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Course Overview

Have you ever admired the intricate details of notable architectural buildings or envisioned a space that seamlessly blends form and function? Our Interior Architecture & Design programme offers you the opportunity to bring your design visions to life.


You'll delve into the fundamentals of architectural design, exploring form, space, and structure. You'll master the art of architectural drawing and digital visualisation, allowing you to communicate your ideas with precision.


Through a rigorous project-based approach, you'll gain hands-on experience working on real-world projects, collaborating with industry professionals, and participating in design competitions.


As a graduate of our programme, you'll be well-positioned to pursue a fulfilling career as an interior designer or spatial planner. You'll be able to shape the future of our built environment, creating spaces that are not only beautiful but also functional, sustainable, and inspiring.

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for consideration for admission, applicants must obtain 26 points or better for the net ELR2B2 aggregate score (i.e. English Language, 2 relevant subjects and best 2 other subjects, including CCA Bonus Points) and meet the minimum entry requirements of this course. CCA cannot be used to meet the minimum entry requirements.


English Language (EL1)*


Mathematics (E or A)


Any one of the subject in the 2nd group of relevant subjects for ELR2B2-D Aggregate Type

  • Art
  • Biology
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Computing / Computer Studies
  • Creative 3D Animation
  • Design & Technology
  • Design Studies
  • Food & Nutrition/ Nutrition & Food Science
  • Electronics / Fundamentals of Electronics
  • Higher Art
  • Media Studies (English)
  • Media Studies (Chinese)
  • Physics
  • Science (Chemistry, Biology)
  • Science (Physics, Biology)
  • Science (Physics, Chemistry)
2025 Planned Intake
Net ELR2B2 aggregate range (2025 JAE)
7 - 12

* Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)/ Unified Examination Chinese (UEC) holders must have a minimum of grade 6 for the relevant English Language subject (e.g. Bahasa Inggeris).

Note: Applicants with mild or severe colour vision deficiency or suffering from severe visual impairment should not apply for this course.

Admissions Exercises


What You'll Learn

Begin your journey by exploring and experimenting with shapes, forms and discover how these translate into exciting spaces. Learn about the roots of architectural design and the basics of sustainable design, architectural drawing, as well as the various factors that influence space planning.

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange DIA1239 Form & Space Exploration

This subject introduces the fundamental design elements that constitute the built-environment and develops a design vocabulary that is both elemental and timeless. It covers the sculpting and manipulation of form using various model making materials and explores the implications to the perception of space.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA1240 Architectural Drawing

The subject covers the fundamental concepts and construction of geometric drawings, orthographic projections and perspective drawings to communicate design ideas.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA1241 Architecture Design Studies

This subject covers the history and appreciation of architecture from ancient to the contemporary times. The subject also encompasses specific influences on the architecture of Singapore.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA2244 Sustainable Space Planning

The subject focuses on the understanding of human behaviour through the sustainable planning of spaces that set the stage for an effective user experience. The subject addresses issues pertaining to ergonomics, anthropometry, human behaviour, universal design and design programming that provides a platform for exploring various techniques to creatively resolve challenges related to the function and quality of human environments.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA1242 Digital Visualisation

The subject introduces the fundamentals of the use of computer-aided design (CAD) software and three dimensional modelling software that is relevant to specific application in the context of built environment.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA1243 Integrated Studio Project 1

This subject is exploratory in nature and introduces a design contextual framework with the focus on form exploration in the design process. The subject involves the introductory evaluation of a given site to identify environmental, program, and development constraints and opportunities. It covers the collation of data collected by basic site investigation assimilated to explore design proposals through the design process.

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icon-arrow-orange DCF1038 Aesthetics for Design

This subject introduces the aesthetic and communicative aspects of design. Key topics include the elements of visual art, principles of design, basic drawing techniques and fundamental applied typography, and will explore integrating different sensorial qualities to expand the aesthetic experience for effective design communication.

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icon-arrow-orange DCF1037 Design in Context

This subject explores the context, influence and motivations in creative practices led by global art, design and film movements across various periods. It will cover the study of design trends and socio-political climates to translate design inspirations using the appropriate terminology and language in both writing and oral presentations.

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icon-arrow-orange DCF1036 Discovering Design

This subject will cover the essential ideas, tools, processes and techniques of the various disciplines within design. It provides the framework to develop creative confidence towards learning in design by acquiring fundamental knowledge, attitudes, and mindsets necessary to build design conversance.

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icon-arrow-orange DCF1039 Form & Materiality

This subject will introduce prototyping and tactile manipulation in relation to form and function. The subject provides the framework for exploring form, proportion and hierarchy, with a focus on 2D and 3D drawings, interacting with both hard and soft materials, and journaling.

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icon-arrow-orange DCF1040 Visual Narratives: Photography

This subject provides an overview of the power of visual narratives through a variety of photographic directions. It includes the fundamentals of camera skills such as shutter speed control, depth of field, sensor sensitivity, exposure and angle of lenses, basic principles of photography, and the narration of a story through a series of photographic images.

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icon-arrow-orange DCF1041 Visual Narratives: Videography

This subject will cover the use of electronic cinematography techniques to tell a story. Key topics include mobile videography, visual composition, shutter speed control, depth of field, sensor sensitivity, exposure and angle of lenses, lighting concepts, audio and post-production, and video sequencing in creating visual narratives.

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Consolidate and deepen your understanding of spatial design through a series of projects, some with industry. You will also widen your perspective through mentorship opportunities, study trips and visits to architectural design studios.

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange DIA2245 Digital Modelling

This subject covers the fundamentals of digital visualisation and presentation software relevant to the specific application in the context of the built environment.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA2246 Construction & Detailing

This subject aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to produce a basic set of construction drawings to communicate architectural and design intents.

This subject covers the understanding and application of building Construction Elements, through a comparison of Structural and Non-structural Functions, providing an understanding of the constructional framework and the parameters within each interior space can be altered and manipulated considering the importance of precision in Detailing. 

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icon-arrow-orange DIA2247 Interior Building Systems

The subject covers the knowledge and application of building systems that contribute to the comfort, safety and accessibility of users of an interior environment.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA2248 Spatial Design Studies

The subject covers the communication of an experience within a 3-dimensional space which contributes to spatial image and identity that includes considerations such as light, materiality, etc., in a relation to a site context.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA2240 Integrated Studio Project 2

This subject covers a design contextual framework with the focus on the analysis of a site (person/place/ programme), a vital step in the design process of an interior environment. The subject involves the evaluation of a given site to identify environmental, program, and development constraints and opportunities. It covers the collation of data collected by site study that needs to be interpreted and assimilated to explore design proposals through the design process. The subject will have emphasis on the exploration of form and space in relation to a program with functions.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA3236 Industry Studio Project

This studio is industry-driven and will equip you with skills and knowledge of working in small groups with the focus on collaborative practice-based scenarios. This studio will involve you with agents/clients in the industry and practice, and ultimately prepare you for your Student Internship Programme.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA3237 Digital Integration

The subject introduces the fundamentals of the use of BIM software that is relevant to specific application in the context of built environment.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA3238 Professional Practice

The subject introduces the fundamentals of the interior design profession concerning its management with the regulatory and legal framework of the practice and ethics of being a designer, providing an operational framework in executing a design project and design documentation.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange DPD2445 Digital Prototyping

This subject covers 3D surface modelling to create virtual objects. The construction of high-quality 3D modelling and visualisation through 2D computer rendering will be explored by using appropriate CAD (Computer-aided Design) software.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA2249 Design for Customer Experience

This subject will introduce Customer Experience (CX) as an overarching strategy for retail and hospitality spaces. It focuses on the creation of omni-channel systems that blend physical and online platforms to engage customers by creating meaningful atmospheres.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA2250 Sustainable Urban Systems

The subject introduces foundational knowledge of how architecture and design resides within the context of larger urban systems. Macro concepts behind sustainable design and development like biophilic design, skyrise greenery and various urban system initiatives in the Built Environment sector to encourage a circular economy will be introduced.

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The Industry Studio Project lets you work with clients on real briefs in preparation for your Major Project. You will also experience 16 weeks of industry practice before you step out into the world as full-fledged designers.

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange DMP3028 Major Project: IAD

The project aims to synthesise the collective skills and knowledge acquired in past semesters. The scope includes the inception and exploration of design ideas and concepts within a specific context, the investigative study, analysis and research into pertinent design issues and the resolution of the design problem leading to a comprehensive interior design outcome.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange DPD2445 Digital Prototyping

This subject covers 3D surface modelling to create virtual objects. The construction of high-quality 3D modelling and visualisation through 2D computer rendering will be explored by using appropriate CAD (Computer-aided Design) software.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA2249 Design for Customer Experience

This subject will introduce Customer Experience (CX) as an overarching strategy for retail and hospitality spaces. It focuses on the creation of omni-channel systems that blend physical and online platforms to engage customers by creating meaningful atmospheres.

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icon-arrow-orange DIA2250 Sustainable Urban Systems

The subject introduces foundational knowledge of how architecture and design resides within the context of larger urban systems. Macro concepts behind sustainable design and development like biophilic design, skyrise greenery and various urban system initiatives in the Built Environment sector to encourage a circular economy will be introduced.

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You will also take this set of subjects that equips you with the crucial 21st-Century life skills you need to navigate the modern world as an agile, forward-thinking individual and team player.

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange DSI3034 Student Internship Programme

This structured programme is designed to link your learning with the real work environment. You will be placed in organisation(s) with opportunities to apply the concepts and skills acquired in the course of your study. Besides reinforcing technical concepts and mastering of skills in areas that you have been trained, the practical training will enable you to build important skills such as problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and to cultivate good attitude and a strong work ethic.

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icon-arrow-orange DTX1001 Effective Communication

This subject introduces the fundamentals of effective communication. It also covers how to communicate with and convince an audience through writing and speaking tasks. The skills in this subject will include the application of strategies for communication, appropriate vocabulary, language features, visual aids, tone and style. The Message, Audience, Purpose and Strategy (MAPS) framework will also be applied when planning and engaging in written and verbal communication.​ There will be opportunities to communicate and collaborate through active learning activities, apply digital and information literacy skills and build competence through self-directed learning.

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icon-arrow-orange DTX1002 Professional Communication

This subject covers professional communication skills for the workplace and employability skills in the areas of career preparation. It covers communication and interpersonal skills, including effective virtual communication etiquette, and conducting oneself professionally in the workplace. In addition, essential career preparation skills such as resume writing and interview skills, needed to seek and secure work would be included. The Message, Audience, Purpose and Strategy (MAPS) framework would also be applied when engaging in written and verbal communication. There will be opportunities to communicate and collaborate through active learning activities, apply digital and information literacy skills and build competence through self-directed learning.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1301 Current Issues & Critical Thinking

This subject covers current issues, including diverse local and global concerns, that will impact lives and may have critical implications for Singapore. There will be opportunities to build competence through self-directed learning, communicate and collaborate in active discussions and objectively analyse issues using digital and information literacy skills and critical thinking scaffolds.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1201 Career Readiness

This subject focuses on personal management skills. It develops an understanding of one’s career interests, values, personality and skills for career success. It covers the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to succeed in the workplace and achieve professional goals. There will be exposure to apply digital and information literacy skills, build competence through self-directed learning methods, and acquire the skills of being a lifelong learner.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1202 Career Management

This subject focuses on career management skills. It covers the importance of workplace readiness skills to adapt and respond to the changing job market environment. Career ownership and continuous learning for lifelong employability will be emphasised. There will be exposure to apply digital and information literacy skills, build competence through self-directed learning, and acquire the skills of being a lifelong learner.

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icon-arrow-orange TGS1002 Global Studies

This subject provides essential skills and knowledge to prepare students for an overseas experience. They will examine the elements of culture and learn the key principles of cross-cultural communication. In addition, they will gain an appreciation and awareness of the political, economic, technological and social landscape to function effectively in a global environment. The subject prepares students to be responsible global citizens and leaders who can contribute to the global community through effective communication and collaboration.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1302 Guided Learning*

The subject introduces students to the concepts and process of self-directed learning in a chosen area of inquiry. The process focusses on four stages: planning, performing, monitoring and reflecting. Students get to plan their individual learning project, refine and execute the learning plan, as well as monitor and reflect on their learning progress and project. The learning will be captured and showcased through a curated portfolio. The self-directed learning project will broaden and/or deepen a student’s knowledge and skills. Students will enhance their problem solving and digital literacy skills through this subject.

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icon-arrow-orange INV1001 Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The subject is designed for learners from all disciplines to embrace innovation in either their specialised field or beyond.  Learners will be taught to apply the Design Thinking framework to develop problem statements, ideate and identify feasible solutions. Learners will be exposed to several tools for prototyping. In addition, commercial awareness will be imbued in learners through various innovation and entrepreneurship concepts or tools. This subject also prepares students to be self-directed lifelong learners who are digital and information literate. It nurtures communicative and collaborative citizens who can use objective analysis in problem-solving.


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icon-arrow-orange GTP1101 Leadership Fundamentals

This subject focuses on self-leadership based on the values of integrity, respect, and responsibility. Increasing awareness of self and others will lay the foundations for personal and relationship effectiveness. Consequential thinking, clear articulation of personal values and visions, emphatic listening, and collaboration in serving others are some of the essential skills covered in this leadership journey. There will be opportunities to build and to apply the concepts of being a values-centred leader.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1102 Leadership in Action

This subject focuses on Service Learning as an experiential platform to apply the tenets of Self and Team Leadership. Service Learning will be the capstone project for this subject, which will require an analysis of the diverse needs of the community, collaboration with community partners and demonstration of learning, including key elements of empathy. There will be opportunities to build and to apply the concepts of being a values-centred leader.

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icon-arrow-orange LSW1002 Sports & Wellness

This subject reinforces the fundamental knowledge learnt on health, fitness, exercise and sports. Hands-in time will be allocated for a greater variety of fitness exercises and sports skills in a recreation setting. In addition, theoretical knowledge such as sports safety and risk management when participating in physical activities will be introduced. Guidance will be provided for improvement of physical fitness, acquiring of sports skills and relating theoretical knowledge to the physical activities.

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icon-arrow-orange TGS1001 Sustainability & Climate Action*

This subject prepares students to be responsible global citizens and future leaders who can contribute to the global community.  It introduces the topics of sustainability and explores how human societies can act to build a sustainable future. This subject focuses on the impact of climate change, potential solutions to climate change, and the future of the green economy from global and local perspectives.

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* Students must choose to take either Sustainability & Climate Action or Guided Learning.

Graduation Requirements
Cumulative Grade Point Average
min 1.0
TP Fundamentals Subjects
36 credit units
Diploma Subjects – Core Subjects
76 credit units
Diploma Subjects – Elective Subjects
min 8 credit units
Total Credit Units Completed
min 120 credit units

Career Prospects

Course Review


Course Fees

PET Course Fee


The table below shows the total subsidised fees (inclusive of GST) payable. 

(Aged below 40 in the year 2024) 



There are 2 semesters in each Academic YEAR (AY). The billing periods for AY 2024/2025 are:
Semester 1:  15 April 2024 – 13 October 2024 
Semester 2:  14 October 2024 – 20 April 2025

Fees are billed and payable by semester. They are usually payable in June for Semester 1 and December for Semester 2.


View course fees for other intakes, subsidies, grants, bursary and awards at the Fees & Financial matters section. 

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