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Welcome to Temasek Polytechnic School of Engineering's Alumni page. This section will enable us to maintain close ties with our graduates. It will also allow graduates to find out about the various activities that are available for them. We plan to involve our Alumni in several interesting and exciting activities throughout the year.


Any graduate and diploma holder from the School of Engineering can be an Alumni member.


We would like this to be the first stop for all our Alumni. From this section, you will be able to access the latest information for Alumni as well as follow the links to the individual diplomas and to TP Alumni activities.

Job Opportunities

Welcome to Temasek Polytechnic School of Engineering's Job Opportunities Section.


Special Notice:


Visit the all-new Temasek Polytechnic Career Portal provided by JobsFactory under the Career Service Agreement. All the various job opportunities will be listed there except for a few exceptions which, due to special circumstances, may be listed over here.


If there are job openings at various companies then they will be listed below with additional details.


For more job opportunities, do check out our TP Alumni Bulletin board.


"The information provided herein is for general information only. Temasek Polytechnic is not an agent for any person, firm or company, which seeks to provide business or employment opportunities for our graduates or its alumni, other than to post the information. Graduates or alumni are therefore advised to exercise caution and to scrutinise all such opportunities closely. Temasek Polytechnic makes no warranties of any kind either expressed or implied. If you use the information provided, you do so at your own risk and for your own benefit. Further, in using such information, you agree to indemnify and hold Temasek Polytechnic harmless from any claims and damages arising."


Our thanks to Student & Alumni Affairs Department, Temasek Polytechnic for sharing their documents with us.
