
Driving Responsible Practices Through Leadership

We uphold the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct by integrating these principles into our policies, procedures, and practices.



green procurement

Green Procurement

Temasek Polytechnic has always taken a strategic approach to environmental stewardship and fostering a sustainable future. Engaging greener suppliers, using sustainable materials, and adopting green procurement policies contribute to environmental conservation and social responsibility. We will continue to explore the core elements and benefits of green procurement.

Materiality Assessment

In 2023, TP conducted our first materiality assessment with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative - GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 standards. This assessment ensured that our sustainability efforts focus on the most significant impacts that could affect TP or that TP could influence from a sustainability standpoint.


Our approach comprises five distinct steps that guide our strategic approach to identifying, prioritising, and addressing key material topics. These are the five steps: 


The materiality assessment, conducted over a five-month period, involved over 1,200 survey responses to ensure comprehensive and insightful results.


Here’s our material topics.


  1. Sustainability Curriculum Integration
  2. Research and Industry Linkages
  3. Energy Management
  4. Water Management
  5. GHG Inventory and Management
  6. Waste Management
  7. Human Capital Management
  8. Student Well-being
  9. Community Engagement and Impact
  10. Occupational Health and Safety
  11. Anti-Corruption
  12. Climate-related Risk Management
  13. Green Procurement Policies
  14. Information Security Including Privacy


Climate Scenario Risk Assessment

In 2023, TP embarked on our climate-related disclosures, implementing it in a phased approach. The assessment references Singapore’s Third National Climate Change Study by Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) and is guided by the IFRS S2 standards. We also conducted a qualitative scenario analysis and have committed to enhancing our disclosure efforts in the future.

We conducted a climate risk assessment to evaluate the resilience of TP’s campus against physical and transition risks, considering the likelihood, impact, and potential mitigation plans. We referenced two sets of time horizons from GreenGov.SG and our net zero emissions targets.
