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Course Overview

Are you excited and curious about new technologies? Do you have a desire to apply technology to enrich the lives of those around you? Do you want a career in emerging fields such as analytics, artificial intelligence, big data, cybersecurity, financial technologies or immersive media? 


The Common ICT Programme enables you to explore and learn more about the various IT fields before deciding on which course to pursue!


In this one-year programme, you will learn the fundamentals of Information Technology such as coding and computational thinking, data analytics, cybersecurity fundamentals and user experience design.


You will then be able to choose one of the following diploma courses to undertake for the next two years of your study:


[T69] Applied Artificial Intelligence

[T60] Big Data & Analytics

[T62] Cybersecurity & Digital Forensics

[T58] Immersive Media & Game Development

[T30] Information Technology


Take a byte of the different slices of the IT pie in the Common ICT Programme!


AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification

Many companies are now placing their information on the cloud, as well as creating applications and services on the cloud. Due to cloud computing, we are seeing a big shift from the traditional way businesses think about IT resources. Cloud Computing professionals are in high demand in the IT industry. The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner offers a foundational understanding of AWS Cloud concepts, services, and terminology.


The School of Informatics & IT curriculum prepares students to acquire the AWS certified cloud practitioner qualification. Industry-recognised certificates give students and prospective employers an added confidence about the cloud proficiency of graduates.


Supported by:




Entry Requirements

To be eligible for consideration for admission, applicants must obtain 26 points or better for the net ELR2B2 aggregate score (i.e. English Language, 2 relevant subjects and best 2 other subjects, including CCA Bonus Points) and meet the minimum entry requirements of this course. CCA cannot be used to meet the minimum entry requirements.


English Language (EL1)*


Mathematics (E or A)


Any one of the subject in the 2nd group of relevant subjects for ELR2B2-C Aggregate Type

  • Biology
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Computing / Computer Studies
  • Creative 3D Animation
  • Design & Technology
  • Food & Nutrition/ Nutrition & Food Science
  • Electronics / Fundamentals of Electronics
  • Exercise & Sports Science
  • Physics
  • Science (Chemistry, Biology)
  • Science (Physics, Biology)
  • Science (Physics, Chemistry)
2025 Planned Intake
Net ELR2B2 aggregate range (2025 JAE)
9 - 18

* Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)/ Unified Examination Chinese (UEC) holders must have a minimum of grade 6 for the relevant English Language subject (e.g. Bahasa Inggeris).

Admissions Exercises

What You'll Learn

Learn to develop your own mobile and web applications with the coding and user interface skills you acquire. Also, learn the fundamentals of networking, and discover how to create your own analytics dashboard.

Note: Your learning journey and experiences in Year 2 and 3, as well as future career opportunities will depend on the diploma course you choose to be streamed into.

Diploma Subjects - Core Subjects

In Year 1 all students will go through a common curriculum which comprises the following subjects:

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange CIT1C21 Application Development Project

This subject will introduce the skills required to develop a web application using the latest technologies. Project design, development and deployment will also be covered.

4 icon-arrow-orange
icon-arrow-orange CIT1C18 Computational Thinking

This subject introduces students to the fundamentals of computational thinking and their application in developing programming solutions for problems. Topics covered include programming concepts, simple data structures and programming techniques.

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icon-arrow-orange CCF1C03 Cybersecurity Fundamentals

This subject will introduce the principles of cybersecurity and their application in real world scenarios. It also covers what is required to protect and defend digital systems and applications in cyber space. Common types of cyber risks, threats and attacks, as well as the applicable controls will also be discussed.

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icon-arrow-orange CIA1C11 Data Visualisation and Analytics

This subject covers the data analytics lifecycle, including gathering, cleaning, processing and visualising of data. Exploratory data analysis methods, descriptive and predictive analytics and the presentation of insights will also be covered.

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icon-arrow-orange CIA1C06 Database Application Development

This subject introduces the fundamental concepts of relational database systems, the design methods specific to relational database, database manipulation using a database query language, and the techniques of implementing relational databases. It will also cover implementation of simple applications to access relational database.

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icon-arrow-orange CIT1C14 Data Structures and Algorithms

This subject introduces students to the fundamentals of recursion and data structures in solving problems using a programming language. Topics covered include stacks, queues, linked lists and trees. Searching techniques and sorting algorithms will also be covered.

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icon-arrow-orange CIA1C07 Logic and Mathematics

This subject covers logic, sets, functions, recursion and graphs. It covers mathematical processes for developing algorithms in computing and other real-life applications. Topics covered include the fundamental mathematical concepts needed for computing.

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icon-arrow-orange CCF1C04 Network and Cloud Technology

This subject covers the theoretical and practical aspects of network and cloud technology. Topics covered include how data is transmitted within an organisation and via the internet, as well as cloud computing technologies, its benefits, organisation, cloud usage, and risks.

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icon-arrow-orange CIT1C19 User Experience and Interface Design

This subject introduces the concept of Human-Centered Design, and its practice to create useful digital products and interfaces that offer an enriching user experience (UX). The topics covered include designing interfaces, need findings, sketching and prototyping for interactive experiences, and usability testing.

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At the end of Year 1, you will choose your diploma course and be streamed into Year 2. 

You will also take this set of subjects that equips you with the crucial 21st-Century life skills you need to navigate the modern world as an agile, forward-thinking individual and team player.

Subject Code Subject Credit Units
icon-arrow-orange GTP1201 Career Readiness

This subject focuses on personal management skills. It develops an understanding of one’s career interests, values, personality and skills for career success. It covers the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to succeed in the workplace and achieve professional goals. There will be exposure to apply digital and information literacy skills, build competence through self-directed learning methods, and acquire the skills of being a lifelong learner.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1301 Current Issues & Critical Thinking

This subject covers current issues, including diverse local and global concerns, that will impact lives and may have critical implications for Singapore. There will be opportunities to build competence through self-directed learning, communicate and collaborate in active discussions and objectively analyse issues using digital and information literacy skills and critical thinking scaffolds.

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icon-arrow-orange GTP1101 Leadership Fundamentals

This subject focuses on self-leadership based on the values of integrity, respect, and responsibility. Increasing awareness of self and others will lay the foundations for personal and relationship effectiveness. Consequential thinking, clear articulation of personal values and visions, emphatic listening, and collaboration in serving others are some of the essential skills covered in this leadership journey. There will be opportunities to build and to apply the concepts of being a values-centred leader.

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icon-arrow-orange LSW1002 Sports & Wellness

This subject reinforces the fundamental knowledge learnt on health, fitness, exercise and sports. Hands-in time will be allocated for a greater variety of fitness exercises and sports skills in a recreation setting. In addition, theoretical knowledge such as sports safety and risk management when participating in physical activities will be introduced. Guidance will be provided for improvement of physical fitness, acquiring of sports skills and relating theoretical knowledge to the physical activities.

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Graduation Requirements


All students who enrol through this common programme will graduate with the same diploma as those who had joined a particular diploma right from Year 1. They will be subject to the graduation requirements of the respective diplomas into which they are streamed. 

Please refer to the respective diploma websites below: 


Course Review

Course Fees

PET Course Fee


The table below shows the total subsidised fees (inclusive of GST) payable. 

(Aged below 40 in the year 2024) 



There are 2 semesters in each Academic YEAR (AY). The billing periods for AY 2024/2025 are:
Semester 1:  15 April 2024 – 13 October 2024 
Semester 2:  14 October 2024 – 20 April 2025

Fees are billed and payable by semester. They are usually payable in June for Semester 1 and December for Semester 2.


View course fees for other intakes, subsidies, grants, bursary and awards at the Fees & Financial matters section. 

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