


Welcome to Design School!

There’s never a dull day at the School of Design. As the most comprehensive design school in Singapore, students are exposed to new trends and ideas across all fields of design.

From the first day of Orientation, the excitement never lets up. There’s plenty to see, learn and do.

The life cycle of a Design student revolves around deadlines, submissions, critiques, field trips, consultations, study trips, competitions, exhibitions, mentorships, internships and the list goes on.

Get to know more about life in Design School here.

School of Design Student Handbook

The Temasek Polytechnic - School of Design Student Handbook aims to inform students about the school's policies, rules and regulations. Students are required to read every section of the handbook and familiarise themselves with the contents.

The information in this handbook is accurate at the time of upload. School of Design reserves the right to withdraw or revise any information contained in the handbook without prior notice.

TP Mission, Vision & Values

Our Staff



  • Academic Progression

    1. Student Classification

      Your student status is classified according to the number of credit units you have completed:

      • Freshman: completed less than 40 credit units
      • Junior: completed >= 40 and <80 credit units
      • Senior: completed >= 80 credit units
    2. Academic Progression

      • Minimum and Maximum Credit Units Allowed Per Semester
        You are allowed to take a minimum of 15 credit units and a maximum of 28 credit units in a semester.
      • Eligibility to Take Subjects of the Next Higher Level
        In general, to be eligible to take a Level 2 subject in your diploma of study, you must have completed at least 20 credit units of subjects.
        To be eligible to take a Level 3 subject in your diploma of study, you must have completed at least 60 credit units of subjects.

    3. Number of Attempts Allowed for Subjects

      Students are allowed a maximum of two attempts for each subject.

    4. Academic Standing

      Students’ results slips will show one of the following:

      • Proceed to next semester;
      • Proceed to next semester (Academic Warning);
        Academic Warning is given for the following reason/s:
      • Student has failed a core subject once and has not passed it;
        His/her cumulative GPA < 1.0 for two consecutive semesters; or
      • He/she is in the ninth semester and has not fulfilled graduation requirements; or Removal.
      • Removal.

    5. Criteria for Removal

      Students will be recommended to the Board of Examiners for removal from their course of study if any of the following criteria is met:

      • They have not fulfilled the graduation requirements within the stipulated maximum time allowed to complete the course;
      • They have a cumulative GPA (cGPA) which is less than 1.0 for three consecutive semesters; or
      • They have not passed a core or required diploma option subject in two attempts.

    6. Graduation

      Each diploma has its graduation requirements. To qualify for the award of a diploma, a student must fulfill the following conditions:

      • Complete the required minimum number of credit units;
      • Pass all compulsory subjects (TP Fundamentals and diploma core) and required diploma options (where applicable);
      • Fulfill the minimum GPA requirement; and
      • Complete at least six semesters of study.
        Students will graduate once they meet the graduation requirements.

    7. Diploma With Merit (DWM)

      Diploma with Merit shall be considered for the award to the top 10% of the graduating cohort of students with cGPA of 3.50 and above.

      In order to be eligible for consideration, a student must have completed his/her course of study within six semesters, have not received an academic penalty of non- graded pass for any subject, and have not failed any subject.

    8. Grading System and Grade Point Average (GPA)

      Grading System

      Letter Grades Description
      Grade Point








      Very Good



      Very Good















      Non-Graded Pass






      Pass in a subject with no grade point



      Fail in a subject with no grade point


      Pass with Commendation

      Commendation Pass in a subject with no grade point


      In Progress

      Assessment in progress at the point of grading


    9. Grade Point Average (GPA)

      A student’s progress within a course of study is evaluated on the basis of the Grade Point Average (GPA). The GPA is a numerical value that indicates the student’s academic achievement in the course.

      The formula for calculating the GPA is:

      GPA = sum (credit units assigned to subject x subject grade point)  /sum (credit units assigned to subject)

      An example will be:

      GPA = Total credit points / Total credit units
      = 67 / 25
      = 2.68

      Semester GPA and Cumulative GPA will be calculated at the end of the semester / year.

      All subjects without grade point will not be included in the calculation of GPA.

      A student who repeated a subject (having failed it before) would have his/her new grade replaced his/her old failed grade (zero grade point). His/her new grade point would be used in the calculation of his/her semester GPA and cumulative GPA.

      A student’s Results Transcript will show all the subjects that he had taken, together with the grades.

      Subjects Credit Units of Subject Grades Obtained Grade Point of Grades CU x Grade Point





      4 X 4 = 16





      4 X 3 = 12





      3 x 6 = 18





      2 x 9 = 18





      1 x 3 = 3






  • Withdrawal, Deferment and Transfer of course Withdrawal

    You are strongly advised to consult your Care Person / Course Manager before you explore the option to withdraw from the course.

    • Complete the form and settle all outstanding bills and return all property belonging to TP.
    • Submit the duly-completed form together with the Student Matriculation Card to Student Services no later than one working day before the start of the study week of the semester.
    • Withdrawal request will be processed and effected on the spot if there are no outstanding dues.
    • Withdrawal request received on/after the start of study week (refer to Academic Calendar for dates) will not be processed until the release of the exam results. Furthermore, it is only applicable for students whose status remains active.
    • Form

  • Deferment

    You are strongly advised to consult your Care Person / Course Manager before you explore the option to defer from the course.

    • Complete the form and settle all outstanding bills and return all property belonging to TP.
    • Submit the duly-completed form together with one of the following documents:

      • Deferment due to Singapore National Service (NS) obligation - NS enlistment letter or rejection letter from the Central Manpower Base on your appeal for NS deferment or a letter from your unit stating your ORD date
      • Deferment due to medical reasons - Medical certification letter from Singapore-registered doctor specialising in the field, stating the medical conditions and the period of rest required
      • Deferment due to other reasons - Supporting documents, if any.
      • Form
  • Transfer of course

    This is only applicable for students with active status, i.e. students who have not been removed from the course and have met the Minimum Entry Requirements of the new course. Furthermore, course transfer is subject to individual merit and vacancies.

    • Request for course transfer will be accepted after the release of the semestral examinations results.
    • Submit the duly-completed form to Student Services by the first week of the start of the semester
    • Form

  • Attendance & Absence during semester

    1. Attendance

      Students are expected to attend all classes and lectures. TP’s attendance policy requires students to fulfill at least 85% attendance. Approved leave of absence e.g. medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner, compassionate leave (for immediate family) and official leave (e.g. representing TP in games, official events, debates, etc.) will be considered as part of the 85% attendance.

    2. Punctuality

      Punctuality is expected of all students. If you turn up for a class beyond the stated start time, your attendance will be recorded as ‘L’ (Late) in the Student Attendance System. Note that ‘L’ carries the same effect as an ‘A’ (Absence), i.e. it counts towards non-attendance for non-graded pass penalty.

    3. Absence without Valid Reasons & Non-Graded Pass (NGP)

      A student who misses lessons will be issued a warning e-mail and a letter will be sent to his/her parent/guardian.

      Students who do not meet the 85% attendance requirement for a subject will be awarded a maximum grade of “P” (non-graded pass) with an associated grade point of 1.0.

      Subjects for which a student is being non-graded will be published on the website TP Online Student Services ›› Attendance ›› Subject Non grading Notice.
  • Absence with Valid Reason

    Application for Leave of Absence (LOA)

    • Application for leave of absence (e.g. participation in a school-based performance, official events or competition etc.) must be submitted, with supporting documents, at least one week before the date of absence.
    • Students must inform the subject tutors concerned and obtain the Care Person’s recommendation and Course Manager’s approval.
    • Students must retain original supporting documents for 6 months.
    • Log into TP Online Student Services and click on Attendance -> Apply / Submit LOA. At the LOA Summary Page, click Apply LOA.
    • Fill in your application details, and attach a picture of your LOA documents using your phone’s camera.
    • Check that the picture of your LOA documents is clear and that the information provided in your application is correct, and submit your application.
    • You will see the application reflected in the LOA Summary page and receive a confirmation of the LOA submission via email.
    • Monitor your email for the outcome of the LOA application.

  • Submission of Medical Certificate (MC)

    • During the semester, all medical certificates must be submitted within 2 working days, excluding Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays from the end of the MC period.
    • Only medical certificates issued by medical practitioners registered with the Singapore Medical Council will be accepted.
    • Students must retain the original MC for 6 months and may be required to submit the original MC to the school for viewing upon request.
    • Log into TP Online Student Services and click on Attendance -> Apply / Submit MC. At the MC Summary Page, click Apply MC.
    • Fill in your application details, and attach a picture of your MC using your phone’s camera.
    • Check that the picture of your MC is clear and that the information provided in your application is correct, and submit your application.
    • You will see the application reflected in the MC Summary page and receive a confirmation of the MC submission via email.
    • Monitor your email for the outcome of the MC application.
    • Both MCs and LOAs are to be submitted online via the Student Portal:  https://services.tp.edu.sg/

Design Studies Club

TP Students

Hello everyone!

Design Studies Club (DSC) is YOUR club! It’s a cool club for you to be member of as we network, engage in fun-filled events and simply chill out with each other.

DSC has definitely grown and matured through the years. We are seeing more people come forward to run for the Exco elections. This year, we had 18 candidates vying for 15 seats and more than 300 votes were cast! By voting us in, you have entrusted us with a huge responsibility and we promise not to disappoint you. I would like to thank all previous committees for the strong foundation they had laid for us and to my current team for all their hard work. Since taking over appointment in June, we have organised about 8 events. This would not have been possible if not for the strong support you have shown for our activities. Thank you!

Look out for more exciting events ahead and be part of the experience. Cheers!