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COURSE DATE 21 Apr 2025 - 19 Apr 2026 COURSE DURATION / FREQUENCY 3 hours/session (3 days/week)
MODE OF LEARNING Facilitated Learning (Face-to-Face/ Online Synchronous) and Asynchronous E-Learning COURSE VENUE Temasek Polytechnic

Course Overview

This course is jointly offered by Ren Ci Learning Academy and Temasek Polytechnic. It aims to provide in-service professionals and new entrants in the healthcare and community care sectors essential knowledge and skills to design and implement interventions aimed at facilitating healthy ageing and integrated health and social care for seniors with diverse needs. Skills required to mobilize community resources and strengthen stakeholder partnerships will also be introduced.


Do note that there will be a few onsite practical sessions conducted at TP and Ren Ci premises.


All students are required to bring their own notebooks for lessons. You may refer to the required technical specifications for notebook HERE.

What You'll Learn

Upon graduating from the course, graduates should be able to:


  • Perform basic health coaching and social prescribing
  • Assist with case management to address complex psychosocial and health issues  
  • Plan and implement quality programmes and activities that promote healthy ageing
  • Apply strategies to recruit and retain volunteers
  • Conduct basic medication history-taking and support medication adherence in older adults
  • Assess and manage fall risk and frailty


To be awarded the Specialist Diploma in Gerontology (Community Care Practice), participants are required to complete a total of 2 Post-Diploma Certificates. A certificate will be issued upon successful completion of each PDC.

Subject Code Subject
icon-arrow-orange GSF2001 Perspectives on Ageing

This subject will provide a multidimensional understanding of the physical, psychological, social and spiritual changes associated with ageing, and how these domains influence quality of life and optimal ageing for older adults. Special focus will be given to chronic illnesses and the mental health of older adults, with an emphasis on dementia and depression. The importance of public health and health promotion strategies will be discussed. 

icon-arrow-orange GSF2014 Programme Planning & Stakeholder Management

This subject provides students with the knowledge and skills on planning, development, implementation and evaluation of meaningful activities and programmes that are aimed at promoting healthy and active ageing. This subject will also expose students to current models and practices in stakeholder and volunteer management. Case studies would be used to assist students to apply their learning.

icon-arrow-orange GSF2015 Integrated Care

This subject introduces students to the overarching challenges faced in long-term care systems in Singapore and worldwide, and the importance of integrated care in achieving long-term positive health outcomes for older adults and the community. Students will learn about current and emerging preventive, intermediate and long-term care interventions set in Singapore’s community care sector, and care models such as person-centred care that will become increasingly relevant to future cohorts of older adults.

icon-arrow-orange APS0101 Medication Use in Older Adults

This subject will introduce basic knowledge on common medication use and possible effects on the cognitive and physical well-being of older adults. The focus will be on equipping participants with skills to conduct medical and medication history-taking and support medication adherence in older adults.


This certificate in Community-Led Approach to Healthy Ageing provides students with a holistic understanding centred around promoting health and well-being among the elderly within community settings. The role of community stakeholders and the significance of inter-agency partnerships in supporting older adults and their families will also be introduced. Students will gain skills and knowledge related to population health, social prescribing, and care coordination.

Subject Code Subject
icon-arrow-orange GSF2013 Introduction to Frailty Management

This subject aims to provide an introduction to the students on the topic of frailty. It would address the different aspects of frailty e.g. physical, nutrition and cognitive. Participants would learn the tools that are available to assess and identify frailty. Considerations on activity selection for frail older adults and cognitive stimulating activities will also be discussed.

icon-arrow-orange GSF2012 Safety Interventions for Older Adults

This subject will address common safety risks at home and in the community for older adults and the importance of safety interventions. Participants will learn about the internal and external protective factors and strategies to mitigate safety risks. Special considerations for older adults with cognitive impairments will also be discussed.


This certificate in optimising engagement with older adults provides a holistic understanding of the significance of occupational engagement for older adults’ quality of life. It covers frailty management, providing insights into the multifaceted challenges associated with frailty in older adults and strategies for effective management. Additionally, it also covers safety interventions aimed at promoting functional mobility and healthy ageing for older adults of varied cognitive functioning.

Modes of Assessment


The course will utilise a variety of assessment methods to allow knowledge and skills to be assessed appropriately. Assessment would be based on practical tests and practical assignments, as well as written tests and written assignments.

For more information on course fee / schedule, or to apply,

Career Opportunities

Graduates can look forward to being hired as Community Care Executive (CCE), Programme Executive, Social Work Associate, Care Coordinator Assistant and Assistant Health Coach.

Entry Requirements


A Polytechnic Diploma or ITE Technical Diploma / Technical Engineer Diploma / Work-Learn Technical Diploma / Work-Study Diploma or equivalent
A Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent

A Post-Secondary Certificate

AND with at least 3 Years of relevant working experience

Suitable For

Support Care Workers (e.g., Care staff, Nursing/Therapy Aide, Programme Assistant, Community Care Executive) who are keen to deepen and expand their skillsets, and Mid-Careerists interested in joining the healthcare and community care sectors.

Recommended for You

Course Contact

  • Mainline 67881212
  • Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 6:00pm
    Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
    Closed during lunchtime, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
    and on weekends and public holidays.

  • https://www.tp.edu.sg/tsa
  • Temasek SkillsFuture Academy (TSA)
    Temasek Polytechnic
    East Wing, Block 1A, Level 3, Unit 109
    21 Tampines Ave 1
    Singapore 529757

  • Temasek Polytechnic reserves the right to alter the course, modify the scale of fee, amend any other information or cancel course with low enrolment.
