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The life of a student in our campus is varied and vibrant. Sporting competitions, artistic pursuits, adventure learning programmes, team building games, student club gatherings and school camps, as well as the annual Campus Care Network (CCN) Day carnival when students and staff join forces to raise funds, are some of the many exciting activities that will pepper your life as a student.

Study trips, both local and overseas, as well as our overseas community projects, help to bring education to life for you, allowing you to learn outside the classroom.

Our high-tech equipment and facilities, up-to-date curriculum, as well as friendly and approachable lecturers, help to give you a very positive learning experience.

Located in a picturesque environment that is close to nature, the campus provides you with the ideal waterfront setting for work, play and recreation.


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As a new student, your first experience of our School will probably be at the Orientation for freshmen, held for 3 days in the week before the new semester starts.

The Orientation will help to ease you into Poly life, by introducing you to the physical facilities, programmes, and the school system, while arming you with the basic information to get you started. Course books, tool kits and other learning resources will also be distributed during these 3 days.

Fun and engaging, the Orientation will also give you opportunities for interaction and bonding with fellow freshmen as well as your seniors, through teamwork-building games, telematch sessions, mass dances, cheering practice and the grand finale on the final day – the Temasek Regatta.

Usually held at the scenic Bedok Reservoir Park next to our campus, the Regatta is a mini-olympics in which the 6 academic schools compete against one another in various dragon boat races. Thousands cheer their school mates on, as the paddles splash through the placid waters and surging boats glide over the reflective tranquility of the reservoir.

Then, after the sun sets on the final day of the Orientation, you let their hair down at a Jam & Hop at night, pepping yourself up for an energetic start to Poly life.

Director's List

The Director's List is the School of Engineering's prestigious roll of honour for the top 10% of academic achievers. It is given out each year at an award ceremony, called the "Awards for Excellence" presentation ceremony, usually held in June or July each year.

In addition to the "Director's List Award", two additional awards are also given out at the ceremony. These are: the "Competition Award" for students who had brought honour to the School by winning awards at national or international level competitions, as well as the "Most Improved Student Award" for those who have shown outstanding improvement in their academic performance over the past year, as compared to the previous year.

Students who earn any of these awards will be informed by mail and invited to attend the "Awards for Excellence" presentation ceremony. Their parents would also receive an invitation to attend the ceremony to share in their child's joy and accomplishment.


To view the Director’s List Award winners (Freshmen) 2019/20, click here.

To view the Director’s List Award winners (Junior) 2019/20, click here.

To view the Director's List Award winners for 2020/21, click here.

To view the Director's List Award winners for 2022/23, click here.


The Campus Care Network (CCN) Day carnival is a biannual event in which staff and students from academic schools and admin departments, as well as various CCA groups, set up stalls along the Level 3 concourse and around the main Horseshoe Plaza, turning the entire campus into a colourful and bustling street market.  

From the sale of bubble tea, cakes, ice cream, flowers, clothing items and handphone accessories, to the offering of services such as henna hand-painting, portrait-sketching and car-washing, the CCN Day carnival also gives students a chance to experience being an entrepreneur for a day, while fostering class camaraderie and building rapport with their respective Care Persons.

First year students, especially, are strongly encouraged to set up a stall, so as to cultivate their charitable spirit, in line with their first year LEAP (Leadership: Essential Attributes & Practice) subject curriculum which focuses on discovering one’s self-identity as well as sense of belonging to a group.


Profits from the CCN carnival go to the Polytechnic’s CCN Fund which is disbursed in the form of bursaries or short term assistance to help financially challenged students in TP.

Major Project

The Major Project (MP) is an important component of your diploma training, carried out in conjunction with your student internship programme (SIP), usually in Year 3.1. During this MP-SIP phase, you will be attached to a research unit in the school or a company in the industry (local or overseas) to carry out a project over a period of about 4 months. You will have the opportunity to apply the theories you have learnt in your diploma course to solve issues and problems faced by the industry.

In line with the effort to help you to sharpen your skill-sets and nurture your talent, our School will be enhancing our MP-SIP system and deepening our collaboration with our industry partners under a “place and train” framework whereby you can achieve skills-mastery by being attached to, and learning from, expert mentors in companies. This is part of the new “SkillsFuture” initiative launched by our government in April 2015. The objective is to ensure that you will be more industry-ready upon graduation. 

Current Engineering students may get more info about their MP-SIP placement from the student portal (Intranet).


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