
Our Achievements

WorldSkills Singapore


Computer Engineering have done consistently well in the prestigious WorldSkills (WSS) competition over the years, testifying to their high technical competence. 


In 2023, they took home one Bronze award and a Medallion for Excellence in the Mobile Robotics category, in March 2023.


Sasikumar Rohith (Bronze) & Ryan Chong Jay Chin (Medallion for Excellence)


Achievement - WorldSkills


Achievement - SG Grand Energy Challenge
Singapore Grand Energy Challenge


Computer Engineering students won a Gold and a Silver award in the competition, in which contestants were given the challenge of developing a system to enhance energy management in power distribution grids that distribute electricity to households and industries. 


The competition, held in conjunction with the annual Singapore International Energy Week on 27 Oct 2023, was organised by the Energy Market Authority.  


Leck Jing Ping Jesmond, Yoong Wai Kit, Rajaram Sushmiithaa & Lim Qi Zhen


Lee Hsien Loong IDM Smart Nation Award


Computer Engineering students won the Lee Hsien Loong Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Smart Nation Award 2024, with their project, the “Rehabilitation Support Exerciser”.


The LHL IDM Smart Nation award, organised by the Prime Minister’s Office, recognises IDM projects by polytechnic students that fulfil the Smart Nation vision of harnessing technology to improve the lives of citizens.


Tay Weh Hanh, Koh Yau Yang Bryan, How Jia Jun Wilson

Achievement - IDM Smart Nation Award

