- Managing Everyday Money
- Practising the budgeting process to manage income, saving, and spending, and monitoring one’s expenditure.
- Discussing practical tips to stretch one’s dollar.
- Using Digital Services: CPF Mobile and Cashless Payments
- Introducing digital and payment services.
- Introducing the use of cashless payment services: PayNow and SGQR Pay.
- Introducing the use of CPF services online to manage CPF savings.
- Planning Ahead
- Understanding what the financial needs in retirement and the importance of being prepared.
- Awareness of Government schemes that support retirement and healthcare needs: CPF (CPF LIFE, MediShield Life, Eldershield / CareShield Life), HDB monetisation schemes.
- Awareness of the importance of making CPF and insurance nominations.
- Awareness of advance care planning for one’s future health and personal care, including the purposes of making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and Advance Medical Directive (AMD).
- Staying Safe Against Scams
- Awareness of the common types of scams and where to get reliable information on scam alerts.
- Awareness of self-protection guidelines and keeping personal data safe.
- Reporting a scam incident and seeking assistance when in doubt.
Participants who complete the course will be awarded the Certificate of Attendance.