

Our School of Engineering offers 10 full-time diploma courses and a Common Entry Programme. Currently, we have about 350 staff and 5,000 students. Besides teaching excellence, our School also focuses on applied research & development, so as to remain at the cutting edge of technology.

Housed in a campus that is next to the scenic Bedok Reservoir, we offer a unique waterfront environment that is ideal for both work and play.


Where the Future Happens

Our School of Engineering is at the forefront of technology. We are advanced and up-to-date in terms of equipment, facilities, as well as our Engineering curriculum. We anticipate future needs and our projects and ideas improve future lifestyles. We are hence able to meet the ever-changing demands of the industry.

For students who join our School, this is where their future takes shape and crystallises, where they can work towards realising their ambitions, where their dreams of the future can come true. It is the starting point towards great things in the future. 


Niche Areas

Our School of Engineering has several notable niche areas, meaning, specific fields of study in which we have developed particular strength and expertise, and which is well supported by special facilities and equipment. These niche areas are in Advanced Manufacturing, Aerospace & Aviation, Clean Energy, Robotics & Automation, Medical Technology, as well as Smart Technologies including the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence.


A Vibrant Lifestyle

Our students can look forward to a young, creative, dynamic and lively environment.  Sporting competitions, artistic pursuits, adventure learning programmes, team building games, student camps, overseas study trips, and overseas community projects are some of the many exciting activities that pepper the life of a student in our School.

Today's input, hard work and perseverance will be tomorrow's reward.


Director's Message



Welcome to the School of Engineering!


Do take time to browse our website to find out about what we can offer you.


Our aim is to provide our students with quality education, driven by an industry-relevant curriculum, anchored to a learner-centric pedagogy, enriched with engaging and authentic learning experiences and opportunities, and well supported by up-to-date technology and facilities in premier learning spaces.

Our School offers full-time diploma courses covering a wide array of disciplines — all of which provide our students with a broad based curriculum that opens the doors to flexible career opportunities in Singapore’s new digital economy.  These courses prepare our students to become professionals who will be able to meet the dynamic needs of the industry when they graduate.  We have successfully trained thousands of Engineering diploma holders who have entered the workforce or proceeded to further their studies at university.


The shift towards home-based learning (HBL) arising from the health situation, while posing some unprecedented challenges, has also opened new doors of opportunity and brought some benefits as well.  We have learnt the importance of adapting quickly to changes and embracing technology.  Moving forward, we will adapt ourselves to the evolving situation and strike the best balance between HBL and F2F so as to give our students the best learning experience.  The safety and well-being of our students and staff are of utmost importance to us.


We have also introduced some new initiatives, such as continual education and training (CET) programmes in line with our national SkillsFuture framework, as well as “university pathway programmes” that allow full-time diploma students to take university modules in the final year of their diploma course with us, and get a one-year exemption for selected degree courses at local universities.  Do check our website for more updates on these programmes.


Supporting our academic programmes are our Centres of Excellence, the nerve-centres of research & development in our School.  These Centres ensure that we remain at the forefront of technology, making our School of Engineering a place where opportunities are provided for students to realise their ambitions, where new ideas are born, where innovative projects materialise, and where our collaboration with the industry comes to fruition.


As our student, you can look forward to a holistic and engaging learning experience which will prepare you well for a fulfilling and rewarding career.  We also look forward to working with industry partners to explore opportunities for collaboration.


Best wishes


Song Kwok Yuen (Mr)


School of Engineering

Temasek Polytechnic


School Advisory Committee


Eng Calendar 2025



ENG Calendar 2025


School of Engineering calendar for the year 2025, incorporating academic term dates, holidays, tests and exams, as well as important events – in an easy-to-view graphic format. 


To view, click HERE.


To view 2024 calendar, click HERE.


To view 2023 calendar, click HERE.

Welcome to the School of Engineering




Here’s a bite-sized factsheet with key information for parents to get a quick overview about the School of  Engineering’s academic system and programmes, with links to the important resources.

To view, click HERE.

Handbook for prospective students

Handbook for prospective students


Get a quick overview of everything you need to know about the School of Engineering from this handbook for prospective students.

To view, click HERE.


IGNITE is an online magazine that features human interest stories and celebrates student and staff achievements from Temasek Polytechnic’s School of Engineering.


Targeting all students, the magazine also features contributions by student writers on current youth trends. 


With snappier newsbite type of articles, IGNITE aims to engage, enrapture and empower students.


Issue 1 (Nov 2018) (PDF: 3MB)

Issue 2 (Feb 2021) (PDF: 3MB)

Issue 3 (Aug 2021) (PDF: 5MB)



This is our School of Engineering's official newsletter, published biannually. Get updates of the happenings.

in our School over the past 6 months, innovative new projects and technological breakthroughs, the latest education news analysis, as well as a glimpse into the life of our Engineering students -- all in this one-stop newsletter.


Diploma Brochures


These colourful 4-page brochures give you an insight into each Engineering diploma course, including its core strengths, industry prospects, career opportunities,  the core subjects you will study in each year of the course,  as well as some interesting success stories of past students of the course – all presented with insightful photos. 


Diploma courses


Common Entry Programmes

Our History

Early beginnings

Early beginnings

Temasek Polytechnic School of Engineering (then under the wing of the School of Science and Technology) came into existence in 1990. Its main office was at the Stirling Road campus and there were only seven staff members then under the Directorship of Mr Geoffrey Ng.

Towards the end of January 1991, the School moved to Grange Road Campus. The first batch of Engineering students (80 for each of the Diploma in Electronics and Diploma in Mechatronics courses) started their academic session there in July 1991.

The School of Engineering assumed an autonomous status in October 1992 and Mr Ang Keng Loo became its first Director. The second intake of Engineering students then was still pegged at 80 for each Diploma course.

May 1993 marked the birth of the third campus for Temasek Polytechnic. That was when the School of Engineering shifted to the Kim Seng Campus. The move enabled the School to increase its third intake to 240 students for the Diploma in Electronics course and 160 students for the Diploma in Mechatronics course. Since then, the School's staff and student population have grown.

Tampines Campus

Tampines Campus

When Temasek Polytechnic moved to its permanent campus in Tampines in September 1995, the School of Engineering's student population was 2,240 for the 1995/6 academic session. Today, there are more than 5,500 Engineering students and about 400 staff members.

Located just next to Bedok Reservoir, the scenic campus is surrounded by lush greenery and the relaxing environment provides students with the ideal waterfront setting for both work and play.


Courses offered

From its initial 2 diploma courses, Temasek Polytechnic School of Engineering now offers 11 full-time diploma courses and a common entry programme.

Tagline & Logo

Tagline & Logo

In 2001, the School launched its tagline "Where the Future Happens" and logo at a mass event held at Sentosa on 7 July 2001. The logo soon became a well-known symbol, synonymous with quality education.

However, in line with Temasek Polytechnic's rebranding exercise in January 2012, the Engineering School logo was subsequently replaced with a generic Temasek Polytechnic logo, to be supplemented with the name "School of Engineering."  However, the tagline "Where the Future Happens" and the key message that the School is forward-looking, technologically advanced, and provides quality education that gives its students a bright future, definitely still hold true.


Twin Engines

In 2002, Temasek Polytechnic School of Engineering launched its Twin Engines, which saw the School moving forward with renewed vigour by focusing on two key areas of emphasis: Project Development & Technical Expertise, and Teaching Excellence.

In line with this, the School established Centres of Excellence called Competency Units”(CU) to spur research & development and to develop areas of expertise so as to keep the School’s training curriculum relevant, and to maintain the use of cutting-edge technology.  In 2008, the Competency Units were re-clustered into Diploma Units” (DU) to better reflect relevant technology areas that are in line with national initiatives and emphases.


Peaks of Excellence

In 2008, the School embarked on a drive to establish and consolidate its niche areas of excellence.  These are in the fields of Aviation & Aerospace, Clean Energy, and Interactive Digital Media (IDM).



Advanced Manufacturing Niche

Advanced Manufacturing, which involves the use of innovative technologies such as robotics, automation, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing to enhance products or processes, is a major focus area in the School of  Engineering.  



In 2020, the School set up the Temasek Polytechnic Advanced Manufacturing Centre (TP-AMC), an applied and skills-based training centre for research & development, experiential learning and consultancy on campus.  AI-empowered and digitally driven, it is the place for learning about cutting-edge technologies and best practices, as well as developing innovative solutions for the industry.  Our School will spearhead the adoption and evolution of advanced manufacturing and equip our students with the relevant skill-sets, in line with the digital transformation of industries worldwide. 


Aviation & Aerospace Niche

The School has also established the infrastructure to provide the support and resources for these niche areas.  Collaborating with Lufthansa Technical Training (LTT) of Germany, the School set up the LTT Centre,  one of Singapore’s best-equipped aerospace training centres staffed by both the School’s lecturers as well as expert aerospace instructors from Germany.  The Temasek Aviation & Aerospace Centre was then established to complement the LTT Centre in supporting the Temasek Aerospace Programme (Diploma Aerospace ElectronicsDiploma in Aerospace Engineering , Diploma Aviation Management & Services) in the School of Engineering. The School of Engineering also tied up with the Singapore Youth Flying Club (SYFC) to provide suitable Aerospace and Aviation students with the opportunity to take flying lessons at SYFC’s flying school as part of their diploma course, leading to a Private Pilot’s Licence (PPL).

In 2012, following a lengthy and thorough auditing of its aerospace training programme and facilities, the School of Engineering was accredited as a SAR-147 Approved Maintenance Training Organisation (AMTO) by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) – becoming the first and only local tertiary institution to have received this accreditation. In effect, employers look up to this accreditation as it guarantees that certain standards have been met and certain modules have been covered during the course, thereby giving aerospace diploma holders from Temasek Polytechnic better recognition and job prospects upon graduation. At the same time, aerospace students get direct credits which they can use for their subsequent Aircraft Maintenance Licence (AML) professional training, thereby shortening their AML apprenticeship by 10 months (compared to aerospace diploma holders from other polytechnics).


Aerospace Training Facilities

In 2015, the 6000 m2 West Wing, housing new aerospace training facilities and equipment, including an industry-sized aircraft hanger and a Hawker 700A private jet and two full-motion flight simulators normally used to train pilots, opened for operations. This new West Wing adds a new dimension to TP’s aerospace training programme, giving aerospace students a better learning experience.

Interactive Digital Media Niche

In 2008, the School also set up the Interactive Digital Centre Asia (IDC Asia) – the first and only such Centre in Asia -- jointly with its industry partners IM Innovations and EON Reality Inc.  IDC Asia now not only supports the School’s Diploma in 3D Interactive Media Technology but also provides professional courses, support and consultancy for the industry.  The School will continue to further its expertise in IDM, in line with the Singapore government’s blueprint to turn Singapore into a global IDM hub by 2015.


Clean Energy Niche

In 2009, the School opened its Clean Energy Research Centre – the first such Centre in Singapore. The S$18 million centre houses state-of-the-art equipment to support research & development in Clean Energy technologies including fuel cells, solar power, hydro power, wind energy and biomass – the promising technologies of tomorrow.  The Clean Energy Centre now supports the School's Diploma in Clean Energy, which was launched in April 2009.


Robotics Niche

That same year, the Robotics & Automation Centre was established, providing cutting-edge research into robotic technology.  The School’s strength in robotics is demonstrated in its performance at the annual Singapore Robotic Games, where its participants return with a huge haul of medals each year.

Towards the Future

Towards the Future

Going forward, the School of Engineering will continue in its drive to become a world-class provider of Engineering education that meets the dynamic needs of the industry – by focusing on technological expertise & infrastructural support, teaching excellence & enhancing the student experience, as well as industrial collaboration & a focus on the needs of the industry.

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