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Course Overview

If nurturing the next generation has always been your passion, join us and discover how you can excel as a preschool teacher!


Gain the skills to create quality learning experiences for children in aesthetics and creative expression, language and literacy, motor skills development and more.


Master your skills in child development and curriculum planning and get the chance to apply what you have learnt while working alongside seasoned educators through internships and training with industry.


Graduate with the Diploma in Early Childhood Development & Education (ECDE) in the Visual Arts or Mother Tongue Language Teaching - Malay track when you choose relevant electives^ in your final year.


With your diploma recognised by the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA), you are all set to enter the workforce, ready to mould young minds and shape their futures.


^subject to prevailing terms and conditions

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for consideration for admission, applicants must obtain 26 points or better for the net ELR2B2 aggregate score (i.e. English Language, 2 relevant subjects and best 2 other subjects, including CCA Bonus Points) and meet the minimum entry requirements of this course. CCA cannot be used to meet the minimum entry requirements. The table below shows the local qualifications.


English Language (EL1)*


Any one of the subject in the 1st group of relevant subjects for ELR2B2-A Aggregate Type

  • Art
  • Business Studies
  • Combined Humanities
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • Higher Art
  • Higher Music
  • History
  • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English)
  • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Chinese)
  • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Malay)
  • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Tamil)
  • Humanities (Social Studies, History)
  • Humanities (Social Studies, Geography)
  • Intro to Enterprise Development
  • Literature in English
  • Literature in Chinese
  • Literature in Malay
  • Literature in Tamil
  • Media Studies (English)
  • Media Studies (Chinese)
  • Music

Any one of the subject in the 2nd group of relevant subjects for ELR2B2-A Aggregate Type **

  • Additional Mathematics
  • Art
  • Business Studies
  • Chinese
  • Combined Humanities
  • Creative 3D Animation
  • Design & Technology
  • Design Studies
  • Economics
  • Elementary Mathematics
  • Food & Nutrition/ Nutrition & Food Science
  • Geography
  • Higher Art
  • Higher Chinese
  • Higher Malay
  • Higher Music
  • Higher Tamil
  • History
  • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English)
  • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Chinese)
  • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Malay)
  • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Tamil)
  • Humanities (Social Studies, History)
  • Humanities (Social Studies, Geography)
  • Intro to Enterprise Development
  • Literature in English
  • Literature in Chinese
  • Literature in Malay
  • Literature in Tamil
  • Malay
  • Media Studies (English)
  • Media Studies (Chinese)
  • Music
  • Principles of Accounts
  • Tamil
2025 Planned Intake
Net ELR2B2 aggregate range (2025 JAE)
9 - 17


*All applicants with a C5 or C6 in EL in the GCE ‘O’ Level examination are given two years from the point of teacher registration to obtain at least a B4 or a minimum of band 6.5 in the International English Language Testing System (Academic). 

**To be eligible for selection, student must also have sat for Mathematics (Elementary/Additional).

Applicants admitted to the Diploma in Early Childhood Development & Education [T68] and are keen to register to be certified by the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) as an L2 English Language Preschool Teacher (deployable to teach up to kindergarten level) after graduation must obtain a minimum of B4 in their GCE O-Level English Language (EL1) or an English Language Acceptable Alternatives (ELAA). Applicants who do not meet the English Language requirement would be given up to 2 years from their registration as pre-school teachers to do so.

Note: The main medium of instruction for these subjects must be in English, except for a language subject.

ITE Certificate

Higher NITEC in Early Childhood Education with minimum GPA of 3 and above (inclusive of CCA bonus points).

Foreign Qualification

(i) Formal Education in English

  • Completed 10 years of formal education in EL, and
  • Passed state exam in 5 different subjects including a C6 grade in GCE ‘O’ level EL1 or any of the acceptable alternatives*.

(ii) Formal education Not in English

  • Obtained an undergraduate degree with English as the medium of instruction from a state-recognised university.

This also applies to applicants with state-recognised PhD/Master degree with English as the medium of instruction.

Other Requirements

Candidates would need to be certified medically fit for study by a certified medical doctor, and to work with children according to ECDA’s medical requirements for pre-school teachers. 

Please take note that in order to be granted teacher certification status to teach up to Kindergarten levels by Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA), new teachers must have a minimum of a B4 grade for EL1.  Mother Tongue (MT) teachers must have at least a B4 grade in MT. Those with a C5 or C6 in EL1/MT are given 2 years from the point of teacher registration to obtain either a B4 or any acceptable alternatives* for EL teachers, and a minimum level 6 in Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) for CL teachers. 

  • Click here for list of acceptable alternatives in place of GCE ‘O’ level English Language. 
  • Click here for list of acceptable alternatives in place of GCE ‘O’ level Chinese Language.

Some dispositions of an Early Childhood educator.

Admissions Exercises


Part of your training at NIEC will equip you with the skills you need to create quality learning experiences for children in 6 learning areas – 

  • Aesthetics & Creative Expression
  • Discovery of the World
  • Language & Literacy 
  • Motor Skills Development
  • Numeracy
  • Social and Emotional Development

Check out some of the work our students do for 2 of them below! 

What You'll Learn

Build your knowledge with foundational modules such as Child Development and  Language & Literacy. You get to apply and hone your skills alongside experienced teachers on a weekly basis.

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange GED1001 Practicum 1

This module provides students with opportunities to experience the practical aspects of working with young children aged 18-month to three in early years settings. It will support students’ learning in areas of child development, observation and documentation, safety, health, hygiene, nutrition. Students will observe and assist the host teacher in daily care routines and transitions as well as interact with children during play and other activities.

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icon-arrow-orange GED1101 Child Development 1

This module introduces students to theories, principles and stages of child development, with an emphasis on birth to three years of age. There will be discussion on children’s personalities, temperaments, strengths and interests, as well as the factors contributing to children’s growth, well-being, learning and development. Students will learn to make use of various observation and documentation techniques to assess children so as to create a holistic picture of their experiences, development and learning, and to plan meaningful experiences for each child.

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icon-arrow-orange GED1104 The Early Years: Theory to Practice

Students will be introduced to early childhood care and education landscape in Singapore, including developmentally appropriate practices, early childhood frameworks and code of ethics for early childhood professionals. Philosophy and practices of early childhood centres will be discussed. This module will support students’ learning in the area of children’s safety, health, hygiene, nutrition and socio-emotional well-being. The importance of play and how to incorporate it into daily care routines, transitions and interactions with children will be discussed. This module will also prepare students for the practical aspects of working as well as building trusting and respectful relationships with young children in early childhood settings with a focus on ages 18-month to three. In addition, students will engage in reflective writing on the roles of an early years educator.

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icon-arrow-orange GED1105 Motor Skills Development

This module equips students with the knowledge, skills and guiding principles to help young children develop perceptual, fine motor and fundamental movement skills, consisting of locomotor, non-locomotor and object control skills, in a safe environment. Students will learn to observe, plan, implement and facilitate fun, meaningful and age appropriate indoor and outdoor play activities that combine fundamental movement skills and concepts. Students will also learn how to observe and assess children’s motor skills development.

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icon-arrow-orange GED1201 Child Development 2

This module introduces the major theories of child development and their implications on practices in child-rearing and early care and education. The joint contributions of biology and environment to the various aspects of child development will be explored. Students will deepen their understanding of the holistic development of children through observation, recording and analysis of children’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional growth and development. This understanding will help students link theory to practice and guide them in the planning of learning experiences and techniques for behaviour guidance. The six learning areas of the Nurturing Early Learners Framework will also be discussed.

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icon-arrow-orange GED1206 Language & Literacy

This module introduces students to the theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of language and literacy development from birth to six years of age, including trends and issues within our multilingual society. Students will learn to set up and evaluate the learning environment that helps facilitate language and literacy development. Students will also be trained to identify suitable resources, plan experiences for diverse learners and facilitate learning using appropriate techniques and learning technologies. The use of children’s literature to promote holistic development will be discussed. In addition, this module teaches students how to assess children’s progress and work with families to support their learning.

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icon-arrow-orange GED1103 Aesthetics & Creative Expression

This module introduces students to an array of visual and performing arts and provides exposure for the appreciation of the creative art forms. In addition, students will develop an understanding about the importance of art experiences in children’s development and discuss issues related to the value of the arts, opportunities for growth and aesthetic development. Theories of creativity and stages of artistic development will also be discussed. Students will learn multiple approaches to engage young children in creative-arts expressions that are aesthetically rich and imaginative. Through both theory and experiential sessions, students will encounter the arts at first hand and will design art experiences that are developmentally appropriate, meaningful and informed by practice.

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icon-arrow-orange GED1204 InfoComm Technology Essentials

This module develops e-competencies by equipping students with the essentials of InfoComm Technology (ICT) concepts and skills needed to use ICT applications for information research, organisation, collaboration and presentation.

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You will know how to help the child to become a curious learner and a problem solver through the approach of holistic development. Pick up skills in curriculum planning and bring them to the next level with field practicum.

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange GED2205 Curriculum Planning & Implementation

This module introduces students to the curriculum planning and assessment cycles. The main philosophical and pedagogical principles of various approaches and models of early childhood care and education will be discussed. Students will take reference from the NEL Framework to plan, implement and evaluate developmentally appropriate learning experiences for diverse preschool children that integrate different learning areas and learning dispositions. Students will also learn how to incorporate various types of play, learning technologies and teaching strategies in their planning. 

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icon-arrow-orange GED2102 Discovery of the World

This module provides an overview of how young children make sense of the world they live in and how they acquire knowledge and concepts. Students will learn to use the constructivist approach to foster process skills and engage children in exploration through field trips, simple investigations or experiments. Effective teaching techniques, the use of learning technologies and the setting up of a discovery centre that supports children’s inquiry and independent learning will also be discussed. In addition, developmentally and culturally appropriate learning goals and experiences for children from birth to six years of age will be addressed. 

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icon-arrow-orange GED2203 Working with the Exceptional Child

This module introduces students to various exceptional needs in young children including physical, cognitive, behavioural, emotional and sensory characteristics that make them different. Trends and issues in relation to inclusive practices and policies will be covered. Students will learn about the educator’s roles in an inclusive learning environment, especially in designing individualised learning plans and communicating with families. Students will also explore community resources and find out more about professionals that provide support for children with additional needs.

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icon-arrow-orange GED2104 Early Numeracy

This module examines the theoretical framework which underpins young children’s learning of mathematics. Students will be introduced to the principles, knowledge and skills required to plan, implement and evaluate learning experiences that lay the foundations for children to become problem solvers and abstract thinkers. Students will learn to choose developmentally appropriate materials and resources, set up mathematically-rich environment, use effective teaching techniques to nurture children’s mathematical thinking and assess their learning. The use of interactive technology to teach numeracy will also be discussed.

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icon-arrow-orange GED2001 Practicum 2

This practicum is for students to relate to practical aspects of working with children from three plus to six years of age in early childhood settings. Besides taking on teacher-assistant roles, the focus will be on setting up or reviewing the learning corners, engagement and facilitation in small group play and activities, as well as large/whole group teaching. Students will learn to plan a series of structured and unstructured sequential learning experiences for children according to the topic/theme of the practicum centre. The interests, needs and abilities of the group of children, the use of the environment and classroom management are considerations for planning. An integrated approach to the design and implementation of learning experiences that supports the six learning domains of the NEL Framework with the aim of enhancing and challenging children’s desire to explore, experiment and discover in a safe environment will be emphasised. Students will also engage in reflective writing on their roles as a professional early educator and their interactions with children.

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icon-arrow-orange GED2002 The Preschool Years: Theory to Practice

This module equips students with the knowledge and skills to take on the role of a teacher assistant for Practicum 2. Students will learn about the principles to design and modify learning environments to support and facilitate the learning and development of preschool children with diverse needs through play and positive interactions. There will be discussion on how to organize daily schedule, set up learning areas with appropriate materials and incorporate the use of technology. Strategies on classroom and behaviour management will be introduced. This module also addresses ways to nurture children to become secure, emotionally connected, and confident individuals through developing their competencies in self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making. In addition, students will reflect on their roles as a preschool educator and their interactions with children.

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icon-arrow-orange GED2003 Infant & Toddler Learning Environment

This module introduces students to strategies to develop respectful, responsive and reciprocal relationships with children, through meaningful and positive interactions, based on their unique characteristics. Students will acquire knowledge and skills to set up or modify the learning environment to support the development of children from birth to three years of age, taking into consideration child development theories and stages of development. Students will also learn to work with families to plan transitions, child-centric experiences and establish routines. In addition, the principles and practices of children engagement and guidance will be covered. The role of assessment through purposeful observation and documentation of children’s behaviour will be emphasised. 

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Deepen your knowledge in your area of interest with electives such as 2D & 3D Art or take up modules in the Visual Arts or Mother Tongue Language Teaching - Malay track. Put your skills and knowledge into practice on a six-month internship.

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange GED3000 Student Internship Programme

This structured programme is designed to link your learning with the real work environment. You will be placed in organisation(s) with opportunities to apply the concepts and skills acquired in the course of your study. Besides reinforcing technical concepts and mastering of skills in areas that you have been trained, the practical training will enable you to build important skills such as problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and to cultivate good attitude and a strong work ethic.

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icon-arrow-orange GED3001 The Reflective Practitioner in Practice

This module equips students with the knowledge and skills to take on the role of a beginning early childhood educator. The roles of families, community partners and other professionals will be discussed. The students will learn how to engage and work collaboratively with these stakeholders to support children’s learning and development. They will also learn communication skills and ways to manage challenging issues in relation to working with children, colleagues and diverse families, taking reference from the code of ethics for early childhood professionals. Organisational privacy, confidentiality and data protection guidelines as well as stages of professional development, practitioner competencies and advocacy will be covered. In addition, students will acquire the concept of self-in-relation-to-others, reflect on their professional growth and interpersonal skills, as well as learn to exercise self-care, in order to enhance personal effectiveness.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange GXA3001 2D & 3D Art

This module introduces students to the concept and practice of two and three dimensional representation and expression. In-depth studio practice and art critique sessions will give students the opportunity to acquire sound understanding of the use of art concepts and medium in effective and expressive representation. Additionally, meaningful art making plays an important role in promoting intellectual and emotional development in children and as such, pedagogical issues of facilitating artistic and aesthetic growth for the early years will be addressed.

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icon-arrow-orange GXN3006 Assessment and Differentiated Instructions

This module builds on the understanding of diverse family circumstances children come from. It then provides an overview of the skills and techniques to identify, assess and support learning, behavioural, psycho-social and communication needs in young children who are at risk of developing learning and behavioural challenges. Using the linked system of assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, students will be introduced to an array of assessment tools and the approaches involved in differentiating instructions to address specific needs of children in a pre-school setting.

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icon-arrow-orange GXA3003 Book Illustration & Design for Children

The emphasis of this module is on the practice and understanding of design and illustration techniques for children’s books. In this module, students will learn the art of children books design across time and culture. In addition, students will have the opportunities to explore and use various classical and contemporary design language, and illustration techniques to unpack the relationship between text and images. Through these experiences, students will explore their personal growth with understanding of their roles both as a visual storyteller and an early childhood educator.

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icon-arrow-orange GXX3001 Drama for Pre-school Education

This module develops students’ critical thinking, imagination and creative expressions, as well as encourages them to be open to new ideas and novel experiences. Students will learn to plan and implement drama experiences for young children to guide them in developing confidence, empathy and communication skills.

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icon-arrow-orange GXX3002 Children’s Literature

This module introduces students to children’s literature and how it has reflected cultural, social and ideological change. Students will examine the ways in which the child has been depicted in literature, learn to appreciate and critique different genre of children's books and be able to select age-appropriate books for young children. A study of children’s television and drama is included.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange GXA3001 2D & 3D Art

This module introduces students to the concept and practice of two and three dimensional representation and expression. In-depth studio practice and art critique sessions will give students the opportunity to acquire sound understanding of the use of art concepts and medium in effective and expressive representation. Additionally, meaningful art making plays an important role in promoting intellectual and emotional development in children and as such, pedagogical issues of facilitating artistic and aesthetic growth for the early years will be addressed.

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icon-arrow-orange GXA3002 Digital & New Media

This module exposes students to the foundational knowledge and skills of digital and new media in the field of art and design to enhance teaching and learning in early childhood settings. Through a combination of studio practice and theoretical discussions, students will develop insights and competencies in expressing and representing ideas and concepts through the use of digital tools.

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icon-arrow-orange GXA3003 Book Illustration & Design for Children

The emphasis of this module is on the practice and understanding of design and illustration techniques for children’s books. In this module, students will learn the art of children books design across time and culture. In addition, students will have the opportunities to explore and use various classical and contemporary design language, and illustration techniques to unpack the relationship between text and images. Through these experiences, students will explore their personal growth with understanding of their roles both as a visual storyteller and an early childhood educator.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange GXM3001 Malay Grammar for Effective Communication

This module reinforces in students their core skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil. They will also learn the technicalities of the Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil language such as word classification, word formation and sentence building to enable them to communicate effectively with parents and other stakeholders in both verbal and written forms.

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icon-arrow-orange GXM3002 Malay Language & Literacy

This module equips students with the knowledge and skills to develop language and literacy skills for young children that provide foundation for communication, reading and writing. Taking reference from the Singapore's national frameworks, students will learn to plan and facilitate children’s learning in a fun and interactive manner including the use of play, show-and-tell, songs and rhymes. Students will also be introduced to the different types of Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil children’s literature and learn how visual literacy can be used to support children’s learning. The module will also teach strategies for storytelling and story reading to provide enjoyable learning experiences for children. 

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icon-arrow-orange GXM3003 Teaching Malay through the Arts

This module introduces students to Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil cultural songs, musical instruments as well as traditional and folk art which are appropriate for young children. Students will explore the use of music, art and drama to develop children’s interest in learning the language, culture and heritage, as well as to reinforce and extend their learning. Students will also learn to use dramatisation to enhance children’s meaning-making of folklore and stories.

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* Choose any two Diploma Electives, or be part of the Visual Arts track or the Mother Tongue Language Teaching - Malay track.

You will also take this set of subjects that equips you with the crucial 21st-Century life skills you need to navigate the modern world as an agile, forward-thinking individual and team player.

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange GTX1001 Effective Communication

This subject introduces the fundamentals of effective communication. It also covers how to communicate with and convince an audience through writing and speaking tasks. The skills in this subject will include the application of strategies for communication, appropriate vocabulary, language features, visual aids, tone and style. The Message, Audience, Purpose and Strategy (MAPS) framework will also be applied when planning and engaging in written and verbal communication.​ There will be opportunities to communicate and collaborate through active learning activities, apply digital and information literacy skills and build competence through self-directed learning.

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icon-arrow-orange GTX1002 Professional Communication

This subject covers professional communication skills for the workplace and employability skills in the areas of career preparation. It covers communication and interpersonal skills, including effective virtual communication etiquette, and conducting oneself professionally in the workplace. In addition, essential career preparation skills such as resume writing and interview skills, needed to seek and secure work would be included. The Message, Audience, Purpose and Strategy (MAPS) framework would also be applied when engaging in written and verbal communication. There will be opportunities to communicate and collaborate through active learning activities, apply digital and information literacy skills and build competence through self-directed learning.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1301 Current Issues & Critical Thinking

This subject covers current issues, including diverse local and global concerns, that will impact lives and may have critical implications for Singapore. There will be opportunities to build competence through self-directed learning, communicate and collaborate in active discussions and objectively analyse issues using digital and information literacy skills and critical thinking scaffolds.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1201 Career Readiness

This subject focuses on personal management skills. It develops an understanding of one’s career interests, values, personality and skills for career success. It covers the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to succeed in the workplace and achieve professional goals. There will be exposure to apply digital and information literacy skills, build competence through self-directed learning methods, and acquire the skills of being a lifelong learner.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1202 Career Management

This subject focuses on career management skills. It covers the importance of workplace readiness skills to adapt and respond to the changing job market environment. Career ownership and continuous learning for lifelong employability will be emphasised. There will be exposure to apply digital and information literacy skills, build competence through self-directed learning, and acquire the skills of being a lifelong learner.

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icon-arrow-orange GGS1002 Global Studies

This subject provides essential skills and knowledge to prepare students for an overseas experience. They will examine the elements of culture and learn the key principles of cross-cultural communication. In addition, they will gain an appreciation and awareness of the political, economic, technological and social landscape to function effectively in a global environment. The subject prepares students to be responsible global citizens and leaders who can contribute to the global community through effective communication and collaboration.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1302 Guided Learning*

The subject introduces students to the concepts and process of self-directed learning in a chosen area of inquiry. The process focusses on four stages: planning, performing, monitoring and reflecting. Students get to plan their individual learning project, refine and execute the learning plan, as well as monitor and reflect on their learning progress and project. The learning will be captured and showcased through a curated portfolio. The self-directed learning project will broaden and/or deepen a student’s knowledge and skills. Students will enhance their problem solving and digital literacy skills through this subject.

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icon-arrow-orange GIN1001 Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The subject is designed for learners from all disciplines to embrace innovation in either their specialised field or beyond.  Learners will be taught to apply the Design Thinking framework to develop problem statements, ideate and identify feasible solutions. Learners will be exposed to several tools for prototyping. In addition, commercial awareness will be imbued in learners through various innovation and entrepreneurship concepts or tools. This subject also prepares students to be self-directed lifelong learners who are digital and information literate. It nurtures communicative and collaborative citizens who can use objective analysis in problem-solving.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1101 Leadership Fundamentals

This subject focuses on self-leadership based on the values of integrity, respect, and responsibility. Increasing awareness of self and others will lay the foundations for personal and relationship effectiveness. Consequential thinking, clear articulation of personal values and visions, emphatic listening, and collaboration in serving others are some of the essential skills covered in this leadership journey. There will be opportunities to build and to apply the concepts of being a values-centred leader.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1102 Leadership in Action

This subject focuses on Service Learning as an experiential platform to apply the tenets of Self and Team Leadership. Service Learning will be the capstone project for this subject, which will require an analysis of the diverse needs of the community, collaboration with community partners and demonstration of learning, including key elements of empathy. There will be opportunities to build and to apply the concepts of being a values-centred leader.

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icon-arrow-orange LSW1002 Sports & Wellness

This subject reinforces the fundamental knowledge learnt on health, fitness, exercise and sports. Hands-in time will be allocated for a greater variety of fitness exercises and sports skills in a recreation setting. In addition, theoretical knowledge such as sports safety and risk management when participating in physical activities will be introduced. Guidance will be provided for improvement of physical fitness, acquiring of sports skills and relating theoretical knowledge to the physical activities.

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icon-arrow-orange TGS1001 Sustainability & Climate Action*

This subject prepares students to be responsible global citizens and future leaders who can contribute to the global community.  It introduces the topics of sustainability and explores how human societies can act to build a sustainable future. This subject focuses on the impact of climate change, potential solutions to climate change, and the future of the green economy from global and local perspectives.

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* Students must choose to take either Sustainability & Climate Action or Guided Learning.

Graduation Requirements
TP Core Subjects
24 credit units
Diploma Subjects - Core Subjects
92 credit units
Diploma Subjects - Elective Subjects
min 8 credit units
Total Credit Units Completed
min 124 credit units

Career Prospects

Graduates from this course can work as early childhood educators or work in children-related industries.

With further studies and training, a wide variety of options are available in the following areas:


  • Child Support and Family Services 
  • Early Intervention, Special Needs Education 
  • Curriculum Development 
  • Play Therapy 
  • Teacher Education

Course Review

Find out what our graduates have to say about this course. 

Course Fees

PET Course Fee


The table below shows the total subsidised fees (inclusive of GST) payable. 

(Aged below 40 in the year 2024) 



There are 2 semesters in each Academic YEAR (AY). The billing periods for AY 2024/2025 are:
Semester 1:  15 April 2024 – 13 October 2024 
Semester 2:  14 October 2024 – 20 April 2025

Fees are billed and payable by semester. They are usually payable in June for Semester 1 and December for Semester 2.


View course fees for other intakes, subsidies, grants, bursary and awards at the Fees & Financial matters section. 

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