject provides you with the basic statistical techniques that are essential for your course of study. Topics covered include basic probability and distributions, basic statistics, sampling distribution, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance and chi-square testing.

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Graduation Requirements
Cumulative Grade Point Average
min 1.0
TP Fundamentals Subjects
40 credit units
Diploma Core Subjects
73 credit units
Elective Subjects
min 9 credit units
Total Credit Units Completed
min 120 credit units

Career Prospects


Through the Overseas Study Trip, students are exposed to different cultures and real world with the opportunity for experiential learning about the prospects and career options in the veterinary industry.

Outstanding Projects

Course Review


Darren Chua Yi Shou, is the first TP student to win 5 gold medals and 1 silver medal for swimming in his debut SEA Games 2019. He has also broken a new 100m Freestyle meet record at Institute-Varsity-Polytechnic Swimming Championships in the same year.

Course Fees

PET Course Fee


The table below shows the total subsidised fees (inclusive of GST) payable. 

(Aged below 40 in the year 2024) 



There are 2 semesters in each Academic YEAR (AY). The billing periods for AY 2024/2025 are:
Semester 1:  15 April 2024 – 13 October 2024 
Semester 2:  14 October 2024 – 20 April 2025

Fees are billed and payable by semester. They are usually payable in June for Semester 1 and December for Semester 2.


View course fees for other intakes, subsidies, grants, bursary and awards at the Fees & Financial matters section. 

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