
Course Overview

Digitalisation is taking over the world. By simply tapping on our smartphones, we can purchase products and have them delivered right to our doorstep. As more companies go digital, there is a strong demand for talent in the field of computer engineering, and you can be one of them!


The Diploma in Computer Engineering is where you will gain knowledge and skills in emerging fields such as the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality and smart manufacturing. With a strong understanding of the software design and application development process, you can bring your innovative ideas to life in this digital economy.


Internationally recognised industry certifications from National Instruments, UI Path, Microsoft and Unity3D will also place you in good stead in the workforce. In addition, you will get opportunities for year-long internships offered by GovTech and have the option to join a direct pathway programme leading to a university degree from SUTD!


As a professional well-versed in hardware and software skills, you will have an advantage over others who specialise in only one of these areas. Be part of the vital talent pool that supports the next phase of Singapore's economic transformation.


Get the opportunity to attain the below certification(s) throughout the course of your study:

  • National Instruments certification
  • UI Path certification
  • Microsoft and Unity3D certification
Choose the new "Sustainability in Engineering” elective cluster to equip yourself for emerging green technologies, or get more industry exposure with a year-long internship under “Structured Work-Based Learning".


To download a copy of our 4-page course brochure, click here.

Watch a 1-minute video about this Diploma:




Entry Requirements

To be eligible for consideration for admission, applicants must obtain 26 points or better for the net ELR2B2 aggregate score (i.e. English Language, 2 relevant subjects and best 2 other subjects, including CCA Bonus Points) and meet the minimum entry requirements of this course. CCA cannot be used to meet the minimum entry requirements.


English Language (EL1)*


Mathematics (E or A)


Any one of the following subjects

  • Biology
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Computing/Computer Studies
  • Design & Technology
  • Electronics/Fundamentals of Electronics
  • Physics
  • Science (Chemistry , Biology)
  • Science (Physics, Biology)
  • Science (Physics, Chemistry)
2025 Planned Intake
Net ELR2B2 aggregate range (2025 JAE)
6 - 18

Note: Applicants should not be suffering from complete colour vision deficiency, uncontrolled epilepsy, profound hearing loss or severe vision impairment.

* SPM / UEC holders must have a minimum of grade 6 for the Bahasa Inggeris (English Language) subject.

Admissions Exercises

What You'll Learn

Get a clear understanding of engineering fundamentals and discover your competencies, interests and career aspirations through lab work, industrial visits and hands-on learning opportunities, which will prepare you for your next 2 years. 

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange EEE1001 Circuit Analysis

This subject provides a good foundation in DC and AC network analysis. You will learn the basic principles of electric circuitry and how to apply circuit theorems to analyse DC and AC networks.

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icon-arrow-orange ESE1006 Computer Programming for Problem Solving

This subject covers the process of decomposing a problem into a sequence of smaller abstractions. The abstractions are implemented in software in a structured top-down approach. Software implementation includes the process of designing, writing, testing, and debugging program code.

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icon-arrow-orange EEE1003 Digital Fundamentals 1

This subject provides basic knowledge of digital electronics and circuits. Topics include number systems, operations and codes, logic gates, Boolean algebra and logic simplification, combinational logic, functional blocks, latches and flip-flops.

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icon-arrow-orange EEE1004 Digital Fundamentals 2

This subject builds upon the fundamentals of digital electronics acquired in Digital Fundamentals 1. It introduces the digital concepts of the various building blocks in a computer’s digital system. You will acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge of registers, counters, memory devices, and conversions between digital and analogue signals and integrated circuit technologies. Digital troubleshooting techniques are also explored in the laboratory work.

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icon-arrow-orange EEE1002 Electronic Devices & Circuits

This subject covers the theory and practical knowledge of electronic devices such as diodes, bipolar junction transistors, field effect transistors and their applications. It also focuses on the fundamentals of operational amplifiers and their applications, and the rudiments of circuit troubleshooting and testing.

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icon-arrow-orange EED1001 Electronic Prototyping

This subject introduces you to the use of hand tools and standard laboratory equipment for the construction and testing of electronic prototypes. You will also learn to identify basic electronic components for project work and how to use them to build electronic devices.

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icon-arrow-orange EMA1003 Engineering Mathematics 1

This subject introduces the concepts in algebra and trigonometry that are fundamental to an engineering course. Topics include expressions and equations, functions and graphs, trigonometry, complex numbers, matrices and vectors. These also constitute pre-requisite knowledge for a course in Calculus.

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icon-arrow-orange EMA1002 Engineering Mathematics 2

This subject introduces the basic concepts of calculus and statistical method to test a hypothesis. Basic concepts in calculus include limits, derivatives and integrals. Applications of the derivative and integrals in engineering will be discussed. Basic statistical method in hypothesis testing includes normal distribution, confidence interval of population mean and procedure to test hypothesis for a claim made about a population mean.

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icon-arrow-orange ESC1004 Engineering Physics

This subject covers a spectrum of fundamental physics laws and concepts applicable to the scope of engineering physics. It covers a few core areas including Mechanics, Energy, Thermal Physics, Electromagnetism, Waves & Optics and Materials. This subject provides a foundation for a further in depth study of the various engineering disciplines.

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Envision and build smart iOT systems through the power of technology. Tap on hardware such as microcontrollers, sensors and actuators, utilise software systems such as database and enterprise applications and integrate them with programming, networking and artificial intelligence.

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange ESE1009 Artificial Intelligence in Engineering

This subject will cover the key concepts of Artificial intelligence (AI), Generative AI, and foundation models to prepare engineers for a future where AI applications will be pervasive. It will include considerations for the ethical and safe use of AI, as well as the impact of AI on engineering applications through real-world case studies. It will also cover essential AI techniques and Prompt Engineering skills, providing the foundation to leverage on AI for innovative solutions in engineering domains. The subject will provide skills practice for applications of AI for data augmentation, data analysis, prototyping and simulation, problem-solving and optimisation.

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icon-arrow-orange ESE3012 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

This subject will provide you with the fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). It will cover knowledge and skills in AI techniques and tools to build intelligent learning models from real-world data, through training, testing, validation and optimisation. Through hands-on group projects, you will build AI-based applications to add intelligence to existing systems.

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icon-arrow-orange ESE1008 Data Visualisation & Analytics

This subject covers the data analytics lifecycle, including gathering, cleaning, processing and visualising of data.  Exploratory data analysis methods, descriptive and predictive analytics, and the presentation of insights, will also be covered.

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icon-arrow-orange EMA2003 Engineering Mathematics 3

This subject introduces Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE). In particular, it focuses on the formulation of engineering problems into first and second order differential equations. Some techniques in solving ODE and the applications of ODE will be discussed, including the use of Laplace Transforms and the calculation of Fourier series.

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icon-arrow-orange ESE3014 Full Stack Development

This subject will provide you with the basic knowledge of full stack application development.  Full stack (web or mobile stack) refers to the development of both the front-end and the back-end portions of an application, thereby introducing all the necessary steps from conceptualisation of the application idea to the implementation of the final product.  The subject will cover the various aspects of designing and implementing the client-end application as well as the design, implementation of a database, and the appropriate retrieval of the data, from the client application through a business logic layer.

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icon-arrow-orange ESE3013 Intelligent Automation

This subject provides the basic knowledge and hands-on digital transformation skills on rapid multi-experience application development and integration of users, tasks and systems towards enhancing productivity, human augmentation and automatic data-driven decision-making. It will cover techniques on how to leverage on data from information systems and Internet of Things (IoT) devices for agile response and productivity.

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icon-arrow-orange EMC2006 Internet of Things Project

This subject equips you with the knowledge and skills required for implementing the new paradigm in which things interact with things, people and the Internet or information systems. The subject provides knowledge, skills and design approaches in using embedded systems, sensors, actuators and appropriate data communication technologies such as sensor networks, edge and cloud computing to achieve such interaction. A systems engineering approach will be adopted, under which you will review key technologies from prior learning for the different levels of the IoT (Internet of Things) stack and figure out how these different levels could be integrated to form complete IoT systems.

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icon-arrow-orange EMC3006 Microcontroller Applications

This subject provides you with working knowledge on microcontroller architecture, the features and characteristics of the internal peripherals in the microcontroller, such as interrupts, Timer and PWM, in order to design and implement an embedded system that involves hardware and software interfacing.  The subject also covers the features of evolving microcontrollers that support Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

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icon-arrow-orange ESE2004 Object-oriented Programming

This subject equips you with a good understanding of software design and development process. Important phases of the software development process will be covered. More emphasis will be placed on object-oriented software design using UML (Unified Modelling Language), software documentation and testing methodologies in order to gear you towards a more practice-oriented industry.

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Cluster Elective Subjects

Students must choose the same Elective Cluster in both Year 2 and Year 3

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange EED3014 Advanced Skills Practices

This subject provides opportunities for you to integrate and apply your knowledge for high level competitions or projects in practical learning situations.  The project or skills training can involve substantial work related to either a high level industrial program or an end-user product, as well as advanced training to develop technical abilities to execute specific tasks competitively.  It could also involve the development, evaluation of workable designs and implementation of ideas related to an innovative product suitable for manufacturing, or an improvement to existing products or processes.  You may be required to work on software, hardware, or a combination of both hardware and software.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange EMC3005 System & Network Integration

This subject equips you with the knowledge and skills essential for integrating heterogeneous subsystems into a smart system.  The subject will adopt a systems engineering approach to examine current and emerging trends, key techniques and strategies for developing system and network integration solutions.  You will be exposed to integration challenges such as legacy integration, human-system integration and system of system integration. Commonly used industrial connectivity standards and fieldbuses, as well as relevant hardware and software interfaces suitable for such integration, will also be covered. A mini-project will provide opportunity for you to apply your prior learning on embedded systems and programming along with those acquired in this subject to solve a system integration problem.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange CCF2C02 IOT Security

This subject covers the knowledge and skills required to analyse and troubleshoot IoT vulnerabilities and threats. You will use latest technologies to perform risk assessments and recommend mitigation strategies for common security issues in IoT systems.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange EDM2010 3D Modelling for Virtual Reality

This subject covers theories and skills for 3D modelling and basic animation. You will be equipped with an understanding of the fundamentals of how 3D software tools work, and gain experience in completing a 3D modelling and animation production development cycle.  The subject uses a practice-oriented approach to equip you with the skills to develop 3D assets, create a virtual environment and enhance realism with appropriate lighting, texturing techniques and advanced render setting.

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Subject Code Subjects Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange EER2002 Renewable Energy Technologies

This subject focuses on existing and emerging energy sources and technologies, their production and consumption as well as their associated environmental impact. It introduces the need of implementing large-scale renewable energy systems as part of sustainable energy mix. Topics include the application of electrical installation standards, energy systems based on conventional sources such as fossil fuels and nuclear power, as well as renewable resources such as solar, wind, biomass, geo-thermal and hydrogen. This subject will also evaluate the applications and technologies of these energy sources and discuss their future trends.

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icon-arrow-orange EED2012 Life Cycle Analysis

This subject introduces the life cycle analysis (LCA) as a methodology to compute the inputs and outputs involved in the life cycle of a product or service that impact the environment. The tool can be applied to make decisions around critical environmental drivers, design eco-products, compare products and evaluate mitigation strategies. Topics include introduction to LCA, ISO14040, goal and scope definition, inventory analysis as well as impact analysis.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange EMI3010 Wafer Fabrication Technology

The subject gives an overview of the semiconductor industry, basic concepts of Integrated Circuit (IC), IC fabrication and wafer fabrication. Wafer fabrication process flow, conceptual mask layouts and their relevant test structures for fabricating electronic devices and IC will be covered. This subject also covers the basic concepts of process in-line monitoring and characterisation of basic devices. In addition, various processes of IC wafer fabrication, such as doping, photolithography, etching, thin film, and chemical mechanical polishing will be covered. The fundamentals of Statistical Process Control related to wafer fabrication will also be introduced.

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You are now ready to embark on your Student Internship Programme and Major Project where you will apply the knowledge and skills you have acquired.

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange EMP3002 Major Project

In this subject, you will work in teams to integrate and apply your skills and knowledge to implement your projects in a practical work-and-learn environment. Besides research, design, analytics, project management, communication and problem solving skills, the emphasis will also be on innovation, teamwork and self-learning. 

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Cluster Elective Subjects

Students must choose the same Elective Cluster in both Year 2 and Year 3

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange ECC2013 Mobile Device Applications Development

This subject covers the development of applications on mobile and wireless computing platforms. It provides an overview of Mobile Web and Mobile Applications, their importance and benefits, as well as the technologies and methodologies for their development, such as the architectures, frameworks, standards, programming languages, design process and tools.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange BLO2010 Distribution Centre Management

This subject provides an overview of the role of a Distribution Centre (DC) in the supply chain. It also covers the various activities performed within a DC and the significance of these activities on customer service and total logistics costs. It focuses on the major resources to be applied in a DC and explains how they interact with one another in contributing to the DC’s effectiveness and efficiency. It will also cover the significance of providing DC services to the Third-Party Logistics industry.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange EDM3004 Interactive Programming for Virtual Reality

This subject covers the fundamental theories and practical skills of 3D interactive design and development. It includes topics such as scripting for 3D assets with behaviour and interactivity, lighting, audio, animating 3D objects, user interfaces and deployment of the interactive applications. You will build upon the foundational skills you have acquired in 3D modelling, texturing and programming from previous semesters to create interactive and real-time applications such as Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange EER3003 Solar Photovoltaic Technology & Leasing

This subject introduces the design, installation, operation, maintenance of solar photovoltaic systems and the business model of implementing solar leasing. The topics include design, configuration, and installation of standalone and grid-tied solar photovoltaic systems, setting up of data acquisition as well as monitoring of energy performance indicators (ENPIs). Configuration of the balance of system in the grid-connected solar photovoltaic systems will also be explained in detail. In addition, a case study on commercial solar leasing will also be included as part of the learning activities.

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icon-arrow-orange EGT3001 Green Urban Transportation & Energy Storage

This subject introduces you to sustainable green urban transportation in Singapore and why energy storage devices are crucial in green urban transportation. It will cover how Singapore plans to reduce carbon emissions in the transport sector through the adoption of electric vehicles. Topics include electric vehicles and greenhouse gas emission, electric vehicle working concepts, safety in handling electric vehicles, charging of electric vehicles and energy storage.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange EED3015 Work-Based Learning

This is a guided learning subject that introduces students to industry transformation knowledge and skills in the area of Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) in the context of major technical job roles in the industries.  Students will work with their TP and company supervisors to chart out learning plan / contract and execute their individual workplace / project assignment, as well as monitor and reflect on their learning progress.  The individual learning work-place/project assignment will be supported by acquisition of crucial knowledge and skill through relevant certification courses. 

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange EER3004 Electrical Engineering Principles & Practice

Real engineering systems will be used to show how engineers use different disciplines of engineering to make things work. Through grasping engineering fundamentals, you will learn how engineering systems work and fail. You will also learn basic design, experimentation and evaluation of engineering systems.

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icon-arrow-orange EMA3003 Introductory Mathematics

At the end of the subject, you will be able to attain a level of proficiency in algebra and calculus equivalent to GCE A Level Mathematics. Major topics include: Sets, functions and graphs, polynomials and rational functions, inequalities in one variable, logarithmic and exponential functions, trigonometric functions, sequences and series, techniques of differentiation, applications of differentiation, maxima and minima, increasing and decreasing functions, curve sketching, techniques of integration, applications of integration, areas, volumes of solids of revolution, solution of first-order ordinary differential equations by separation of variables and by integrating factor, complex numbers and vectors.

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icon-arrow-orange ESC3003 Fundamentals of Physics

This subject covers two branches of fundamental physics: mechanics and electricity & magnetism. Topics included in mechanics are linear motion, circular motion, Newton’s laws of motion, work and energy, conservation of energy, linear momentum, and simple harmonic motion. Topics included in electricity & magnetism are electric force, field & potential, current & resistance, DC circuits, electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction.

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icon-arrow-orange ESE3016 Programming Methodology

This subject introduces the fundamental concepts of problem solving by computing and programming using an imperative programming language. It is the first and foremost introductory course to computing. Topics covered include computational thinking and computational problem solving, designing and specifying an algorithm, basic problem formulation and problem-solving approaches, program development, coding, testing and debugging, fundamental programming constructs (variables, types, expressions, assignments, functions, control structures, etc.), fundamental data structures (arrays, strings, composite data types), basic sorting, and recursion.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange ECD3001 Social Science: Understanding Behaviour, Culture & Society

This subject strives to cultivate an understanding of core issues, fundamental theories and philosophical stances in the social sciences, and explores the manner in which social scientists formulate questions about society that can be addressed with empirical research.

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icon-arrow-orange EMA3002 Modelling & Analysis

The main objective of this subject is to provide students firm foundations of single variable calculus so that they can apply calculus to model, solve and analyse applied math problems. It aims to motivate students on the importance of calculus through a plethora of applications in engineering, physical and biological sciences, computer science, finance, economics, probability and statistics and other topics. On top of the basic concepts, techniques and applications of two branches of calculus - differentiation and integration, students will also learn to use simple software to implement numerical methods in calculus.

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icon-arrow-orange ESC3002 Physical World

This subject provide students with the ability to understand and explain the inner mechanism of the physical world based on the principles of mechanics and thermodynamics. It aims to help students appreciate the beauty of physics and enable them to apply key concepts learnt to evaluate and address physics-based problems to make a positive impact on the world. By using concepts established through simplified mathematical models, reverse engineering case studies and experiential learning through hands-on demonstrations, connections between physics concepts and theoretical models are reinforced with practice.

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icon-arrow-orange ESE3015 Computational Thinking for Design

This subject covers programming both in the architectural design and computing contexts targeted at novice programmers. It will introduce students to programming and design computing skills that are essential for their studies. Students will learn visual programming and python programming together with design concepts, and will apply these skills in related projects.

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Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange EMI3011 Cleanroom & Vacuum Technology

This subject introduces the topics vacuum & plasma technologies as well as industry good practices of contamination control in a cleanroom work environment, complete with wafer processing and metrology equipment, deionised water system and specialty gas facilities. It also covers comprehensive vacuum systems which are configured with different vacuum pumps, pressure gauges, pressure and flow controllers and plasma systems. 

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Special Electives

Students can opt to take Special Electives when offered. These optional subjects aim to stretch the students' potential to enable them to meet their aspirations. They are taken in addition to the diploma elective cluster subjects.

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange EED3009 Special Project 1

The focus of this subject is on the application of students’ existing domain knowledge to develop a deliverable.  The subject will introduce new skills and knowledge specific to the project, as and when required.

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icon-arrow-orange EED3010 Special Project 2

This subject provides opportunities for students to apply the acquired knowledge and skills, along with their fundamental and in-depth knowledge from different subjects to designing, developing, and implementing a well-engineered project solution.

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icon-arrow-orange EED3011 Higher Engineering Skills 1

Higher Engineering Skills 1 and 2 aim to impart some special design and hands-on skills that allow you to acquire knowledge and skills that are not normally incorporated into a diploma programme. These Special Elective subjects will equip you with the skills and knowledge to participate in competitions and enable you to tackle real challenges.

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icon-arrow-orange EED3012 Higher Engineering Skills 2

Higher Engineering Skills 1 and 2 aim to impart some special design and hands-on skills that allow you to acquire knowledge and skills that are not normally incorporated into a diploma programme. These Special Elective subjects will equip you with the skills and knowledge to participate in competitions and enable you to tackle real challenges.

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icon-arrow-orange EMA3001 Higher Engineering Mathematics

The subject introduces mathematical concepts and techniques used in advanced engineering courses. You will learn topics in calculus such as limits and continuity, infinite series, improper integrals, multiple integrals, higher order differential equations, 2D and 3D analytic geometry, and partial differentiation.

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You will also take this set of subjects that equips you with the crucial 21st-Century life skills you need to navigate the modern world as an agile, forward-thinking individual and team player.

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange ESI3003 Student Internship Programme

This structured programme is designed to link your learning with the real work environment. You will be placed in organisation(s) with opportunities to apply the concepts and skills acquired in the course of your study. Besides reinforcing technical concepts and mastering of skills in areas that you have been trained, the practical training will enable you to build important skills such as problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and to cultivate good attitude and a strong work ethic.

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icon-arrow-orange ETX1001 Effective Communication

This subject introduces the fundamentals of effective communication. It also covers how to communicate with and convince an audience through writing and speaking tasks. The skills in this subject will include the application of strategies for communication, appropriate vocabulary, language features, visual aids, tone and style. The Message, Audience, Purpose and Strategy (MAPS) framework will also be applied when planning and engaging in written and verbal communication.​ There will be opportunities to communicate and collaborate through active learning activities, apply digital and information literacy skills and build competence through self-directed learning.

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icon-arrow-orange ETX1002 Professional Communication

This subject covers professional communication skills for the workplace and employability skills in the areas of career preparation. It covers communication and interpersonal skills, including effective virtual communication etiquette, and conducting oneself professionally in the workplace. In addition, essential career preparation skills such as resume writing and interview skills, needed to seek and secure work would be included. The Message, Audience, Purpose and Strategy (MAPS) framework would also be applied when engaging in written and verbal communication. There will be opportunities to communicate and collaborate through active learning activities, apply digital and information literacy skills and build competence through self-directed learning.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1301 Current Issues & Critical Thinking

This subject covers current issues, including diverse local and global concerns, that will impact lives and may have critical implications for Singapore. There will be opportunities to build competence through self-directed learning, communicate and collaborate in active discussions and objectively analyse issues using digital and information literacy skills and critical thinking scaffolds.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1201 Career Readiness

This subject focuses on personal management skills. It develops an understanding of one’s career interests, values, personality and skills for career success. It covers the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to succeed in the workplace and achieve professional goals. There will be exposure to apply digital and information literacy skills, build competence through self-directed learning methods, and acquire the skills of being a lifelong learner.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1202 Career Management

This subject focuses on career management skills. It covers the importance of workplace readiness skills to adapt and respond to the changing job market environment. Career ownership and continuous learning for lifelong employability will be emphasised. There will be exposure to apply digital and information literacy skills, build competence through self-directed learning, and acquire the skills of being a lifelong learner.

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icon-arrow-orange TGS1002 Global Studies

This subject provides essential skills and knowledge to prepare students for an overseas experience. They will examine the elements of culture and learn the key principles of cross-cultural communication. In addition, they will gain an appreciation and awareness of the political, economic, technological and social landscape to function effectively in a global environment. The subject prepares students to be responsible global citizens and leaders who can contribute to the global community through effective communication and collaboration.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1302 Guided Learning*

The subject introduces students to the concepts and process of self-directed learning in a chosen area of inquiry. The process focusses on four stages: planning, performing, monitoring and reflecting. Students get to plan their individual learning project, refine and execute the learning plan, as well as monitor and reflect on their learning progress and project. The learning will be captured and showcased through a curated portfolio. The self-directed learning project will broaden and/or deepen a student’s knowledge and skills. Students will enhance their problem solving and digital literacy skills through this subject.

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icon-arrow-orange INV1001 Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The subject is designed for learners from all disciplines to embrace innovation in either their specialised field or beyond.  Learners will be taught to apply the Design Thinking framework to develop problem statements, ideate and identify feasible solutions. Learners will be exposed to several tools for prototyping. In addition, commercial awareness will be imbued in learners through various innovation and entrepreneurship concepts or tools. This subject also prepares students to be self-directed lifelong learners who are digital and information literate. It nurtures communicative and collaborative citizens who can use objective analysis in problem-solving.


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icon-arrow-orange GTP1101 Leadership Fundamentals

This subject focuses on self-leadership based on the values of integrity, respect, and responsibility. Increasing awareness of self and others will lay the foundations for personal and relationship effectiveness. Consequential thinking, clear articulation of personal values and visions, emphatic listening, and collaboration in serving others are some of the essential skills covered in this leadership journey. There will be opportunities to build and to apply the concepts of being a values-centred leader.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1102 Leadership in Action

This subject focuses on Service Learning as an experiential platform to apply the tenets of Self and Team Leadership. Service Learning will be the capstone project for this subject, which will require an analysis of the diverse needs of the community, collaboration with community partners and demonstration of learning, including key elements of empathy. There will be opportunities to build and to apply the concepts of being a values-centred leader.

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icon-arrow-orange LSW1002 Sports & Wellness

This subject reinforces the fundamental knowledge learnt on health, fitness, exercise and sports. Hands-in time will be allocated for a greater variety of fitness exercises and sports skills in a recreation setting. In addition, theoretical knowledge such as sports safety and risk management when participating in physical activities will be introduced. Guidance will be provided for improvement of physical fitness, acquiring of sports skills and relating theoretical knowledge to the physical activities.

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icon-arrow-orange TGS1001 Sustainability & Climate Action*

This subject prepares students to be responsible global citizens and future leaders who can contribute to the global community.  It introduces the topics of sustainability and explores how human societies can act to build a sustainable future. This subject focuses on the impact of climate change, potential solutions to climate change, and the future of the green economy from global and local perspectives.

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* Students must choose to take either Sustainability & Climate Action or Guided Learning.

Graduation Requirements
Cumulative Grade Point Average
min of 1.0
TP Fundamentals Subjects
40 credit units
Diploma Core Subjects
81 credit units
Diploma Cluster Elective Subjects
min 8 credit units
Total Credit Units Completed
129 credit units

Career Prospects

Today, as Operational Technology (OT) such as machines and transportation facilities converge with Information Technology (IT) such as computers and smart devices, to become smart systems, the OT-IT integration skills which this diploma gives you, will be in extremely great demand.

Upon graduation, you can look forward to careers as:

Course Review

CEN Zaki

“This course has taught me to integrate hardware and software engineering and apply critical thinking skills to solve real-world problems with solutions utilising IoT and Machine Learning AI, preparing me for today’s digital economy.  I am eagerly looking forward to future technological advancements!”


Muhammad Zaki B Zulkhairi
Year 3 student (2021)

CEN Midhun

“The core modules in this diploma, such as ASP.NET web development, android application development and programming in java, python and C#, as well as my final year Major Project involving artificial intelligence, have given me a strong foundation which really helps me in my job today.” 


Midhun Udayakumar (2020)
System Engineering Assistant
Micron Semiconductor Asia Pte Ltd

CEN Zwee

“My diploma course, encompassing a combination of hardware and software knowledge, gave me the skill-sets needed for my current business in designing new digital solutions; the problem-based approach has also helped me in making everyday decisions as an entrepreneur.”


Wee Zi Huan (2004)
CEO & Founder
Savant Degrees Ptd Ltd /
Eunoia Pte Ltd

Course Fees

PET Course Fee


The table below shows the total subsidised fees (inclusive of GST) payable. 

(Aged below 40 in the year 2024) 



There are 2 semesters in each Academic YEAR (AY). The billing periods for AY 2024/2025 are:
Semester 1:  15 April 2024 – 13 October 2024 
Semester 2:  14 October 2024 – 20 April 2025

Fees are billed and payable by semester. They are usually payable in June for Semester 1 and December for Semester 2.


View course fees for other intakes, subsidies, grants, bursary and awards at the Fees & Financial matters section. 

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