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A warm welcome to the School of Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS)!

The time you spend at Temasek Polytechnic can be exciting, rewarding and unforgettable!

For an active and balanced student life, we encourage meaningful participation in co-curricular activities. You will realise that opportunities abound for a rich and fulfilling student life outside the classroom. So to help you familiarise yourself with HSS environment, the information on this page will tell you about our CCAs, HSS Studies Club, HSS Ambassadors, Student Leadership, and the National Youth Achievement Award.

In this website you can find information to help you make the most of your student life and familiarise yourself with the HSS environment. Read up on the school’s academic matters, policies and regulations, find out what services are available for students, look up activities and experiences you can be involved in, and access to administrative documents you may need.

As a responsible student, please give immediate and careful attention to the following expectations:

  • Students must satisfy a minimum of 85% attendance. Students who exceed the maximum number of non-attendance sessions could be given a Pass/Fail grade only.
  • Approval must be sought for leave of absence (LOA), which may or may not be granted depending on circumstances.
  • Academic integrity is expected of all students at Temasek Polytechnic. Disciplinary action will be taken against students who plagiarise. Any disciplinary action to be taken depends on the severity of the offence and includes failing the subject, suspension and removal from course.

Enjoy your experiences in TP. Lead a balanced student life, study hard, build on your capabilities and be a responsible young adult! Work with your lecturers to chart your career direction or get prepared for further education.


Begin your journey with these videos by our HSS graduates!

My Student Life in HSS by Jasmine Ho

My Student Life in HSS by Danial Pillay

My Student Life in HSS by Keene Goh

See more of HSS in action here.

Academic Matters


1. Flexible Academic System for Temasek (FAST)

2. Academic Progression & Grading System

Academic Progression & Grading System:


Students are classified by any of the three levels of study they are in:

  • Freshman - All registered students who have completed (passed) less than 40 Credit Units
  • Junior - All registered students who have completed (passed) 40 Credit Units but less than 80 Credit Units
  • Senior - All registered students who have completed (passed) 80 Credit Units or more

Students admitted into TP diploma courses will be at Freshman level, except for those who are given advanced standing.


In general, HSS diplomas have recommended progression paths designed for you to complete your course in three years (6 semesters). You must complete your course of study between six and ten semesters. The maximum workload that you are allowed to take in each semester is typically 28 Credit Units (CUs) and the minimum workload is 15 CUs. 


  • To be eligible to take a Level 2 subject in his/her diploma of study, a student must have completed at least 15 cu of Level 1 subjects.
  • To be eligible to take a Level 3 subject in his/her diploma of study, a student must have completed at least 45 cu of Level 2 subjects.
  • To be eligible for SIP and Major Project, students must have obtained at least 60 cu. You must complete (pass) a specified number of credit units before taking Level 2 subjects and Level 3 subjects. The required number of credit units can be found in the course structure.


There are five types of academic standing, which will be reflected in the students’ results notification slips. 

a) Proceed to next semester

  • Students who passed all subjects in the current semester, or
  • Students who failed an elective subject or a Global Studies 2 subject.

b) Proceed to next semester (Academic Warning)

  • Students who failed a TPFun subject (excluding Global Studies 2 subjects), or a diploma core subject or required diploma option after the examination/ assessment, or 
  • Students who are currently in their 9th semester of study and have still not met the graduation requirements, or 
  • Students who have two consecutive semesters of cumulative GPA (cGPA) below 1.0. 

c) Removed

  • Students who met the removal criteria [refer to section on REMOVAL below]. 

d) Extended Probation 

  • Students who are removed but reinstated for whatever reasons. 
  • Such students must obtain a cumulative GPA of at least 1.0 by the end of their “Extended Probation” semester or pass the failed subject(s), otherwise, they will be removed from their course of study.

e) Completed course of study 

  • Students who have met the stipulated course graduation requirements.

The above rules on Academic Warning will also apply to students on Leave of Absence (LOA) for one semester or longer. If students are given Academic Warning prior to their LOA, the warning prior to their leave will count towards possible removal.


Students will be recommended to the Board of Examiners for removal from their course of study if any of the following criteria is met:

  • Did not fulfil the graduation requirements within the stipulated maximum time allowed to complete the course, in accordance with TP Exam Bye Laws.
  • Cumulative GPA (cGPA) is less than 1.0 for three consecutive semesters.
  • Did not pass a TPFun subject (excluding Global Studies 2 subjects), a diploma core or required diploma option subject in two attempts.



Grade Point


(% range)


4.0 Distinction (up to top 5% of candidates taking the subject may be awarded Z) = or >80


4.0 Excellent

= or >80


3.5 Very Good

75 to <80


3.0 Very Good

70 to <75


2.5 Good 

65 to <70


2.0 Good

60 to <65




55 to <60


1.0 Credit

50 to <55


1.0 Non-Graded Pass

= or >50


0 Fail




Pass in a subject with no grade point




Fail in a subject with no grade point  

Pass with Commendation

N.A. Commendation Pass in a subject with no grade point  

Aegrotat Pass

N.A. Aegrotat Pass  

In Progress

N.A. Assessment in progress at the point of grading  

The formula for calculating the GPA is:Your progress within a course of study is evaluated based on the Grade Point Average (GPA). The GPA is a numerical value that indicates your academic achievement in the course.

The formula for calculating the GPA is:

GPA = sum (credit units assigned to subject x subject grade point)
                          sum (credit units assigned to subject)



Credit Units of Subject

Grades Obtained

Grade Point of Grades

CU x Grade Point

Foundation Psychology





Social Psychology





Cognitive Psychology





Counselling Psychology





Global Studies









GPA = Total credit points / Total credit units

        = 55 / 19

        = 2.89

Semester GPA and Cumulative GPA will be calculated.

Subjects without grade point will not be included in the calculation of GPA.

The calculation of cumulative GPA (cGPA) will include all subjects with grade point. Any failed elective subjects or Global Studies 2 subjects, which were not replaced, will be included in the computation of cGPA.

A student who repeated a subject (having failed it before) would have his/her new grade replaced his/her old failed grade (zero grade point). His/her new grade point would be used in the calculation of his/her semester GPA and cumulative GPA.

A student’s Results Transcript will show all the subjects that he had taken, together with the grades.

HSS Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee’s (EC) main task is to review Social, Behavioural, & Education Research (SBER) involving human subjects in Temasek Polytechnic. SBER focuses on understanding how humans think, feel, and do (behave). Such research involves understanding their knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, motivations, perceptions, and emotions, and seeing how these may occur among individuals, and social groups or settings (e.g., in families, schools, work, communities, online spaces etc.). It also includes research conducted in the field of education (e.g., learning sciences, pedagogy etc.).


The common types of SBER and their Brief Descriptions




Education Research

Research involves how students learn, teaching and learning practices, curricular design, and educational learning environments

Market / Consumer Research

Research involves asking stakeholders (e.g., public, consumers, customers etc.) about their knowledge, attitudes, preferences, emotions about products, services, and/or programs

Usability Testing

Research involves testing of prototypes (e.g., devices, applications, websites, products, tools) to gather user insights, interaction, and feedback

Program / Service / Product Evaluations

Research involves evaluating the effectiveness of programs, services, and/or products in achieving outcomes.

Secondary Data Analysis

Research involves looking at existing datasets and/or public data/records/information

Behavioral / Psychological Experiments

Research involves experimental manipulation to examine the effects of treatment types on behavioral or psychological outcomes (e.g., control vs. treatment)


SBER uses a range of methodologies such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, behavioural and/or psychological instruments and measures, longitudinal data. Analysis of secondary data and public data/records may also be included.


The EC’s role is to protect the welfare and rights of both the research participants and the researcher (and research team). It does so by ensuring that all researchers and their partners in research are committed to adopt and adhere to appropriate standards of professional ethical behaviour when dealing with their research participants.


(Note: If your research involves personally identifiable health information and human biomedical data, please submit to TP-IRB for ethics review and approval). 

Chair – Dr Gabrielle LAI
Lecturer / Centre for Applied Behavioural Sciences
Email: Gabrielle_LAI@TP.EDU.SG


Vice-Chair – Dr Eugene KOH
Lecturer / Diploma in Psychology Studies
Email: Eugene_KOH@tp.edu.sg

EC Members:


Mr TEY Beng Huan
Lecturer / Centre for Applied Behavioural Sciences


Ms KEK Chee Hui
Lecturer / Centre for Applied Behavioural Sciences
Email: KEK_Chee_Hui@TP.EDU.SG


Dr Anna NEO
Lecturer / Diploma in Psychology Studies
Email: Anna_NEO@tp.edu.sg


Ms Elsie HUI
Lecturer / Diploma in Psychology Studies
Email: Elsie_HUI@tp.edu.sg


Dr CHEE Chew Sim
Lecturer / Diploma in Social Sciences in Gerontology
Email: CHEE_Chew_Sim@TP.EDU.SG


Mr Sam SIM
Manager / Diploma in Social Sciences in Gerontology
Email: Sam_SIM@TP.EDU.SG


For general contact information / enquiries: hssethics@tp.edu.sg

You are required to submit an application for Ethics Approval if your research meets one of the following criteria:


  1. It involves the collection of data from Temasek Polytechnic staff and/or students.
  2. The research involves resources from Temasek Polytechnic.
  3. It involves the presentation of results and findings at public events / conferences while representing Temasek Polytechnic (that are beyond teaching and learning purposes).
  4. It involves the use of findings for publication in journals, books and magazines etc. while representing Temasek Polytechnic.
  5. It involves research collaborations (internal and/or external) while representing Temasek Polytechnic.

If your research meets any of the conditions above, please submit for ethics review.


EC Review Categories                                                       


There are three main review categories for new research.

  • Exempt Review
  • Expedited Review
  • Full Review


(Note: Extension / Amendment Review is for prior approved research)


These categories are based on the concept of “Minimal Risk”.  Minimal Risk is where the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the proposed research are not greater than those ordinarily encountered in daily life, or during the performance of routine physical, or psychological examinations or tests.


Each category differs in the degree of risk involved (see diagram below)


Exempt Review Category                                                                          

  • Anonymous tests (e.g., educational, cognitive, aptitude, achievement), surveys, interviews, public observations, and usability tests
  • Research is within normal educational & organizational practices in established or commonly accepted settings
  • Secondary research on existing data, in public domain, or repositories
  • Brief and harmless behavioral interventions that are not physically invasive and is of low risk

If your research qualifies for Exempt Review category, please complete (Exempt Review form) and submit it to hssethics@tp.edu.sg.

You may use this informed Consent template form for your research.


Expedited Review Category


  • Research is of no more than minimal risk.
  • Research involves methodologies such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, evaluations (e.g., products, programs, curriculum, services etc.), and brief and harmless behavioral interventions that do NOT qualify for Exempt Review (see above).
  • Collection of data from digital, audio, video records that are for the purpose of research.
  • Research involves collection of data through non-invasive procedures and devices, which have been cleared/approved for marketing (e.g., Fitbit, VR headsets etc.).

Note: Research that intends to evaluate the effectiveness of novel and untested devices and/or systems (e.g., applications) are not eligible for Expedited Review.


Some Common Examples of Research under Expedited Review:

  • A study in which students undergo a novel teaching approach, curriculum, or program, that is not within normal or current teaching and learning practices. Student outcomes are taken as a measure to evaluate effectiveness.
  • A study in which staff/employees experience a new program or policy, that is not within typical or current organizational practices. Staff outcomes are taken as a measure to evaluate effectiveness.
  • A study in which participants view a stimuli (e.g., video on coping strategies) and have to respond to personally sensitive questions about their attitudes, motivations, and behaviours related to their mental well-being.
  • A study comparing learning or work performance between novice and experts.
  • A study to identify and/or validate factors related to student/staff success and performance.
  • A study to examine the relationship between student’s demographics and experiences with their school-to-work outcomes.

If your research qualifies for Expedited Review category, please complete (Expedited Review form) and submit it to hssethics@tp.edu.sg.

You may use this informed consent form template for your research.


Full Review Category


Research studies that qualify for Full Review category are studies that expose participants to more than minimal risk. Full review studies involve risks and discomforts that exceed those that they are commonly exposed in their ordinary day-to-day lives.


Criteria to Qualify for Full Review: 

  • Collection of data from digital, audio, video records that are for the purpose of research.
  • Research involves sensitive and protected populations (e.g., children, individuals with physical and/or cognitive disabilities), or marginalized populations (e.g., prisoners).
  • Research involves highly sensitive topics or information (e.g., mental health / status, disorders, violence, abuse etc.)
  • Research involves procedures that are over a sustained period of time, or are intrusive, stressful, and/ or potentially traumatic.

Note: Stress can be physical, psychological, social, financial or legal.

  • Research involves testing novel non-medical devices and/or systems (e.g., applications). 
  • Research that involves possible coercion or undue influence that induces or entices consent (e.g., excessive compensation, inequitable relationship etc.).
  • Must have informed consent, and the informed/parental consent cannot be waived.

If your research qualifies for Full Review category, please complete (Full Review form) and submit it to hssethics@tp.edu.sg.

You may use this informed consent form template for your research.


Extension and Amendment of Approved Research


The Extension / Amendment Approval review is used to review studies that have previously undergone ethics review and approval by either the School of Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) Ethics Committee (EC) or by another external IRB committee outside of Temasek Polytechnic.


It can be used for one of the following 2 purposes: (a) Request for Research Extension for previously approved ethics application that is going to expire, (b) Request for Amendments to Research Study for previously approved ethics application for minor changes to the research protocol.


For (a), the request for research extension must be made before the expiry of the previously approved ethics application. For (b), the request for amendments to research study can only be approved if the proposed amendments do not result in a major change in research aims and hypothesis, methodology, and procedures of the study.


If you would like to extend and/or amend an approved research, please complete (Extension/Amendment form) and submit it to hssethics@tp.edu.sg.


If you are unsure of the different review categories above and which category your research qualifies for, please email hssethics@tp.edu.sg for further advice.



Ethics Application & Review Process 



Note: The number of weeks of correspondence is only an estimation. It is dependent on the complexity of the project and extend of review required to ensure the welfare and rights of both the research participants and the researcher (and research team) are protected.



The evaluation of all research proposals is guided by four principles of research policy:

  • Briefing & Informed Consent
  • Minimal Risk
  • Debriefing
  • Confidentiality

(source: APA Ethical Standards Covering Treatment of Human Participants)



The brief that the researcher provides the participant orally, in writing or both is known as the informed consent. Individuals should not be subjected to coercion to participate in the research.

Generally, the researcher will provide a brief description of: 

  • The general purpose of the research
  • The research methods, activities and procedures that the participants will be involved in
  • Any potential risks or discomfort that may result from the research
  • Who to contact to find out more about the research or its procedures
  • The right to terminate from participation during the research without penalty or prejudice.

You may use this Informed Consent template TP Informed consent template-for reference for your research.




Minimal Risk is where the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the proposed research are not greater than those ordinarily encountered in daily life, or during the performance of routine physical, or psychological examinations or tests.


The researcher is obliged to assess and anticipate any risks or discomforts that the research participant may experience from the research/experiment and brief the participant accordingly.


At all times, the researcher has to avoid risking anyone with whom he/she works with. Where risk is predictable and unavoidable, the researcher has to take steps to minimize it. These risks/discomforts may be physical, physiological, emotional and/or social in nature. These risks must be weighed based on the benefits gained from the research.


This brief should likewise highlight any potential benefits that the participant may gain from the research participation.


The debrief provides the participant an overview of what had happened during the process of research participation. It allows the researcher to address any issues or discomfort as well as correct any misconceptions the participant may have pertaining to the research.

An adequate debrief should:

  • summarize the nature, results and conclusions of the research
  • be conducted promptly after the research
  • reduce and minimize the risk of harm by providing useful resources where the research participants can seek further advice or help



The researcher is bound by professional ethics to take precautions to protect all obtained and stored confidential data. Similarly, the researcher cannot disclose any confidential information that may lead to the identification of the research participant or any organizational subject.

At the start of the research, the researcher should point out to the research participant:

  • who is authorized to view and use the data
  • how this data will be used
  • the risks to privacy

Please take note of the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). As this is legislative, these laws must not be violated. (https://www.pdpc.gov.sg/Overview-of-PDPA/The-Legislation/Personal-Data-Protection-Act)


If you have any questions regarding any of the fore mentioned matters, please email hssethics@tp.edu.sg

Co-Curricular Activities (CCA)

Be actively involved in all aspects of student life!

The Student Development & Alumni Affairs (SDAA) department provides students with a well-rounded educational experience through a variety of engaging CCAs.

CCAs are an integral part of campus life and play a fundamental role in the holistic development of students. They contribute towards personal enrichment and pride in the institution. In fact, TP is abuzz with exciting CCAs ranging from the sports and arts to leadership training and community involvement.

With such a wide array of CCAs, life as a TP student is as exciting and rewarding as you make it to be.

SEAL points for CCA

SEAL stands for: Service, Enrichment, Achievement and Leadership (S-E-A-L).

Participation and contribution towards CCA earns you SEAL points. As a student, you challenge yourself by setting the standards that you want to attain.

Each year the total points scored will be recorded in the SEAL system. At the end of three years of CCA involvement, the points will culminate into a final year grade.

All non-TP CCA related involvements will be recorded under CCA SEAL system provided there are verification mechanisms and the activities must not be religious or political in nature.

Points for CCA performed outside TP will be awarded when:

  • representing approved external organisations in projects, performances, events and/or competitions; or
  • representing approved external organisations or state in National/International projects, performances, events and/or competitions.

Points will NOT be awarded when:

  • participation is solely for social interaction
SERVICE Students who have rendered organised and voluntary help to an organisation or community with the aim of building a supportive and caring environment. It includes students who have volunteered as organisers, coordinators, chairpersons or sub-committee members and event officials or helpers for the polytechnic, school, department and student organisations’ events, functions, programmes or projects, etc.
ENRICHMENT Training or development that students have undergone to improve a skill or an area of interest for self-improvement on a non-compulsory basis. This includes Arts Programmes (AP), Sports Programmes (SP), Personal Development Programmes (PDP), Healthy Lifestyle Programmes (HLP), Leadership Training Programmes (LTP), forums, workshops, seminars, exchange programmes and training camps, etc.
ACHIEVEMENT Students who have participated or represented their class, school, student organisation, polytechnic or the nation in an event or competition at Intra-School, Inter-School, Intra-Polytechnic, Inter-Polytechnic, Institute-Varsity-Polytechnic, National or International level, etc and/or received awards and honours conferred by external organisations e.g. NYAA, NAPFA, National Entrepreneurs, National Skills Competition, etc. Students who were awarded Polytechnic Colours such as Polytechnic Gold, Distinction, Merit and Recognition Award will have their achievements reflected in this section of the CCA transcript but no point will be given.
LEADERSHIP Students who have held office as Executive Committee Members, Management Committee Members, Diploma/Class Representatives, Diploma/Class Treasurers, Diploma/Class Social Representatives; Diploma Groups Leaders & Uniform Groups, etc., in the various student organizations/Diplomas/Classes.

HSS Studies Club

All HSS students are members of the HSS Studies Club (HSSSC). 

The objective of the HSSSC is to provide holistic student development extending beyond the classroom. The various activities and programmes organised will help our students to achieve the following mission: 

  • Connecting Past & Present - To build pride and sense of belonging
  • Challenging the Best - To inspire the rest
  • Caring across the Spectrum - To build a culture of inclusiveness
  • Contributing to Greater Good - To strengthen a sense of community 

The HSSSC is led by fellow HSS students who are elected annually as members of the HSSSC Executive Committee (HSSSC ExCo). Together with the HSSSC ExCo, our student Project Coordinators (PCOs) also help to lead in the various sub-committees. 

Some of the activities and programmes organised by the HSSSC ExCo include the following: 

  • Freshmen Orientation
  • HSS Sports Day
  • Student Forum
  • Local Community Project
  • Overseas Community Project (e.g. volunteer work in Cambodia)

Student Development Committee (SDCom)

  • Ms Soh Wendy (Lecturer/CLS), Chairperson
  • Mr Emil Cheong (Lecturer/PSY), Vice Chairperson
  • Ms Angeline Lim (Lecturer/ECDE)
  • Ms Ang Ei Ting (Lecturer/CLS)
  • Ms Chinn Lynette Lim (Lecturer/CFS)
  • Ms Elsie Hui (Lecturer/PSY)
  • Ms Magdelene Chong (Lecturer/ECDE)
  • Ms Nursharini Arifin (Lecturer/CFS)
  • Mr Tan Guang Rong (Lecturer/GEM)
  • Mr Zulqarnain Noor (Lecturer/CLS)



  • Seng Ai Jing (President)
  • Ng En Qi Claire (Vice-President)
  • Basal Aime Cervantes (Honorary Secretary)
  • Jiang Wenjia (Assistant Honorary Secretary)
  • Lam Lok Hong Caleb Mark (Honorary Treasurer)
  • Chung Zi Xuan Clarisse (Assistant Honorary Treasurer)
  • Poh Sze Kiat Zavier (Welfare Secretary)
  • Joei Wong Wei Qi (Assistant Welfare Secretary)
  • Macatangay Julian Mahinay (Assistant Welfare Secretary)
  • Julian Law Zhan Rui (Publicity Secretary)
  • Nur Aqasha Binte Abdul Raman (Assistant Publicity Secretary)
  • Liow Yi Xuan Regine (Media & Design Secretary)
  • Shanice Tan (Assistant Media & Design Secretary)
  • Leong Shao Hong (Quartermaster)
  • Ong Qian Hui Denise (Assistant Quartermaster)


Follow our instagram to check our HSSSC organised events
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TP.HSSSC/
View our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfTxR3qr1TyNNZZiC66Ms8w

Overseas Community Project

The HSS Studies Club (HSSSC) started working with Kampong Kdei (Cambodia) in March 2012 and since then, has completed the OCP (Overseas Community Project) with great enthusiasm every year. The proposed OCP to Cambodia provides a field trip to a developing country where principles, theories and concepts in the different disciplines can be tested and applied.

The project, designated Project Smile, is a Youth Expedition Project (YEP) partly funded by Youth Corps Singapore to be a Service-Learning Programme, to give students exposure to Cambodian culture while serving the community there.

HSSSC intends to continue a sustained relationship with Cambodia to create a long-term impact with 1 to 2 trips yearly.


In September 2019, a group of 34 students and 3 HSS staff once again journeyed to Cambodia to partake in yet another Project Smile OCP (Overseas Community Project) in Cambodia. The HSS students continued their good work in helping the Kampong Kdei school community at Wat Kandall Primary School, teaching the local children simple English, mathematics, hygiene practices, and about the environment. The students also conducted Physical Education classes, playing volleyball, soccer and Frisbee sports with the children.

Conducting Physical Exercise sessions.

Our students and the local students learning dances from each other.

Conducting an English class.

Besides conducting lessons at Wat Kandall Primary School, our students also continued with the renovations of the classrooms.

Our students being taught how to mix cement.

Students would prepare the tiles to be laid on top of the cement.

Painting the walls with a fresh coat of white paint.

Renovation of classroom done!

Our students also re-painted the whole school. The completion of necessary renovations at the school heralded the heart-breaking end of 2 years’ collaborative work with Wat Kandall Primary School (since Mar 2018).

Students hard at work painting the walls of the school.

Student leaders leaving their mark on a plaque commemorating the contributions of the School of Humanities & Social Sciences.

Another highlight of Project Smile was the donation drives. In total, our students distributed 871 bags of food items to 871 families, and clothing items to over 1500 villagers!

Students worked hard to pack the food donations!

Distribution of food donations to needy families.

Distribution of clothing donations to the villagers.

At the end of each day, the student leaders led the team to reflect and share about that day’s activities, and identified important learning points while looking for ways to improve their skills and abilities to better serve the community.

Sharing session at the homestay.

Final sharing session in progress.

Thus concludes another successful OCP trip. It was, without a doubt, a heart-warming experience for many of our students. 

For more photos, do check out the Project Smile Facebook page - OCP Project Smile


In March 2018, a group of 34 HSS students and 3 HSS staff embarked on yet another PROJECT SMILE - Cambodia Overseas Community Project (OCP)! This 12-day OCP was also a Youth Expedition Project (YEP) – a Service-Learning Programme (SLP) by Youth Corps Singapore, which also partly funded this project. Having wrapped up the work with Chi Kraeng High School in 2017, HSS OCP Troopers continued their good work in helping the school community in Kampong Kdei, this time with Wat Kandall Primary school. The Troopers had a good time with the students, teaching them simple English, knowledge on health and hygiene as well as fun physical exercises.

Conducting physical exercise session
Conducting a lesson on hygiene and cleanliness
Art and craft lesson

The Troopers also flexed their muscles in the renovation of 1 of the classrooms! Everyone worked hard and was proud of the final outcome.

Mixing of the cement
All done and gleaming!

The donation drive was the other main highlight of the OCP. In total, the Troopers distributed 800 bags of food items to 800 families, and clothing to 1500 villagers in Kampong Kdei.

Food donations are ready to go!
Distribution of food donations to needy families
Distribution of clothing to the villagers

Besides working hard contributing to the local community, the Troopers also reflected and shared on their daily activities, identifying the important learning points for each day and how to improve their skills and services for the community.

Shh… reflection in progress
A sharing session

It was indeed another successful run of the OCP! The Troopers cannot wait to return to Cambodia to interact and help the children and villagers of Kampong Kdei again in March 2019!

For more photos, do check out the Project Smile Facebook page - OCP Project Smile.

Student Conduct


You are expected to attend all your classes and lectures. TP’s attendance policy requires students to fulfill at least 85% attendance. Approved leave of absence e.g. medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner, compassionate leave (for immediate family) and official leave (e.g. representing TP in games, official events, debates, etc.) will be considered as part of the 85% attendance.



Punctuality is expected of all students. If you turn up for a tutorial session beyond the stated start time, your attendance will be recorded as ‘L’ (Late) in the Student Attendance System. Note that ‘L’ carries the same effect as an ‘A’ (Absence), i.e. it counts towards non-attendance for non-graded pass penalty.



Submission of Medical Certificate (MC)

During the semester, all medical certificates must be submitted within two working days from the last day stated on the MC. Only MCs issued by medical practitioners registered with the Singapore Medical Council will be accepted.


Application for Leave of Absence (LOA)

Application for leave of absence (e.g. participation in a school-based performance, official events or competition etc.) must be submitted, with supporting documents, at least one week before the date of absence. You must inform the subject tutors concerned, Care Person and/or Course Manager before applying. 

Both MCs and LOAs are to be submitted via the Student Portal (click on TP Online Student Services/TPOSS after logging in):


Student Disciplinary Policy

Student offences are categorised into 3 categories:

  • Category 1
  • Category 2
  • Academic-Related Offences

Category 1 offences are serious offences. The type of offences include:

  1. Assault
  2. Drug-related offence
  3. Possession, distribution and sale of pornographic materials
  4. Possession of weapons
  5. Religious/racist attacks against staff/students
  6. Rioting
  7. Sexual assault and outrage of modesty
  8. Forgery/Tampering of documents
  9. Theft
  10. Consumption of alcohol
  11. Creating nuisance/bringing disrepute to TP
  12. Defamation against staff/students
  13. Fighting
  14. Insubordination
  15. Non-compliance to regulations and Student Code of Conduct
  16. Unauthorised soliciting of funds and selling of products
  17. Vandalism and mischief

Category 2 offences include:

  1. Dress code violation
  2. Littering
  3. Smoking or vaping (using an electronic cigarette)
  4. Gambling
  5. Playing poker cards
  6. Trespassing into unauthorised areas
  7. Minor student misconduct

Academic-related Offences

  1. Cheating on Main/Supplementary Examination (with confirmed possession of unauthorised materials)
  2. Cheating on Main/Supplementary Examination (other than confirmed possession of unauthorised materials)
  3. Cheating on Coursework
  4. Cheating on Supplementary Assessment
  5. Plagiarism

Copyright Notice to TP Freshies

Copyright is a protection that covers published and unpublished literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, whatever the forms of expression, provided such works are fixed in a tangible or material form. This means that as long as you can see it, hear it and/or touch it - it may be protected. If it is an essay, a play, a song, a funky original dance move, a photograph, HTML coding or any computer information that can be set on paper, recorded on tape or saved to a hard drive/floppy disk, it may be protected. Copyright laws grant the creator the exclusive right to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute, perform and display the work publicly. Exclusive means only the creator of such work, not anybody who has access to it and decides to grab it.

It is ILLEGAL to violate any of the rights provided by the law to the owner of a copyright. Temasek Polytechnic respects the ownership of intellectual material governed by copyright laws. All TP students are expected to know and comply with the copyright laws that affect them.

Here is a list of Do’s & Don’ts:

What you CAN do:

  • Make reasonable copies of a work(s) i.e. 10% of the total number of pages in a physical edition of the work;
  • Make not more than 10% of the total number of bytes in an electronic edition of the work; or
  • Make copies of not more than 1 chapter of the work (even if 1 chapter is more than 10% of the number of pages or bytes).

What you must NEVER do:

Photocopy an entire book/work;

  • Copy more than 10% of the total number of pages or more than one chapter unless new copies are unavailable within a reasonable time at an ordinary price;
  • Copy more than one article from a given periodical, unless they relate to the same subject matter.
  • If you are in doubt, please feel free to consult your lecturers for clarification. Please do NOT assume what you are copying is ok

NOTE that INFRINGING the COPYRIGHT ACT could lead you with a hefty FINE or even a JAIL term!
By Order
The Registrar's Office
April 2012

Plagiarism Policy

Academic integrity is expected of all students at Temasek Polytechnic. The Polytechnic requires all students to be assessed for their own work only. All students are required to give proper acknowledgement of all original sources of work used in their assignments, projects or other assessed work.

Note that disciplinary action will be taken for students caught for plagiarism. The severity includes failing the subject, suspension and removal from course.

Click here for more details

You are not permitted to stay on TP’s premises after 10:00 p.m. unless authorised in writing by your lecturers or tutors. You are to give your full particulars i.e. name, matriculation card number, address, and contact number of your guardian or next-of-kin of in case of emergency to your lecturer or tutor.
