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COURSE DATE 21 Apr 2025 - 19 Apr 2026 COURSE DURATION / FREQUENCY 3 hours/session (3 days/week)
MODE OF LEARNING Facilitated Learning (Face-to-Face/ Online Synchronous) and Asynchronous E-Learning COURSE VENUE Temasek Polytechnic

Course Overview

Jointly developed by Temasek Polytechnic and the Ministry of Home Affairs, the aim of the part-time Specialist Diploma programme is to equip and enhance the knowledge and skills of participants to enable them to be competent Security Consultants.


Upon completion of the course, graduates should be able to apply:


  • risk assessment techniques to produce Threat Vulnerability Risk Assessment (TVRA) reports.
  • building security knowledge to comply with - relevant legislation.
  • appropriate security technologies to support strategic security planning.
  • the best practices for security project management.


All students are required to bring their own notebooks for lessons. You may refer to the required technical specifications for notebook HERE.

What You'll Learn

To be awarded the Specialist Diploma in Security Consultancy, participants are required to complete a total of 2 post-diploma certificates (PDCs). A certificate will be issued upon successful completion of each PDC.

Subject Code Subject
icon-arrow-orange PSEC001 Protective Security Fundamentals

This subject covers 3 topics –
(1) Introduction to Protective Security
(2) Mitigation Measures and
(3) Quality Assurance.

It will also cover the Protective Security Framework, and its various elements such as Security Officer Operations, Video Surveillance Systems, Physical Barriers and Security Policies within the threat mitigation measures components.

icon-arrow-orange PSEC007 Outcome-Based Project Management for Security

The module covers knowledge and practices which are widely applied in project management. It covers topics on the outcome-based project management framework, project management processes. The subject encompasses both theory and practical skills on using project management tools.

The subject analyses the environment in which the outcome-based projects operate and explains how the various processes in the different knowledge areas are integrated and interrelated. 


Subject Code Subject
icon-arrow-orange PSEC004 Security by Design

This subject covers 3 topics –
(1) Legislation
(2) Threats
(3) Security Risk Analysis

The subjects will cover the various legislations related to Protective Security, and the knowledge and skills to conduct risk assessments and develop robust security plans to mitigate identified risks

icon-arrow-orange PSEC008 Security Technologies Fundamentals

This module enables students to design buildings with built-in security features from the design phase, enhancing collaboration among stakeholders and improving risk management.


Modes of Assessment


Assessments will be based on a combination of coursework components such as written and practical tests, case studies, assignments and projects.

For more information on course fee / schedule, or to apply,

Career Opportunities

Security consultancy is a new career pathway in the Skills Framework for Security. A Security Consultant conducts security audits and assesses the threats, vulnerabilities and risks to a facility. He or she will then develop security protection plans to effectively manage these risks. This can result in better security outcomes and more efficient use of manpower, especially if it is done when a building is being designed. Security Consultants can also advise their clients how to specify outcome-based security contracts, and work with security agencies to put in place measures that best meet their client’s needs by integrating technology with manpower.


Security consultants play an important role in transforming the security industry in an environment of heightened terrorist threats and slowing manpower growth. They will support owners of critical infrastructure and large scale developments incorporate security into building design, under the Security-by-Design process required under the Infrastructure Protection Act. The principles of Security-by-Design can also be applied more generally to support other buildings owners keen to adopt more technology, reduce manpower reliance and raise their level of security


Entry Requirements


A Polytechnic Diploma or ITE Technical Diploma / Technical Engineer Diploma / Work-Learn Technical Diploma or equivalent
A Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent

A Post-Secondary Certificate

AND with at least 3 Years of relevant working experience

Suitable For

The Specialist Diploma in Security Consultancy is targeted at professionals currently working in the private security industry from security agencies, and in-house security personnel who would like to specialise in security assessment and consulting.

Recommended for You

Course Contact

  • Mainline 67881212
  • Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 6:00pm
    Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
    Closed during lunchtime, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
    and on weekends and public holidays.

  • https://www.tp.edu.sg/tsa
  • Temasek SkillsFuture Academy (TSA)
    Temasek Polytechnic
    East Wing, Block 1A, Level 3, Unit 109
    21 Tampines Ave 1
    Singapore 529757

  • Temasek Polytechnic reserves the right to alter the course, modify the scale of fee, amend any other information or cancel course with low enrolment.
